Author Thread: Burning the Koran

Burning the Koran
Posted : 1 Apr, 2011 08:37 PM

What do you feel about the Pastor who burnt the Koran? Do you think he was right for what he did, or do you think he went to far?

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 1 Apr, 2011 09:07 PM

I personally think it would have been more productive if that pastor would have actually taken the time and effort to READ that Koran and understand what the book actually says and then ENGAGE in a discussion with a Muslim person and show that you know what the Koran says because you have read it and then explain how the Bible and Christ is the better (and only) way.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 2 Apr, 2011 11:55 AM


Allow me to ask a question, : In this country flags are burnt, Bibles are burnt, what makes the Qur'an so special?

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 2 Apr, 2011 12:30 PM

Sparrows, I'm just asking what others think. Right now I have formed no opinion, because I don't really know what to think. On the one hand I applaud the pastor for a taking a stand, but on the other hand, I wonder if this is what God wants us to do.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 2 Apr, 2011 07:49 PM

IMVHO, burning what the Muslims consider to e holy does nothing to advance the Gospel and everything to create more problems. We are called to live at peace with all men.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 3 Apr, 2011 10:36 AM

Won't help unless every single one is burnt and those who've memorised sections been brainwashed (I mean, again).

Seriously though, it's not just burning their holy book, but almost anything they consider against Islam will have the same reactions:

1) "Insult" their 'prophet' (e.g. Danish cartoons)

2) Disrespect their holy book (supposed to be the highest book on a bookshelf)

3) Criticise any facet of Islam, such as women's rights

Was he right to burn the Qur'an? No, I don't believe so; but are they right in their actions either???

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 4 Apr, 2011 01:20 PM

A MAN CAME TO MY CHURCH MANY YEARS AGO.HE WAS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST. he preached to Muslims. he has won some over to Christ. We are called to win them over, not insult them. Minister one on one with them,ok. i hope this answers your question my friend. Dennis

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 4 Apr, 2011 04:29 PM

What do you feel about the Pastor who burnt the Koran? Do you think he was right for what he did, or do you think he went to far?

I feel he did nothiong evil like some try to say.He is cetainly not responsible for the acts of others. Dont think he went to far he only burnt a book. This religion is satan and if by burining this book he stopped someone from being brainwashed by that book or worshiping someone other then jesus christ then what do you say.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 5 Apr, 2011 07:11 AM

Question Tony P?

is that what Jesus would do?

i am not accussing but asking.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 5 Apr, 2011 07:41 AM

could write a long and very detailed answer however will just say not sure what jesus would do about a book that goes against christianity.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 5 Apr, 2011 08:25 AM

No. The man is a pathetic misrepresentation of the nature of Jesus and ought to be thrown out of the church for being such an idiot if nothing else. He is no different than the morons that condemn sinners in what is believed to be street evangelism. Once again the insanity of religion prevails over the love of Jesus.


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