Author Thread: baby-making for $$$

baby-making for $$$
Posted : 30 Nov, 2010 07:18 PM

I came across an interesting article tonight (part of which I pasted below). What do you all think about a government paying people to have a third child?


"Russia's president devoted the largest part of his annual State of Russia speech to reversing Russia's population decline.

"If Russian couples have a third child, they will get a baby bonus, better health care, and free land to build a house or dacha, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev promised in his annual State of Russia speech.

"Political analysts were hoping to hear about missiles or democracy. Instead they got babies.

"Twenty years ago, just before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Kremlin ruled an empire with a population slightly larger than that of the United States. Today, Russia has less than half the population of the United States.

"And Russia's population of 142 million people is aging fast, a sign of bigger drops ahead, President Medvedev said.

"The president said Russians will have to increase birth rates to overcome the demographic ax blow of the 1990s. Due to the post-communist economic collapse, there may not be enough fertile age women for Russia to maintain its population size. Mr. Medvedev, the father of one child, said two will not do. It must be three."

* from "Russia's President Wants to Turn Around Population Decline," copyright Voice of America

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 30 Nov, 2010 09:02 PM

Germany has something kind of similar for native-born Germans. Cushy health benefits, multiple years of paid maternity leave where the mother is GAURANTEED the same position upon her return, and I think somewhere around a year of paternity leave with the same. This is to encourage native Germans to compete with the exploding population of immigrants in Germany (mostly Turks).

While I regrettably am still not familiar enough with my Bible to think up any verses that might reference this sort of thing, I personally find the practice a little� creepy. I realize that a lot of populations (mostly �white� ones) are shrinking because couples are choosing to have fewer and fewer children, but to reward procreation with perks seems wrong to me. Personally, I would rather people err on the side of caution than make lots of babies to get better perks. A lot of people just wouldn�t make good, responsible parents, and it seems like rewarding babymaking with money would only encourage the irresponsible ones to have even more children.

What I want to know is: what are these countries that are promoting procreation are doing to promote proper parenting? Then you open that can of worms of what is proper parenting, etc� Argh.

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 30 Nov, 2010 09:45 PM

That was my initial reaction too, siylii, but let me play "devil's advocate" for just a moment, because I think that the idea has just a little bit of credibility.

What is the primary reason that couples hesitate to have children? Time, resources, and personal investment. Too many adults grew up first in broken or struggling homes, where their parents had 4-12 children and struggled to make ends meet, or else they were single children raised by divorced parents in separate homes. The primary concern is: can I really raise a child? (can I make the money needed and still put quality time into parenting my kids? can I, a person who came out of a messed up background, really rear up a child who will turn out at least moderately normal and happy?)

What these countries are doing is only a more desparate version of a policy that the US has always held solid to: help the families. This is why marriages and parents with dependents recieve tax cuts and considerable returns. Now ask this question: If I never had to worry about a safe place and a CHANCE to make enough money, would I hesitate quite as much to have children and to love them and raise them with discipline?

I personally think that some of these ideas are pretty crazy. For instance, land is something you earn through work and saving, and is considered an investment. I would understand if married couples were given federal tax breaks or better loans if they had a decent credit history, but giving away the land is just foolish, because that is all that any government really has to bargain with.

God considers children to be the greatest earthly blessing that he will give. The only question we really need to be asking is: am I ready to put everything I am into another person the way that Christ did?

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 1 Dec, 2010 01:39 AM

Thanks for the responses, Siylii and Song. You both have interesting and insightful thoughts and touched on much of what was running through my mind.

Keep the responses coming =)

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 1 Dec, 2010 01:12 PM

I'm against it. I don't like the idea of the government getting involved in the personal decisions of private citizens. It's a dangerous slippery slope.

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 1 Dec, 2010 01:59 PM

Hummm...I understand Propagation of a Species...but ima not likein the Propaganda of any Government gettin envolved in Human Baby Makin for $$$...Jus sounds so...well...Heartless & Greedy...Heartless for the Babes that didn't ask to or have a choice in the matter an Greedy for the Ones wantin ta make a Buck $$$...

Of course Yall know I have absolutely No Clue of Russias state pertainin to such cuz I dont watch TV or the News...but ifin they be needin youngins there are lots of em needin adoption...xo

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 1 Dec, 2010 02:42 PM

My thoughts exactly, GJ.

Maybe instead of paying parents to have more children, they should pay women not to have abortions, or pay parents to adopt orphans already in their country.

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 1 Dec, 2010 08:13 PM

I can definitely see both sides of the issue, but basically I'm against it. Here's the reason why: if they'll pay parents to HAVE kids to increase the population, they'll also be willing to pay parents to get RID of kids (ie. abortion) when the population is too great.

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 1 Dec, 2010 09:42 PM

"What do you all think about a government paying people to have a third child?"

I think that getting me to have a third child would be a hard sell for my wife, much less a government only offering me money.

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 2 Dec, 2010 11:35 AM

my x wife is from that area. Ukraine. it has been and is currently the states policy to pat a mother to stay home for the first 7 years of the childs life. It is why you pay half your income as taxes. this forum is nothing new.I new these things 8 years ago. Dennis

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 3 Dec, 2010 04:55 AM

It's new to me. And I'm 100 percent against it.

God Bless,


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