Author Thread: Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 1 Jul, 2012 06:58 AM

Am I the only one that see's both individuals as well as whole churches conforming to the world? I see the Christian world doing everything the world does it is a copy cat religion trying to draw people in by doing things that look like secular but add Jesus pictures to it............. So what do you think it means to live in the world but not be of the world........... ???? I hear arguments about alcohol for example......... I see people on here that are not good examples in my humble opinion.... (I realize we are all in different areas of healing and growth with the Lord) what are your thoughts and yes I know many will think I am rigid or legalistic.... I just don't want to be lukewarm in my walk... it's a hard path for sure.............

Be Blessed,


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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 1 Jul, 2012 03:14 PM

All unrighteousness is sin and we as Christians, followers of Jesus are to walk upright and not be like the World. We are to be a example of Holiness Like Jesus was. We walk in the Spirit and are lead by the "Holy Spirit". It is all about having a Personal relationship with Jesus. He will lead Us if we trust in him. Many People are not Christians, you shall know them by their fruits.


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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 1 Jul, 2012 03:23 PM

Thank you for the post yes it is all about Jesus and our relationship I think it is easy to say "yes I am a Christian" but without relationship the fruit can't grow........... The world is taking God out of everything and I believe it will be challenging for a true Christian soon to live in this world............

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 1 Jul, 2012 08:48 PM

There are bigger proverbial fish to fry.

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 2 Jul, 2012 07:30 AM

"big fish" (what is small to you may be big to another) I choose not to discount any topic that may be important to someone for growth / learning about things of our Lord .....................

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 3 Jul, 2012 06:03 AM

Nope. Pretty sure this is not subjective. I don't think worrying about what other people are doing, which has no bearing on you and your own relationship with Jesus and others, is a worthwhile use of anyone's time.

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 22 Jul, 2012 08:43 PM

The degradation of the church is everyone's concern. Churches acting more as social clubs than houses of worship hurts us all. And no, being a Christian isnt just about your personal relationship to God. It is about spreading the word and spreading it correctly. Why do you think there is a prohibition in Revelations about changing the meaning of the word of God?

Churches becomming more secular is like a disease. Like all diseases, ingoring it can be fatal. In Christianity, the "disease" can cost you more than your life. It can cost you eternity with God.

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 25 Jul, 2012 11:04 PM

Amen brother!

John 15 is great example of how we need to love one another. And that is being concerned about each other.

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 17 Sep, 2012 09:31 PM

I have been going into the chat room lately and will sit in the prayer room or bible study room alone or long periods of time and once in awhile someone will come in and go out or a spammer will say something rude.....

If I go into the over 40 chat room I have done this often hoping and praying they will chat about something meaningful nothing.... I tried to start something was ignored or amen and that's it you can't get anyone to get real I love talking about the Lord and diving deap into the word and search for those hidden jewels .......

Anyways will be hard to find serious believers here is my conclusion but the small percent that is here :applause:

I think I would prefer to have a small group of real believers than attend a church at this point.....

Most guys that respond to me are not that interested in discussing the Lord with me or praying I usually start the prayers what is wrong with that picture men wake up take the lead ..................... and what has happened to old fashioned courting a lady....... gentlemen where are you.....

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 19 Sep, 2012 12:33 PM

We are here, but we are as scarce as hen's teeth. :laugh:

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 23 Nov, 2012 10:19 PM

I must admit you have touched on a couple of topics especialy concerning the state of the church that most will shy away from. The truth for me is just this no group of people have givin Christianity a bad name more than those who claim to be Christians, yet have never studied His word and choose to walk the walk in path that is easy to travel. Pride is the first of the deadly sins because in pride a person or group can justify their sins and that is not what God wants of us. He loves us because of our sins and today a lot of Christians feel superior to others because of a " good church going life style", in reality we only have salvation and not perfection or supreriority. Just going to church doesnt make one a christian anymore than standing in a garage makes one a car. Love of our fellows is the second of His laws and I think, as hard as that is , to practicce that makes me closer to what Gods will is for me. I live my life today praying for the knowladge of his will, and the power to carry it out. I know whats right and whats wrong, and today I choose to let my yes be yes ad my no be no. That may make me soound like a fundametalist but thats only to those who find maybe a more comfortable place to live. Your right this is a narrow path but at least there is not a lot of commute traffic. Sorry I get a little long winded when I talk about my Father, but its ok I work for a MIGHTY MASTER.

Jonh Hershey "God doesnt make junk"

[email protected]

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