Author Thread: Christians x Improper Language

Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 12:33 PM

I was wondering, if the use of word HOT is fine for Christians to say, specially when you chatting with a Christian guy for the first time?

Just feels awkward to hear that when you talking about Lord and when in the middle of a conversation, they come out with " you are very beautiful and very HOT"!


So I feel a bit disappointed for the sexual connotation.

Nothing wrong being hot, but sometimes I think is improper word to say...somehow I get that impression.

English is not my first language, so I'd like to know what you guys think about this? Please vent me here lol

Thanks:) God bless you all!!

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 01:48 PM

Yes, I to understand what your are saying and agree to some extent. However the unavoidable the truth of the matter is words mean different things to different people.

On a related note: I think many people would be surprised at the words in the Bible if they read it in hebrew and greek!

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 04:23 PM

Thanks for replying I appreciate that...But what do you think about Christian using this word? Is it ok ? English is it ok to say ?

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 06:26 PM

To tell a woman she is hot in a first conversation is over the top. I see it a s something of a sexual advance too. It's also a clue that you may be talking with someone with little imagination or a limited vocabulary or both. Even if I thought a girl was hot I wouldn't tell her but I might compliment her smile or her eyes, something like that and I generally stick to information about her in a first conversation and stay away from anything too personal unless she brings it up. I think it's ok to flirt with someone after you get to know them but not in the first conversation and not in a way that sounds like a come-on.

Thunder (the coolest reindeer)

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 07:40 PM

Hi Thunder,

Thanks for your explanation:)

Yes I think the same way too, but I wasn't sure if it was ok or not. People say a lot of improper words today and I get really confused which is appropriate to say (or hear) or not.

For me is even harder because I am still learning English....

So I think you are right, when a guy say "you are HOT or I am attractive to you" He really mean sexually...

Even worse when I am talking about Church, Jesus etc... the guy come to me and say " you are Hot"... i feel really uncomfortable...

Thanks for your explanation God bless you,


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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 05:09 AM

i would not say it. until I am very serious with the lady.

maybe half a year.

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 07:34 AM

You are right. Hot does have a sexual meaning, or at least it goes that way. If some guy tells you that, you know that is not the guy for you.

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 08:22 PM

Thanks you guys so much for clarifying that to me. I really appreciate that...

It did feel uncomfortable listening, but I wasn't sure if it was improper or not...

God bless you all Vanessa:)

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 08:50 PM

Hmmm, I am from the Midwest United States. I think referring to Hot the first time is improper. However, I think the term can also mean to just be good looking, cute. It is not always necessaily meant as sexually attractive. It may depend on how it is used, and who is saying it. I hope that answer helps. Your English is pretty good by the way.

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 10:13 PM

I think it's definitely improper. I feel that it's only appropriate to give compliments to the person you're married to. If you aren't married, then you shouldn't be giving the person compliments.

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Christians x Improper Language
Posted : 21 Dec, 2010 01:06 AM

Thank you guys....@Flatlander So wouldn't be easier to say then "you are very attractive woman"?

I would feel less uncomfortable thinking "Oh well he thinks I am pretty" or "he is interested on me", rather than hot..besides I wouldn't raise any doubts about whether or not that guy is truly Christian...specially at first meeting or chat...

Sorry guys I am just trying to understand the way men think, plus American way to use words...

But i got the idea already thanks all of you =^..^= Vanessa

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