Author Thread: what do u think about plastic surgery?

what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 04:32 AM

I personally think its wrong. We r born the way we r beautiful made by God, and then people go and think that a random doctor can do a better job than God? Im sick of the media always portraiting barbie dolls, like why couldnt the series Gossip Girl hire Blake Lively BEFORE she had a nose job? Back when she actually had a cool nose and not just a barbie nose? It would have been so much cooler for teenagers to watch that series and look upto the girl who had an eagle nose and think that she was pretty. That way they could think that being unique was actually accepted.

Also being under the knife is dangerous and u can die from it. So deciding to have an unneccessary operation that u dont need to have and getting killed by it, isnt that exactly like suicide?

Of course its different if uv been in an accident and I can totally understand why people want to reconstruct their looks to what they used to look like before the accident so that they dont lose their identity.

What do u all think?

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 07:20 AM

I absolutely agree with you ,rose. I don't think a Christian having a procedure to alter the way God made them is right on any level. There's a BIG difference between a necessary operation(car wreck survivors, burn victims,etc.) and simply opting to change the way God made you because you don't like it. If all the money spent by women for nose jobs,bigger busts, face lifts that make them look like cats,had been given to food banks or similiar organizations, there would be many less children in this world who are going to bed hungry!

That's my opinion on the subject.


p.s. I know men do it too but I think not as much as women.

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 03:45 PM

I have nothing to say here.I think that this has come up before.

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 06:16 PM

A45 year old lady was told by her minister she would live to be 100 at least. The next day she had a nose job, face lift, tummy tuck, butt lift, B implants, got new teeth, dyed her hair,etc.

A week later she was run

over by a bus and as she entered heaven she began asking why am I here so soon; I thought I had lots of time left on earth.

OOPS! said God-- I didn't recognize you!


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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 07:17 PM

I thought about having a breast reduction... Then my mom had to have a mastectomy for cancer and I got to see the drain tubes they have to yank out of you... Needless to say that sufficiently ended my desire to get a reduction... I'll keep spending 80 bucks a pop on bras and only grumble a lil about the cost.

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 07:25 PM

Nah, God made me exactly how He intended to make me and He doesn't make mistakes so who am I? =)

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 5 Feb, 2011 03:06 PM

The point here is not how awful and vain plastic surgery is. It is a question of the heart of man. The same vanity or access that may motivate someone to get plastic surgery is the same that causes any of us to feel entitled or insecure enough to spend and splurge on our own excess.

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 5 Feb, 2011 06:06 PM

My dad was a plastic surgical technician. While there alot of procedures that are done to "enhance" a persoins appearance there are many more procedures done that restore the appearance of a person. These procedures are generally much more common that we think. Noses and ears are "created" for people who have lost them in accidents, other facial parts are recreated or restored. I remember seeing the array of ears, parts of ears and noses that were in my dad's office.

My daughter in law had a breast reduction because she was having so much pain in her upper back. I think there are many very legitimate reasons for plastic surgery and it is usually ok. As for procedures done for reasons of vanity, I agree that this is a reflection of the nature of mankind and the desire to find satisfaction in something other than God.


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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 5 Feb, 2011 07:32 PM

I have two friends, one who's had augmentation and one who plans to. These poor ladies have to use silicon inserts to fill an A cup. When they raise their hands above their head? Flat as the proverbial board. Not only does (did, in the one case) this make them feel unbelievably unfeminine and undesirable (thereby inhibiting the sexual nature of their marriages), they really had a devil of a time getting clothes to fit in any sort of reasonable way.

So the one has had the surgery - and is now a happy B-Cup. Vain? Perhaps, but I am happy for her. She feels much better about herself and her life - and her marriage. Her husband concurs. And to me, that's what matters.

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 5 Feb, 2011 07:34 PM

And as far as the reconstruction after an accident goes, who's to say God didn't give them that new, scarred face for a reason? That argument fails to hold water in my book. God made that person that way, too.

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 5 Feb, 2011 09:10 PM

If one can afford it, if it will make one happy, why not? I believe my God is a God of beauty and put in everyone of us that appreciation of what is beautiful. The knowledge of reconstruction is from God, the natural process of healing is from God. Can I fault a harelip if he wants surgery to change his appearance? He is born that way he has to die that way too? Thanks to surgery he can look better and I believe a lot of us will contribute if he asks even offer if he doesn�t. I believe it is wrong when one is already endowed with pleasing personality and still want to risk unnecessary operation. Then it is pride wanting to be the most beautiful/handsome tho artificial.

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