Author Thread: Children or God first ?

Children or God first ?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 12:23 PM

I understand that some men want to have kids and choose younger women even if they are over 50.

I understand that nature calling to have kids.

But if you truelly want to put God first and be like Him isn�t kids we should think about first of all.

God is a spirit and we should try to stay away from our flesh and body and be more in to our spirit and a spirit doesn�t care for kids first of all.

Why if you want to be like God or Jesus why are you running around and try to find a parent to your kids ?

Shouldn�t men in older age seek God and grow in Him more than to find a young woman to get kids with ?

I have start to think about this now when I am older and can see how few real men there is for us 55+ ...first was I angry when I saw men was looking for women 20-30 years younger than him but then did I start to think about it.

For me doesn�t it feel right when I have reached a high level and gain so much knowledge from God. I know that God want me to talk about this for you to see how wrong it is....

I can tell that many people are not so far from the life that none believer have....

Most Christian people WANT to have a family with their own kids.

Did jesus had kids ? Was he married ? Was he ever looking for to be like everyone else ?

I hope you understand what I am talking about here.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 10:55 PM

"God is a spirit and we should try to stay away from our flesh and body and be more in to our spirit and a spirit doesn�t care for kids first of all."

I really hope you aren't trying to say God doesn't care for kids.

As for procreation, God built us for it.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 11:35 PM

AMEN, T! :applause::rocknroll::angel:

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 11:36 PM

AMEN, T! :applause::rocknroll::angel:

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2011 01:26 PM

put God first, you are not suppose to put anyting above God

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2011 05:37 PM

I believe that everything have it�s time.

But kids are not so important for our life as we think,

I think it�s a tradition things and a preassuare from people and not from God to have kids.

When God told us to make kids was it ...HIS kids to make more people be His kids and not that we should give birth to bodies=babies

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2011 06:38 PM

Well...I'm sure am glad that my parents decided to make biological kids and not just spiritual kids. Otherwise I wouldn't be here.

And to more directly answer the question "Children or God first?" I think that God should always be first. However, he does call many (perhaps even most) of us to have children when we are married. By having children, we aren't necessarily neglecting the work He has for us; perhaps raising children IS that work.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2011 07:58 PM

I know that life is not about getting kids.

Life is to love each other and make life easier for people so they don�t need to do the same mistake as we have done.

I give so much help I can to people and I never hide any information if it can be to help for other.

If it was that we should have kids and raise them to be good Christian

God should then have created so all women should be able to get kids and that all women should want to have kids because there is women that decide to not wanting kids too.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2011 10:24 PM

I don't think I'm totally understanding what you're trying to say. Sure there are some women that can't have kids but they want to raise a kid..thank God for women like pharoah's daughter. Perhaps God has plans for those women that don't have the desire to give birth? And there are those women that had kids but don't want to raise them, or can't for whatever reason. Once again, we have adoption. One thing is for sure, all things work towards good for those that believe.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 2 Jun, 2011 07:26 AM

Here is a short quirky saying which you ought to meditate on:

'One can be so spiritual as to be no earthly good'

This is backed up with Scripture; when Jesus prays for the disciples and us by asking that we be in the world but not of the world.

One should put God first in all they do, I guess it is easy to put God first when you do nothing else. However that is not truly putting God first.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 2 Jun, 2011 09:03 AM

So you think it can be me that am wrong because I try to live in the spirit and not want to accept everything that the world have to offer ?

I think I have a good and healthy balance in this and I do much work for God or else should He not visit me so often as He does and tell me things that am hidden for most of people.

For me is it that I think any man want to give up their worldly life for God. That they want to choose like from a buffe with many dishes what to eat and not.

I am waiting for a very strong man in the spirit, a man that am close to God as I am.

I think there is a man for me somewhere but most men that fit in are to scared to open their heart for me and many just listen too much to what other should think if they accepted me.

he don�t need to be powerful or strong in his flesh but in his spirit and in his work for God.

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