Author Thread: On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 14 Sep, 2010 02:47 PM

things I have heard from christians that I know say:

I love him, im just not in love with him anymore...

She gained weight after the baby and never lost it...

he's a slob....

she never cleans or cooks....

he lost his job....

he quit his job...

we just grew apart...

he looks at porn on the computer...

she looks at porn on the computer...(.40% of women look at porn daily.).....

She spends money like theres no tomorrow.....

he gambles and we lost the house....

he said its either me or your mother.....

she said its either me or your mother....

he just watches tv all the time....

She talks down to me ...

He talks down to me....

he doesnt get me anything for my birthday not even a card...

she doesnt get me anything for my birthday....not even a card

She never wants to have sex...

He never wants to have sex....

She wants sex all the time...

He wants sex all the time.....

and the list goes on and on...and on...

Being the son of a pastor and being the adult sunday school leader/teacher for many years.....this doesnt even touch what i have heard over the years.....

Would like to hear reasons why people have divorced personally ...or under what circumstance they think its okay to divorce......

please share and please no rebuttals aimed directly at any of the posters.....

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 14 Sep, 2010 08:09 PM

I assume that most people vow to love each other for better or worse and in sickness or in health. My first wife left me while I was recovering from a nervous break down. She and my kids moved 1600 miles away. I believe that the question every married person has to ask themselves is two-fold. What could be worse than this? and Is it really worth losing everything if I refuse to let it go?


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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 15 Sep, 2010 10:34 AM


i divorced my first husband long- long- long years ago, because he was restrictive, mean, and physically abusive. He met me as a good looking girl, with the make-up, and clothes, a girl wore in the early 80's. (not inaproprate) When we married, he made me take off all my make-up, give away my clothes, "way long skirts, and long sleves, were what he let me wear" and worst of all kept me from the friends that I loved! When he slaped our 3-month old son, I went back home. God Please Forgive Me!, but I hate him to this day! "might as well be honest"

My second husband, I loved Maddly, LIKE CRAZY!! and always will. I'd still be married to him if I could. He is a Vietnam Vet, He had a depression problem when he went in, and came out with PTSD, and BI-polar disorder. I left when he got violent, for my own safety. Today, he doesn't even know who me and the kids are! Hope my story helps someone. Debby

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 16 Sep, 2010 11:07 AM

Although I am divorced I am strongly against it. I feel that love is a choice. When you make a vow with someone you choose to be with that person forever and love them no matter what. In my case my husband decided he didnt want to stay true to that commitment and the choice he had made. He had feel into some pretty bad sin. Although he was doing really bad things and not right with God I decided to not leave and I tried to do everything I could to make things work. Finally he just told me to leave that he didnt want to be married anymore. At that point there was nothing else I could do. I didnt have a choice in the matter anymore.

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 18 Sep, 2010 12:42 PM

I think I may know the two reasons you have in mind. They are found in the bible. But another not so emulated reason found in Ezra 10:3 is the covenent to divore all your Pagan wives in obedience to God.

Hebrews, God's covenent people, were told to marry only from within their own Covenental people or Jewish converts It is a covental (by God's covenent) marriage, Pr.2:17 & Mal.2:14.The reason being they would turn a mans heart away from God.Like Solomon who had too many wives in violation of God's commandment. Those in leadership are told to have one wife for this very reason, 1Tim 3:2 & Prov. 31.

This is another reason why women/wives who try usuping authority over the man to lead him astray or take advantage is like playing the harlot in marriage.

My divorce was in this way. :waving:

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2010 03:18 AM

Matthew 5: 31-32 It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce. But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become and adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.'

Marital unfaithfulness - one Biblical reason. BUT, what if my life is in danger?

I am from Philippines, a third world catholic country and the catholic has great influence in our laws. No divorce law here, though Italy has. I read it with my own eyes, divorce is biblical, but no, catholic is godlier - no divorce, no reproductive health education, etc. I read somewhere, the rich countries get richer, poor countries have more children.

The topic struck a chord in me because on the ground that my life is in danger, I cannot get a divorce. I just need to be dead? I tried annulment, but more than a decade of single parenthood without support is not good enough. Luckily I fall under other provisions in our law and hopefully my marriage will be declared null and void. Annulment here sucks, yeah, sucks the victims dry.

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2010 11:27 AM

I cringe sometimes seeing profiles on here and what some of the reasons the people give in their profile info why they got divorced. Just lately ran across one that said her husband was playing video games too much and was into them more than family. But no where do I see that a reason for divorce. Also, some woman obnoxiously put photo up of her and her ex-husband together, and said even though divorced, they are best friends, so whoever she is with next will have to deal with that. Uh yeah, good luck lady.

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2010 12:52 PM

I try to not come down too judgmental with people about divorce but I realize it is a vow one takes. I think God knows people lives and what they had to go through.

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 09:35 AM

There may be grounds for divorce. But I think the bigger question is if there's grounds for remarriage to another while your first spouse is still alive. Does God recognize the 2nd marriage as legit or as an adulterous affair.

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 11:31 AM

Matthew 5 talks of only divorcing when there is marital unfaithfulness, but I am unclear about the remarriage part; does it mean that if you remarry someone who divorced for other reasons apart from unfaithfulness it is adultery? or does it mean it is adultery to remarry?

The other scripture is from Paul 1 cor 7:15 where if you become a believer and your spouse leaves you cause of that you are not bound to them...but then I don't know about remarriage in this case either:rolleyes:

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On what grounds can a man or woman divorce?...I know of only 2 are there more?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 12:57 PM

I agree with most of the people who have posted already - divorce is only acceptable in infidelity situations according to scripture. There's no "but" or "accept if" at the end. Then again, I've never been married, lol, so I can't empathize with any divorcees. I just know that the sanctity of marriage is obviously important to God (since He set the standard so high) and therefore should be important to us.

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