Author Thread: Hetereosexuality

Posted : 25 Jul, 2011 06:36 AM

If you're "straight" why do you spend so much time thinking about homosexuality? Of the 613 Commandments in Judaism, "no homosexual acts" is just 1. And if only 5-10 percent of a given sample is homosexual, and because of persecution they're probably not in your churches anyway, is it really such a pressing issue? Could it be that since they're not in the front row listening to you you feel it's okay to persecute, condemn, threaten, and in some countries (like Nigeria and, if they get their way, Uganda) execute them for it? Or could it be even simpler and the most vocal opponents of homosexuality are just closet-cases who despise themselves?

Yes, homosexual acts are a sin. But so is working on the Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown,) leaving your home on the Sabbath, and ANY premarital sexual relations. Before condemning others for their sins, take a look in the mirror.

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Posted : 25 Jul, 2011 06:45 AM

Yep, I am hearing you. Entertaining thoughts of a lusty nature are bad, bad, bad. I am thinking, remembering something along the line of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, as in sin is worse than we think it is, it's one thing to admit we have sin, catch ourselves thinking sinful thoughts, however, I believe when we have the sane, right, and correct attitude about sin it is that it is exceedingly sinful.

thanks for sharing,



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Posted : 25 Jul, 2011 10:41 AM


I want to point out that it was You...Jeff...that brought up the Subject of Homosexuality.

I do not feel that I spend any Time at all on Homosexuality.

I spend more time thinking about if I have any Lint in my

navel...matter of fact...

Apparently you seem to be thinking about.

I will comment whenever I see something written about Homosexuality that asks for a comment.

I think my view on this subject is well documented here in this Forum, so I will not repeat it.

Your Point is a Valid One and well taken, but I doubt that the Majority of Christians on this Site and in The World are as you say...the Majority of us do not

"... persecute, condemn, threaten...".

It is Disingenuous of you to make this Statement. It reminds me of the Tactic one party is using to mislead the American Public.

Your statement would have been better recieved if you had just used the words..."some of you"...or "the Minority".

Peace Be With You


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Posted : 25 Jul, 2011 04:55 PM

For the record, it's the Muslims who execute homosexuals. Which, BTW, if you follow the Old Testament laws, we are commanded to do so.

Leviticus 20:13 (NASB)

13 ~'If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.

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Posted : 26 Jul, 2011 08:19 AM

A) if ya scroll down you'll see the "Homosexuality" thread, mine is in response to their's.

B) Christians execute homosexuals in Nigeria, and the Christian led government in Uganda, working with western evangelicals is trying to get a similar law enacted. From which we infer evangelicals at least wish to execute homosexuals. Do a news: search on google if you'd like to see just what's going on around the world (tv "news" isn't news but entertainment.)

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Posted : 26 Jul, 2011 02:21 PM


Very good point, but just next time include that information...instead of laying down a "Blanket Accusation".

Christians are guilty of many crimes and atrocities through the ages...I doubt that will ever stop. And yes, the Jews were also persecuted by Christians -- but we Christians can also show our "scars".

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Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 09:02 PM

Homosexuality wouldn't be such a hot topic if it wasn't for the media hype. Because the media has made it main stream and "acceptable" behaviors it did adultery and fornication and many other sins, we would not be discussing it.

The Bible spends a lot of time on homosexuality and the results of it. We would be wrong not to address the issue. We have been silent too long on too many sins. Just because we speak out against it does not mean we cannot tolerate those who say they are homosexual. I disapprove of many sins and distance myself from those who commit those sins.

With the recent ramming through of the changes in the military to allow homosexuals to serve openly without any repercussions, the topic is in the forefront of the news.

With schools now teaching our very young children about homosexuality, we have to make them aware of the truth about it. When I grew up evolution was only mentioned as an alternative theory...creationism remained in textbooks. Now we can barely address creationism in a public's now called intelligent design. Everywhere you go references are to the earth being billions of years old. I spend lots of time trying to explain to Christian youth that the earth is only about 6500 years old...and that dinosaurs lived among men!

Love the sinner, hate the sin, and witness witness witness.

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Posted : 28 Jul, 2011 10:08 AM

As far as I know, Tanakh only mentions homosexual acts twice, in Leviticus 18:22 and again in 19 somewhere. In comparison, incest is talked about dozens of time throughout. If number of mentions tells us anything about importance, they were much more concerned with incest than homosexuality but I've NEVER heard incest mentioned as it relates to the Bible forbidding it on the news. So yes, media is likely to blame.

What people don't seem to appreciate too when protesting homosexual issues is NOT EVERYONE'S CHRISTIAN. What the Bible says doesn't apply universally. People were Hindu a lot longer than Christianity's existed but ya don't hear them railing against such things insisting everyone on Earth convert to Hinduism, or what their texts might say about something applies to everyone everywhere. Christians and Muslims have some things in common they don't share with Jews: You both insist your way is the ONLY acceptable way. And while Muslims are prone to murdering those that wont convert, Christians are a little cooler only screaming in your face about going to Hell. Whereas we Jews say be whatever faith you wish to be, follow some simple no-brainer rules (Noahide Laws et al.) and God will love you just fine. Really gotta examine a faith that says everyone that doesn't believe as you believe goes to hell or should be murdered.

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Posted : 28 Jul, 2011 08:42 PM

The Old and New Testaments address the sin of homosexuality. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the total decaynof moral values. The men of the city preferred the male angels to the virgin daughters of Lot. The Bible teaches homosexuality with some other sins as an abomination to God. In Romans, it states God give them over to a reprobate mind.

Incest falls into the same is fornication or outside of the bounds of marriage.

Sin doesn't matter who commits is still sin. The difference between a Chriatian and a non-Christian committing a sin is whether they're sins are covered by the blood of Christ.

The Bible does apply universally, whether you or anyone else believes it or not. All religions find their roots in the foretelling of a Redeemer promised to Adam and Eve. Even Job knew about the Redeemer before the written Scripture.

I don't insitnit's the only way. Jesus said in John 14:6. "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comedy unto the Father except by me.". Not my words.

I haben't seen anyone hollering about He'll or condemning any one to death or calling for the death of anyone. Christians are compelled to preach the Good news of Christ's death, burial and resurrection as payment of the death penalty we all earn by the sins we commit...big or small.

The Jews of the Old Testament did not say worship any way you choose. God was very specific to the Jews to not worship as the others did in the cities that they battled over. In fact, God often instructed the Jews to destroy everyone and everything in many cities.

If you study history...back to the beginning of time, you will find that when homosexuality became acceptable, the end of dominance of that particular group/culture soon followed. Itmhistoricaly takes about 200 years for a country to rise and fall.

God does love us all no matter what; however, as a just God He will administer the punishment stated. God is not willing that any suffer the eternal separation from Him; however, it is each individual's choice whether tot accept His free gift of salvation. As Joshua stated..."choose you this day whom ye will serve, as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord"

Not my words...God's Words. Love the sinner, hate the sin.�������������������

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Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 10:43 AM

Logically, something that isn't infinitely old cannot apply universally. Humans have been extant a lot longer than the Bible has. So for a long while, the Bible didn't apply. And what about the rest of the universe? Would religious laws here apply to everyone else in the universe? Of course not, except perhaps the Noahidic Laws like don't murder, steal, etc. Any reasonably intelligent species would conclude those are sensible laws to have somewhere.

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Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 01:42 PM

"Would religious laws here apply to everyone else in the universe? Of course not, except perhaps the Noahidic Laws like don't murder, steal, etc"

(Your words Jeff)

It would seem that your God's Laws are only




See if you can get enough votes to "increase you God's Authority".

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