Author Thread: What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 15 Aug, 2010 06:00 AM

If women wearing tight jeans and other tight clothes would not tempt men to lust after them, then fetish style in sex industry would not exist. Question : What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer ?

IMODEST WOMEN WEARING MODERN CLOTHING STYLE, you probably think that this is not a big deal, but on the day of judgement you're going to have to answer for putting a stumling block for Jesus' little ones. Some men are strong, some weak. But if you would dress modesly you would not PROVOKE weak brother to stumble and commit adultery in his heart with you.

Imagine that someone tries to get rid of addction to pornography and comes to Church to pray about it and sees no difference in

apperance of Christian women than he saw when he wached wicked movies! You make Christianity look like a joke ! REPENT TILL IT'S NOT TO LATE .

If I was a wicked painter who likes to paint naked women, I would not need you to take your clothes out because I can see your body shapes clearly with the modern clothes you wear. I would just need to pick up the colour for a skin tone. You're almost the same as naked.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 17 Aug, 2010 08:16 AM


Take that cr.. to a therapist and spare me the afterlife scenario!!

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 17 Aug, 2010 10:27 AM

I agree that women should dress modestly however they are not to blame for the thoughts of us men. If when we see a woman walking down the street in a pair tight jeans or a belly shirt we can't control our thoughts then perhaps we need to work on building our relationhsip with Christ. I will admit that sometimes it is hard to not think lustful thoughts but if that is what our minds jump too then it is not so much the woman's fault as our own fault for how we have let our minds wonder down that wrong path. We need to refocus our thoughts and behavior on God so that those thoughts happen less frequently than they used to.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 17 Aug, 2010 10:40 AM

Even if they wouldn't tempt anyone it doesn't mean that God allows women to be immodest. I'm telling them this because they disobey God. I have no personal problem , but as a Christian I have to tell them what they're doing wrong. Even if no-one would lust after them, they still have no right to expose their bodies, because this is immodesty and this is the way to draw men's attention .Bible says that woman should look in the way that they would not draw attention. So it is not only about putting a stumbling block to men, but also about obeying the Word of God that gives no exceptions to be immodest.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 17 Aug, 2010 12:05 PM


You are a hypocrite, and a sick one!

Your opening post is not in harmony with what you state now.

You are not noble.... wanting to warn and point the Truth to christian woman

Your opening post is condemning and ridiculous

If you want to debate or discuss, adapt yourself to a decent level.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 17 Aug, 2010 06:31 PM

Friends, a woman's clothing does not effect a guys thoughts.

I was not always saved, I know better. She can have a full winter coat on, it does not matter. a unsaved guy will think what he thinks or a weak brother will.

Most women I know are a good judge on clothing.saved and not saved.They wear clothing in about the middle areas. This is ok with me.I live in a farming area and do not see a lot of wild clothing ideas.

To the writer of this post what do you think should be done?

Put women back in long dresses and have them wear scarfs like Islamic women????? :ROFL:

I want to get married again someday and wish to have a healthy marriage.:peace:

Also, our christian sisters pray to God, Jesus. So, you should have the faith to allow God to speak to them.

Remember the story of the woman who committed adultery.what did jesus say to the Pharesess.Dennis

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 17 Aug, 2010 06:42 PM

What also concerns me here is the idea that we have to set a standard and say you have to do this.God can speak to us and convict us if we are doing something wrong.I went to the authers profile and read it. London, England is different than northwest ohio. As for offending people and not caring that is cruel.You need to have compassion and diplomacy.To condem turns people off.If you speak of a concern in a gentle loving way it will get a better response.

You need to have the love of Jesus when you speak to others.Dennis:waving::peace:

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 18 Aug, 2010 06:18 AM

guy if you are having a personal issue with this, there is some good self help books like "Every Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stocker. Read it and see if you can understand a bit more why this would mess with ya. It definitly opened my eyes a bit to some of the parts of my mind that I didn't fully understand.

(PS I would say that this is a good book for anyone to read that is having related issues)

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 18 Aug, 2010 08:32 AM

oh man, this is indeed a hot topic.

At first I was ready to admit that it's true, we women ought to be modest for the sake of our brothers.

But then I thought about muslims - yes, Islam is a perfect example - a man who isn't saved will think about the body hidden underneath woman's clothes no matter what she's wearing at the mo. Whether it is a bikini, a tracksuit, an Amish-like dress or even a burka covering her from top to toes. Such a man will see the woman's naked body in his mind anyway.

Being in a living relationship with Jesus is the only way to guard your heart and thoughts and get off such things like sex.

As for the way people dress when at church, well, it is more the question of simplicity and elegance (there's even a book written on that, proably more than one). I would never attend a church meeting dressed in a strapless top, too short a skirt/bahama pants and rubber flip-flops or something alike. But I guess this isn't so much about virtue/not being a stumbling block. It's all about good taste, which some sisters AND brothers are lacking. Full stop.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 18 Aug, 2010 10:29 AM

Women must look modestly not only for the sake of our brothers , but also FOR THE SAKE OF OBEYING THE WORD OF GOD .

To all who think that I approach to this issue of ignoring the Word of God in the wrong way :

James 4:4

" Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."

- James, a servant of Jesus , half brother of Jesus

Luke 3:7 - 8

" Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."

- John the Baptist, the prophet sent By God to prepare the way for the Lord, filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb.

These are not all servants of God who harshly rebuked sinners.


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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 18 Aug, 2010 11:19 AM


Youngster, we live IN the world because this is where God has placed us.

If I wear nice clothes (NOT that I walk around topless or something!), perfums or some make up it does not automatically mean I am FROM this world, or that I am an adulteress wanting to seduce you or cause you to stumble. And I don't think it is offending God, as in your quote from James 4:4!

Am I supposed to wear buckskin clothes and stink like a camel?????? (this is what we know about John the Baptist - Matt 3:4). Seriously, is this how you want to reach non-christains with the Gospel?

To finish this topic, can you give us an example (universally acknowledged by all men) of women's clothes that would be suitable and modest enough as not to cause any sinful thoughts?

I am really curious!

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