Author Thread: Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?

Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 05:52 AM

I've heard alot of arguements both ways.

Pants are sensible so their okay.

Pants are bad because they show your shape.

Skirts are good because they're modest.

Skirts can be more imodest then pants.

I'm just looking for some serious opinions on what seems to be a very debated topic for today's christian woman

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 02:47 PM

i think a woman looks more like a woman in skirts.

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 03:50 PM

I agree, but what about winter when it's twenty below?

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 04:00 PM

Good question! The majority of guys I've talked to state that they think pants are the more modest choice. One of my former guy friends disagreed with that; he said that pants were less modest because they outlined the shape of a woman's legs.

As a women, it's hard to know. We don't think like guys do, so it's difficult to know how our clothing affects them! Of course, there are some good, general principles regarding modesty.

Personally, I think both are appropriate and that either can be modest or immodest, depending on the cut, length, style, etc.

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 08:57 PM

Ditto what Pixy said.

I'll also share a bit of my own history with skirts vs. pants. When I was a young teenager, most of my friends were in the "anti-pants" movement. I bought into that idea, and wore only skirts for several years. I "believed" they were more modest, would cause guys to see me as a young lady, and would help guys keep their minds pure. I think I only even owned one pair of jeans during those years, and maybe one pair of shorts...those were only worn when I absolutely couldn't wear a skirt (for example, when I was riding a horse or bicycle).

So what changed my mind? My mom was videotaped my sisters and me as we played outside with our two dogs one day. We were running, playing, jumping, etc. I was probably 15 at the time...and I was wearing a skirt. I remember watching the video later that day, and I noticed that when I sat down so the dogs could jump in the lap...well, you could see right up the skirt. It wasn't at ALL modest. It made me wonder how many times I'd worn that same skirt around all the guys I knew, and how many times they had been able to see up the skirt. It wasn't like I was intentionally doing anything to be immodest or even unladylike. On the video I had even tried to carefully tuck it around my legs so that it didn't fly up. But it wasn't enough. Just doing normal activities in a skirt was causing me to show stuff I didn't want to show. I tried wearing fuller skirts, but I never quite got the video out of my mind. A short time later, I bought several pairs of pants and started wearing them most of the time. When summer came, I invested in some cute bermuda shorts and some capris, and wore those.

I feel that I'm very feminine in my pants/shorts/capris, and I'm also very modest. I choose modest yet flattering cuts and styles. And I still wear skirts and dresses too, especially to church and sometimes to work...but not when I think I might be in a situation where it would be immodest!!! For example, I'm wearing pants to church tomorrow because I'm spending the afternoon with friends from Sunday School. There is a good chance I'll end up sitting on the floor for part of the time, and a skirt would be very inappropriate.

I don't know if that answered your question, but that's my own journey in the skirts vs. pants issue!

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 29 May, 2011 06:42 AM

Pants are stupid. I don't know how they ever got through marketing or maintained as clothing throughout the years, except, possibly, as some sort of winter apparel.

They are constricting, hot, and they are less flattering by far than anything else a woman can wear. As a man, I can say with certainty that they are inferior to shorts in every way (except when you want a tiny bit of leg protection, possibly like when you ride a motorcycle or a horse.).

Modesty is a non-issue. Baggy pants are modest. Tight pants that wrap and describe a woman's lower half in the finest details are not. We don't even have to get into those tights, or whatever they are, that are totally immodest.

Skirts are the same. A long skirt can say business and hot better than any pantsuit while also being more than modest. A short skirt with frills that can be "accidentally" revealing when a woman bends over or walks briskly is not modest. Nobody ever has to ask if it is. It isn't. The point is not to be modest.

So, in conclusion, skirts can be made so that they are modest or immodest; pants should not be worn at all without that there is a specific need, and I like shorts.

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 30 May, 2011 05:10 AM

so wow, more good aurguments both ways (sigh). All well, just the story of my life. lol Thanks for the replies ya'll!

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 02:58 AM

Maybe it's time for a utilikilt.

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 03:23 PM

Okay, I have to say that I agree with pixy and piano gal. Pants aren't bad if worn with a little common sense. In todays world they're more practical. They can be femine and modest.

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 05:48 PM

:waving: I have no problem with either skirts or pants.

What would matter more to me is is modesty. It is possible to wear either the skirt or pants, if they don't show every last detail.

For the guys, it's another issue: to let droop or not to let droop. One guy who was walking near our office REALLY let the jeans droop--he was quite bordering on indecent exposure.

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 08:46 PM

I saw a guy with droopy jeans yesterday...several guys, actually, but one of them had REALLY droopy jeans. I could literally see daylight between his legs...ABOVE his waistband. If he hadn't had on boxers, I shudder to think of what I would have seen.

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