Author Thread: Childfree Christians

Childfree Christians
Posted : 2 Oct, 2010 08:40 AM

"The Scripture does not even envision married couples who choose not to have children. The shocking reality is that some Christians have bought into this lifestyle and claim childlessness as a legitimate option. The rise of modern contraceptives has made this technologically possible. But the fact remains that though childlessness may be made possible by the contraceptive revolution, it remains a form of rebellion against God's design and order" -R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Would you disagree with him?

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 2 Oct, 2010 09:22 AM

I totally agree with that statement. God is who opens and closes the womb and if you read the Bible it was always considered a reproach or an affliction by the women to not bare children. Here are just a few examples:

Genesis 30:23 And she conceived and bore a son, and said, �God has taken away my reproach.�

1 Samuel 1:11 Then she made a vow and said, �O LORD of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child,....."

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 2 Oct, 2010 08:18 PM

The Scripture also does not envision cars or ATMs. It's always hazardous to argue from absence unless you can argue conclusively that something SHOULD be there that is NOT.

Children are a blessing from the Lord. That is not in question, but Mohler is going further than that. He is arguing that children are mandatory. Note that Genesis states that it is not good for man to be alone; this has nothing to do with children.

Whether God opens or closes the womb is also not in question. The only question is, given that we can choose to have children or not, should we? If I get a vasectomy, is that specifically or even generally identified as a sin in Scripture? Did not Jesus say that it was acceptable for a man to become a eunuch? Clearly there is no contraindication to bodily modification. It is completely in God's will that some men will prevent themselves from being able to have offspring. Therefore, I have no problem with not having children.

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 2 Oct, 2010 08:36 PM

If I can add that the references to childlessness being an 'affliction': Yes, it certainly is, if the childless individual wants children enough for the absence of them to be an affliction. I, for one, do not want to MAKE any children. For me, barrenness would not be an affliction. It is of a different topic, but I personally would rather adopt a child that someone else has made who decided not to care for it. There are many innocent lives already here that are not receiving the love they need.

I agree with SilverFire.

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 2 Oct, 2010 10:50 PM

Yep, I'd disagree. One of God's designs was for us all to be eating just fruit, nuts, and grains. When sin entered the world and perfect designs were no longer possible, He allowed other imperfect-but-not-sinful diets.

And Silverfire made a great point. I don't think you can say something is sinful that the bible doesn't speak about. There is no over-reaching biblical principle against childlessness like there is against drunkenness/violence/adultery. The bible doesn't say "have lots of kids or you sin". In fact, it doesn't say anything about it at all. If childlessness was sinful, I believe God would have let us know.


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Childfree Christians
Posted : 3 Oct, 2010 07:39 PM

I don't think the point here is that there are Christians who are unable to have children and so they don't but rather that they choose not to have children and use contraceptives to prevent having children. I agree that this is not right. In our society we depend a great deal on medicine and the multi-billion dollar industry of it to tell us how to live our lives. We are inundated with ads for medication that will change our moods, save our hearts, lower our cholesterol and blood pressure and increase our sexual desire. Good grief!!! Really? How about this, we all eat organic foods, mostly the fruits and vegetables we were designed to eat, get off the chemicals and meats we are told are FDA approved that will make the medical field more money and try having as many kids as possible, raise them in Christian homes and send them out into the world to spread the Gospel of Jesus. NAH!!! lets let the Muslims have all the kids so they can be sent out to spread the good news of Alla.


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Childfree Christians
Posted : 3 Oct, 2010 08:27 PM

I agree with ya Thunder!!! I think when we dilute our bodies with chemicals there is always a negative reaction. I still like my meat though and it ain't a sin, thankfully.

Muslims do have an effective evangelistic method. Convert to Islam of I will kill you! I must say it has worked well for them.

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 3 Oct, 2010 09:54 PM

"Not having kids" isn't a sin either, that's my only point. This isn't a numbers race, lol. Quality, not quantity. And if people can eat meat and not be "sinning" even though it is "transgressing" one of God's perfect designs, then I can choose not to procreate. And besides, if I get married and God really has a kid in my future...there's nothing I can do to stop Him.


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Childfree Christians
Posted : 3 Oct, 2010 10:20 PM

Funny how some people can take any topic and turn it into a way to complain about Muslims....

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 08:09 PM

I'm not complaining about Muslims. I'm just stating a fact. Americans and Western Europeans have bought into the idea of birth control and having a family by their own design and at their own convenience. God told us to be fruitful and multiply. We should be multiplying faster than Satan can divide but with birth control it is impossible. By falling into the belief in contraception Christians are becoming a minority in the West and it really is that simple. How lame is it to believe that God will give you a child and then not believe He will give you the means to raise it? He may be a miracle worker but He is not a magician.


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Childfree Christians
Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 08:59 PM

We were supposed to be fruitful and multiply before sin, when everything was perfect. There are too many examples in my own life of little kids being abused/twisted...sent spiraling off the right path, and there was nothing their "godly parents" could do about it. Anyway...feel free to have lots of babies if you so choose. No problems. I choose not to unless God supersedes my "will" with His. Then I would accept it and do my best, but I would not be sinning by not making babies. Maybe it is God's will that I have no children, and maybe my mindset is how He plans to do it:goofball:.


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