Author Thread: Homosexuality

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Posted : 17 Jul, 2011 10:00 PM

Homosexuality is already finding its way into our churches and even our Biblical belief. Are we willing to fight it out and stand strong as true Christians or follow the masses and join in that stupid ideological system of equality. God condemns it, should we as Christians do the same? Homosexuality is an epidemic causing a lot of ravaging effect on the world at large. It is not a race, it's a choice. So why call the fight against it discrimination?

I would like to know what your opinions are concerning this. Please feel free to post your responses. This is a Christian site...we should speak with much boldness and not mince words!

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Posted : 18 Jul, 2011 12:09 PM

all right then, my foster daughter is bisexual, and so are two of my foster sons, AND I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also strongly feel that they were born homosexual, and the only thing they "choosed" was to be true to themselves, and to not live lies.

They are all well moraled, helpful, loving, caring and very giving.

They have done work for the homeless, and work in food banks.

They have all had trouble with their biological families.

I have heard and know about some parents who disown their homosexual children, and I think that is so very sad.

They are always your child; how can a parent disown a part of themselves?

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Posted : 21 Jul, 2011 08:37 AM

Homosexuality is a behavior. "Gay" isn't accurate, homosexuals have and lead miserable, unhappy, and empty lives... I don't care how carefree Ellen Degenerate comes across..the poor girl is only smiling on the outside.


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Posted : 22 Jul, 2011 01:50 AM

Great point, chemical dependency within that culture is also significantly higher than other cultural groups, as is suicide. There is nothing happy, light or carefree about such a choice.

And just as twisted is the idea or thought of submitting in obedience unto the authority of an all Knowing God is like a sentence to a dreary life of lack luster boredom or depressive sadness. Satan likes to twist such things because to submit unto the authority of an all loving God is truly our only Hope for Happiness and Peace.

Illusions are fora season, the Joy of the Lord will Reign Forever.


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Posted : 22 Jul, 2011 08:12 AM

Quit projecting your own unhappiness onto those you've never met coman. If some of them are unhappy maybe it's because of intolerate insecure folks like yourself pretending to be Christians (a religion of peace and forgiveness) while simultaneously going well out of your way to condemn and JUDGE people you've never met.

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Posted : 22 Jul, 2011 03:48 PM

Homosexuality came into existence because of Sin!

It is a defect in their DNA. Being a Homosexual in and of itself is Not a SIN! Acting out your impulses is.

We should Love them and allow them the Dignity that all of God�s Children deserve. We need to Pray for them and offer them whatever help we can.

Homosexuality is contrary to God�s Plan�yet we should Condemn the Sin�not the Sinner! Keeping quiet and allowing same sex marriages is not the way to deal with this. We do need to show Mercy and Compassion and Respect.

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Posted : 24 Jul, 2011 05:51 AM

Gee, people get all bent out of shape...isn't that a sin?

People...calm down.

We are to love even our enemies and homosexuals are not to be hated, nor are killers. Compassion people.

But, no matter what, it is a sin, and it is written in the word.

We still should not treat them as outcasts. Sin is a sickness, so is adultry and sex outside the marriage.

Let's not lock everyone up who sins, for WE ALL sin in God's eyes. Let"s love each other. And gently lead them into understanding that God does not approve of them taking it and actually doing it. Like any bad habit we must control ourselves. Sin isn't sin until you actually do it.

So let's help people by showing them the right path.

loving coman isn't being bad here. Love the sinner and NOT the sin.:angel:

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Posted : 26 Jul, 2011 07:01 AM

We all are born with is our abitlity to control the sins we commit.

we can be forgiven for all our sins.

Homosexuality is wrong, so we pray for those people. That is all I have to say for now.

tracks of the black bear

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Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 12:56 PM

go Jeff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u are brave and right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for everyones info my "kids" are not imorral or drugies,

one was, but he's been clean for over a year!

praise God!

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Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 09:24 PM

Romans chapter 1 is very clear on homosexuality. It's not my words, but God's Words that condemn homosexuality.

For the record, I have a nephew who is struggling with homosexuality. He lived with me off and on from the age of 7 until he decided he could not live by the rules...not stealing, lying, etc. Homosexuality is just one of the problems he is dealing with. Not because he was born that way but because of a variety of factors...lack of involvement by his father, influences in the media (Internet, TV, etc), and abuse by a man in his life to name a few.

Very few people are born with DNA that would make them naturally a homosexual. With today's science, most people who have imbalances in their hormones that make them more feminine or masculine than they should could take the apppropriate estrogen or testosterone to correct the imbalance. Those who go through sex change operations take the appropriate hormones to change their bodies in the opposite direction. Diabetics take insulin because their body doesn't produce enough, schizophrenics take lithium to balance their brains.

Killing homosexuals is just as wrong as stoning a woman caught in adultery which also occurs in many countries. Last I checked killing was still a sin, too.

Sin is sin...we should provide Biblical guidance when we encounter people that are struggling with sin. Again, it's not what I think but what the Bible clearly states.

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Posted : 31 Jul, 2011 11:05 PM

Just as there are laws in this world that you must obey or pay the consequences, even more so with the Almighty God. You can choose to believe and do what you want, for God did warn Christians that in the last days they will choose to believe a lie rather than the truth. But justify as you must for your conscience sake but there are severe consequences in this life as well as the life to come for those who won't turn from their wicked ways, to the truth of Christ Jesus! You see I was given the responsibility of knowing prophecy and have suffered much due to this fact and probably will suffer much more. But thank you Jesus for the priviledge of being of use.:yay:

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