Author Thread: is it wrong?

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is it wrong?
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 04:28 PM

thanks Cobbler for giving me the idea?

Cobbler asks jokingly if it wrong for cats to uses catnip.

on a more serious note, is it wrong for a Christian to drink alcohol?:Mug:

For instance: I love my dad to pieces! but we've had a stormy relationship. I am trying hard to understand him; he's an ex Marrine, and was abused as a child.

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is it wrong?
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 04:35 PM

Iwasn't finished!!!!!!!!

anyway, he's a Marrine!

and when he gets upset, HE YELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My car broke down yesterday. My dad fixed it, but with a lot of YELLLING!

when I got home, I had a several glasses of wine, BIG glasses!

I also prayed

car is fixed, daddy appologized.

am I wrong?

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is it wrong?
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 05:23 PM

I don't think it's wrong to drink achohol in moderation. The Bible doesn't condemn achohol all together, just drunkeness.

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is it wrong?
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 06:17 PM

I don't really think turning to alcohol to calm anxieties is the best practice, but as far as to say if you are 'wrong'...that's between you and God. Maybe He laid it on your heart to ask this question for a reason? :) He is an Awesome God!

Also, we must deal with many trials in our lives and those coming from our parents are sometimes the hardest. We must just love them the way they are and pray.

Please thank your father for me; for serving our country. Also, I'd like to thank you and your family for allowing him to do it (including putting up with the, sometimes not so great, side effects)

God Bless You and Your Family,


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is it wrong?
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 06:24 PM

I agree with BEG: "I don't really think turning to alcohol to calm anxieties is the best practice, but as far as to say if you are 'wrong'...that's between you and God. "

I don't drink at all. For several reasons. But at the top of the list is..... it has been a witness to people I know. People I know, that are not Christian but know that I am, are impressed that I do not drink. Especially those that knew me before I became a Christian. That is my #1 reason -- it is a stumbling block to people and spoils my witness if I ever did drink. Something to consider.

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is it wrong?
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 07:29 PM

It's not so much wrong, but is it wise for you to drink?

Three questions you should answer in concerns to alchohol.

1. Are you addicted or easily able to become addicted?

2. Will it cause someone to stumble in their relationship with Christ?

3. Are you planning on getting drunk?

If the answer is no to any of these questions, then there should be no problems with you drinking. If yes to any of these questions, then you should probably not drink.

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is it wrong?
Posted : 7 Mar, 2011 10:46 AM

T, you are very, very, sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all of you gave me "deep thoughts to think"

NOTICE: all responding were the ladies, Men, how'bout Your thoughts?

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is it wrong?
Posted : 7 Mar, 2011 11:03 AM

funny PS. to story:

when car was fixed, I drove it to Wal-mart for anti-freeze.

driving home, it started to knock, smoke, ping and make most terrible noises.

my daughter called my dad on cell phone. I was too busy, slumped over steering wheel, going BUP,BUP!

He came, fussing, and cussing!

While I was Buping, and Dad was cussing, here comes my son down main street, stoping beside us.

Son looks under car hood, removes air filter, removes tube of automotive glue, Dad left on top of filter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

car runs great!

I get to "let Dad have it" for his dumb mistake!!!!!!!


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is it wrong?
Posted : 9 Mar, 2011 05:36 AM

I think there are safer things to be drinking for calories and taste. And as for a "feel good" tool, I also think there are safer things to be doing.

" 'Everything is permissible' -- but not everything is beneficial. 'Everything is permissible' -- but not everything is constructive." 1 Corinth. 10:23

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is it wrong?
Posted : 9 Mar, 2011 08:45 AM

IF drinking alcohol is going to lead you to get drunk then it would be wrong. We can drink alcohol just not get drunk. If this is a temptation to get drunk then dont do it.

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is it wrong?
Posted : 24 Mar, 2011 02:30 PM

Jesus had no problem drinking wine - it features in several religious observances of the Jews. Heck, He even commanded that we "do this in rememberance of me"at communion!

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