Author Thread: Is it right for a woman to...

Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 02:53 AM

Is it right for a woman to sell her eggs?

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 08:31 AM

Hmm...obviously, the bible doesn't exactly talk about this...but if organ transplants are "ok", it would seem like this would be fine too. "Selling" them would add another moral dilemma on to it, but it really would up to the individual. It would be hard to take a stance against it, because there is no moral guidepost concerning this. Seems like the only problem would be if the woman went hunting down "her" children later. Personally, I don't see an "egg" as a "life" on it's own, so I don't have any of the traditional arguments against lets see if the forum thinks of any...


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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 08:52 AM

I agree with Mark. I can't come up with any good arguments against it. I will say, though, that I'd be rather uncomfortable doing it. It would just be really weird to think that there could be little bcpianogals running around the world, and I wouldn't know it!

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 11:46 AM

As it is with almost everything else; it is the motive behind the action which determines the 'rightness' of a action. God always sees this. We with the Holy Spirit usually see this as it is shown to us. Those without the Holy Spirit seldom see their motives.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 12:58 PM

Right ? I dont know...Is it Right for a Man to sell his Sperm ? I dont know...I believe it is messin with GOD's design.

A person desiring a child...why not Adopt the Children in the world that have been forsakein, abandond, abused, orphand ? Oh ya...I jus remembered...its not what they are looking for...they want to purchase Good Stock in Eggs or Sperm of a far more Superior human baby...I got news for em...everyone in this world is defective in Ya jus spent how much $$$...when ya coulda spent a whole lot less & recieved a whole lot more... :-)..xo

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 01:22 PM

What would be the purpose of doing this?

If it is to �create� a living being than it is circumnavigating God�s Will and therefor Immoral. If it is for the purpose of creating a �stem-cell line� than again�

Anyway you look at this and from whichever �angle��it is against what God has Planned for those eggs and Immoral.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 02:07 PM

NO, I agree with Arch.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 08:09 PM

Why not? Of course the woman should not participate in creating children who will be destroyed for "science" and other such obvious moral evils, but say if another woman is no longer producing eggs and would like children (artificial insemination), or if the eggs will remain unfertilized and experiments done upon them, I don't see any impediment to it.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 06:41 AM

Well, you have to think about the long term implications. If a Christian woman donates an egg that may be inseminated in an atheist on non-Christian, how is it going to effect that baby's life? It is one thing to be born into a home like that, and another thing to (possibly) be a part of that for someone else.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 10:05 AM

I honestly don't see how donating eggs is any different morally than giving a child up for adoption. As for the effect that the spirituality of the couple using the egg would have on the future child, I am one who believes that God chooses His bride. I think that God just as easily calls the children of athiests as he does the children of pastors.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 12:24 PM

Of course He can!! I definately believe that God is soveriegn in all things, even in election. He can work in any circumstance and anywhere. But I would not intentially be a part of a placing that child in a (potientially) Non-Christian home.

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