Author Thread: can we be friends?

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can we be friends?
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 02:31 PM

I have TONS of gay/lesbeen friends.

I know the bible says homosexuality is a sin, however my gay friends are Very, very dear to me.

They have shared their food with me, when I had none, helped watch over my daughter when I was working odd hours, and when my daughter was attacked and almost raped by a boy she had been dating, my gay friends went after the attacker, and comforted my daughter.

We talk often about the Lord, and about my being a Christian, and I always tell them God loves Them, if not their sin.

Yet some (so called) Christian wonder how I could possibly be friends with such "sinners"

Is it okay for me to have gay friends?

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can we be friends?
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 03:38 PM

You ask people's opinions, but you've already decided for yourself.

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can we be friends?
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 03:51 PM

Ask your so called Christian friends who Jesus hung out with.

The fact is, homosexuals need Jesus as their savior, just like the rest of the World. If we treat as non-human, what is that saying? Yes, let them know you do not agree with homosexuality, but don't treat them as a non-human.

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can we be friends?
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 07:24 PM

Jesus ministered to prostitutes, adulterers, tax collectors (lol), and other people who were shunned by the religious community. He did not condone their sin, but He loved them anyway. He showed them their sin, showed them how to turn from their sin, and they became His followers.

You have a duty to witness to these friends. It probably isn't wise to spend an extraordinary amount of time with them, though; Christians should fellowship with other Christians. But all people are in need of a Savior, and what does it matter if they are gay/lesbian, or if they are dishonest, or if they are murderers, etc. I think the biggest danger with having these people as friends is that they might attempt to draw you into their lifestyle. You must guard your heart and mind constantly.

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can we be friends?
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 10:19 PM

Debby, you said you have TONS of gay; lesbian friends. Do you also have TONS of Christian friends? I would have to agree with pianogirl and say if you aren't sharing Jesus and witnessing to them regularly, too much time spent in a worldly sense could result in your walk with Christ being hindered. I would not hesitate to help, love or minister to a homosexual; but being best buds with them? Personally I don't think it's a good idea. What fellowship hath light with darkness? Yes Jesus was a friend to publicans and sinners. He came to draw sinners to repentance not the righteous. You stay rooted and grounded in God's Word. And be sure to have LOTS of fellowship with other Believers.

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can we be friends?
Posted : 13 Apr, 2011 03:17 PM

It's not been made public but recently somebody at our church has come out as homosexual and this made me (and probably one or two others who know) really seek the Lord on this issue because I know what the bible teaches and I know how Jesus loved sinners regardless.

I suppose the real question isn't whether you can call them friends, but whether Jesus can call you 'friend'...

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can we be friends?
Posted : 13 Apr, 2011 11:39 PM

Well, we must remember that fellowship is among believers only. Should we love everyone? Yes, but we do not interact with them in the same way as we interact with fellow believers. Also, we must be wise stewards of our time and remember that we are to be about the Lord's business. If you've witnessed to them and they remain unrepentant, then I would limit my contact. I think that we should be very purposeful about our friendships, and that those friendships should serve a purpose. If it's merely about having fun together, you've exhausted yourself in attempting to convert them, and there is no spiritual edification in the friendships, then you must ask yourself what the purpose of the friendships are and whether that purpose is in line with God's will. The book of Proverbs has many good verses on this topic; it would be well-worth the read.

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can we be friends?
Posted : 18 Apr, 2011 12:39 AM

Love that question, dkj255, "Can Jesus call you friend"?

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can we be friends?
Posted : 18 Apr, 2011 09:02 AM

Is not homophobia a sin?

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can we be friends?
Posted : 18 Apr, 2011 09:57 AM

Depends on your definition of homophobic.

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can we be friends?
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 09:12 AM

great discussion people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the problem is some times I get nothing but condemnation from the people I know as "Christians" It is sad that some times one can feel more love from people in the world!

I did, however join a church and the people there are very joyful, and compationate, so I know am making some Christian friends.

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