Author Thread: Use of the word hero

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 21 Jan, 2011 04:50 PM

Do people (in general) overuse the word hero? I've seen sports athletes/politicians/military personnel/celebrities/etc called heroes. Really none of those people are heroes. Only Jesus can truly be considered a hero. I feel that to refer to those other folks as heroes takes away from what Jesus did.

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 21 Jan, 2011 05:00 PM

All those with the Title Hero...are All men an some of the Secular World...

King David was a Valant Hero....slaying Golieth in his youth & Ruleing Israel...Loved by GOD...

Jesus is our Saviour...GOD is our Hero...for sending His Son...Thank you Father...& Praise & Glory to you Jesus...xo

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 21 Jan, 2011 06:22 PM

Think about how may people in our modern world go from hero to zero overnight! Like Tiger Woods for recent example. Our modern day heros (zeros) are not even in the same zip code as Jesus. Except maybe Mother Teresa, but then again that was Jesus working through her. She died on the same day as Princess Diana and who got all the media coverage? Hmmmm......

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 21 Jan, 2011 07:22 PM

Hero: Somebody doing the right thing even though scared....courage....doing what nees done and setting a Godly, proper, upright standard. I believe there are heroes outside of the Bible, even though in a different category.

Military: Those who help the flag up at Fort McHenry(Look up the story of The Star Spangled Banner by The Wallbuilders)

Politics: Standing up for what is morally right even though it may cost you your re-election.

Those followers of Christ who give up their lives...which still happens today.

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 04:29 AM

A hero is someone who makes the right decision in times of peril; to single out someone as commendable in a certain manner does no insult to our Lord. Do you think this leads to idolatry?

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 01:29 PM

Silver, it only leads to idolatry if we practice hero worship, which too many people do.

A hero is someone who humbles themselves and puts the needs of others first.

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 22 Jan, 2011 04:06 PM

I agree with Kat on that... Too many people focus their adoration upon broken people (sports players, movie stars, etcetera) in an over the top manner that turns to idol worship.

However, it is possible to honor a commendable person for their actions without it leading to the extremes. Unfortunately those people who truly are commendable are often overlooked and if society does notice, it is a brief blurp on the media radar and is quickly replaced by the next "big" thing in our over-sensationalized society of people who are always looking for the next great thing that in order to fascinate us must exceed the greatness of the previous things lest it be deemed as "yesterday's news".

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 23 Jan, 2011 10:30 PM

King Kong is my hero.


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Use of the word hero
Posted : 24 Jan, 2011 07:42 AM

That's cause your a monkey.

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 24 Jan, 2011 01:38 PM

I don't think heaven's hero's are known or recognized too much by this world and that is good, really. The rewards are from God..not man.

But, I think it is good to honor a good man or woman for good deeds without exalting them as idols. :glow:

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 24 Jan, 2011 01:49 PM

first of all chevy you are now my hero.You were so brave to put your real picture up.That took courage. Why did you want us all to think you were human?

Seriously, a hero has changed from yesterday to the present.

At one time people like George Washington were heros for defending freedom and Godly views.

Now drunken drugged sports stars and rock stars are heros.

What is wrong with this picture.Maybe moral decay.

Should we call heros for what they really are?????

those who stand up for the moral things.


PS.way to go Chevy or is it Chetah---------> tarzan's monkey.

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