Author Thread: Porn

Posted : 6 Jan, 2012 04:09 PM

Christian radio, WLUJ, spokes person said there were over 40% Christian men, single and married alike are looking at porn.

This is a Sin. All unrighteousness is Sin.

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Posted : 7 Jan, 2012 07:09 PM

Viewing porn is adultery.

Matt. 5:28- but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

If that woman or man you are viewing is not your spouse, you are committing adultery.

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Posted : 8 Jan, 2012 04:43 AM

It is always said that; first comes the look,then comes desire... and the end result of porn is sexual perversion and sin which i can put as sexual is sad that we christians do watch porn and yet we are called to live a life of purity.the old ceases and the new comes when we give ourselves to God(2corinthians 5


suprisingly,i have heard of pastors who encouraging masturbation as a substitute for sex for the unmarried but i say that it still comes to sexual immorality! paul puts it right in 1corinthians 5;18-20.

it should be noted that,sexual immorality is the only pleasurable sin and that is why it is hard to deal with it without God's Grace. but my prayer is that we seek God earnestly so that we can decrease as he increased in us!

be blessed.

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Posted : 8 Jan, 2012 03:16 PM

You said that:

" should be noted that,sexual immorality is the only pleasurable sin and that is why it is hard to deal with it without God's Grace..."

What do you mean by that? I'm pretty sure that there are other sins that people find pleasure in. Unless you just mean in a physical manner. Even then I would have to disagree.

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Posted : 16 Jan, 2012 09:32 PM

It isn't just men... We christian women struggle with sexual immorality, but we usually aren't addressed because it is seen as primarily a male issue. I am saying this from personal experience, but for anyone who is doing this or has struggles with other sexual problems what helped me alot was; a ministry dedicated to helping those in the struggle. I was a christian and fell into it, and now I know you can always turn around.

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Posted : 19 Jan, 2012 07:43 AM

keep in mind that Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden of Eden, before sin came along. So maybe God wants us to be naked. That is my opinion.

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Posted : 19 Jan, 2012 10:12 PM

I don't even wanna get started about porn really cause I get all upset about that! It's amazing to me how people try to justify their sins and make excuses!

Porn and masturbation are wrong/sinful and inside I believe that most poeple who are Christians KNOW that because the Holy Spirit came to lead us into ALL truth! Porn and masturbation RUIN marriages, even supposedly Christian ones. As for doing it when you're not married, it is an addiction that carries over into marriage, and it is sinning against the Holy Spirit that is supposed to live INSIDE of you. If you knew that Jesus was sitting there beside you, you wouldn't watch porn with Him and you KNOW IT!! Would you think it would be a good thing to let your own children do when they become a teen? Doesn't the shame and guilt plague your heart and mind often if you are someone that does do these things? There is hope in Christ for freedom and deliverance. You can be free and holy in His strength!!!

Sexual pleasure and the viewing and enjoyment of the naked body were meant for marriage and the precious bonding that should come with that, body, mind, and spirit! It was meant to be a part of becoming one. God created it as a beautiful thing and satan has tried to turn it into a destructive force feeding the sinful and selfish nature. When I get married and have sex with my husband I will know that Christ is there with us and I will feel holy and joyful, not dirty and sinful. I could not say that about masturbation and certainly NOT porn! Please know that God created sex ( and sexual stimulation/sexual sights/sharing nakedness etc..) for the beauty and holiness of marriage and only marriage. A marriage that He has blessed. I hope that someone has taken this truth to heart:) God bless you! If you have sinned, just ask the Lord to forgive you and give you the strength to stop. He is faithful, He will help you. He is FOR YOU :)

As for the last comment that was made..yes they were naked in the Garden of Eden. Then they chose to bring sin into our world and so they KNEW that they were naked and therefore covered themselves. After that God Himself made clothes for them and it has been clear every since that moment that we are not to be naked in front of the whole world. Christian nudists? How wild would sin run rampant in the church world then?!!! God forbid!!

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Posted : 24 Jan, 2012 11:55 AM


that is not a "Christian" reply, you must like porn.

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Posted : 24 Jan, 2012 11:58 AM


Good Response:applause:

Thank You to Everyone that Responsed.


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Posted : 28 Jan, 2012 01:42 PM

While I'll agree that the bible has some pretty clear teaching about sexual immorality, it does not in fact specifically mention masturbation. Porn is obviously covered, MT 5;27-28, as being adultery in your mind, but that seems to imply a lustful attitude towards a specific woman/person. I'll also say the the bible is pretty clear that judgement is reserved for GOD alone, and for any of us to be filing behaviours not mentioned in the bible in the sin category is a little presumptuous.

Also, I believe that God is an understanding God, who is aware that temptation in this regard is at an all time high for humanity. While women are tempted, men are much more visually stimulated, and porn, cable TV, magazines, and standard dress for women in everyday situations that are considered normal today would have been considered lewd even one hundred years ago. Even on this Christian dating site, there are women whose profile pictures are obviously taken with the express purpose of "showing some skin:."

Now, I'm not suggesting that watching porn is not a sin. I'm not even really prepared to argue on the sinfulness of masturbation, although I think the argument is there. However I will say that you put yourself in a precarious position passing judgement on a sin that you can hardly understand as a woman. And before you get all high and mighty on me, telling me that women are tempted too, consider that God did indeed make us different. I can no more understand what you feel like during a menstrual cycle than you can understand the effects of me seeing a scantily clad beautiful woman walk by me. You simply do not possess the equipment necessary to experience it the same way.

One more thing to keep in mind is this. In the Lord's eyes, all sin is an abomination. Pride, self righteousness, unwillingness to forgive, lust, etc... I know of no place where The Word lists offences in order of severity. Perhaps we as the Body should spend more time reaching out to people who are struggling with these issues and less time pointing out how sinful their lives are. Remember these words, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice."

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Posted : 30 Jan, 2012 11:29 AM

Very well said KgartK..

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