Author Thread: Drinking, how much is to much?

Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 25 May, 2011 02:49 PM

So I do not believe in drinking at all! Just a personal choice of mine.

We know the bible tell us not to be drunk.

"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess" (Ephesians 5:18 KJV)

I used to drink allot before I found the Lord, which is prob. why I won't drink a drop today.

Some people drink in moderation, but how much is to much?

Those that do drink socially, or 1 or 2 on occasion, how can you tell when to stop before you become drunk?

When you start feeling the effects aren't you already DRUNK with wine?

Keep in mind we are not talking about if Jesus drank what we call wine or what they called fruit juice. Arguing this is like arguing abortion with a liberal it wont get any of us anywhere.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 25 May, 2011 03:21 PM

OK, first of all, I don't drink at all. I've never even tasted alcohol. It would be detrimental to my testimony if I drank, and even if I wanted to drink, I signed a contract at work stating that I would not drink alcoholic beverages (or use tobacco products, or have immoral relationships, or do any number of other things!) while employed there. I personally don't want to marry someone who drinks, even if it is only socially, or only a couple times a year. That is just something that I'm not at all comfortable with, and something that I feel would not be pleasing to God.

That said, I don't necessarily think that is it a SIN to have the occasional drink. I just choose not to. Drinking in excess or to the point of drunkenness IS a is anything else done in excess.

Another thing to consider is the reason for drinking. I've been told that in some countries, they drink alcohol like we drink soft drinks. Some people simply like the flavor of a certain drink. Those aren't bad reasons for drinking. If a person drinks because of pressure from friends, or drinks because they like the buzz from the alcohol, or drinks because they want to do something they would never do sober, then those are sinful reasons for drinking. Also, are a person's drinking buddies fine, solid, upstanding Christians? It is possible that they are, but if the drinking is happening at the local bar, I doubt that the atmosphere is very Christ-like.

Anyway, I guess my point here is that drinking is between a Christian and God...and it is not my place to judge people for their consumption of alcohol.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 25 May, 2011 03:42 PM

I am in no way condeming moderate consumption, the bile says not to be drunk! What I am asking to those that do drink is how do you know how much is to much?

Are you not drunk from wine when you feel the effects?

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 26 May, 2011 03:36 PM

Being somebody who as a child attended the Lurheran church i beieve that wine is for communion only. Before I became saved at a pentacostal church I only drank it for communion. I beieve that Jesus was much the same way. It is ok for a wedding if you drink only 1 or 2 galsses.


PS. I do not drink other than communion wine.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 26 May, 2011 07:52 PM

In the Bible, difficulties with alcohol come from the same source as all other difficulties with stomach worship. Gluttony and excess.

When you get drunk,, you lose your inhibitions. You do things you wouldn't ordinarily do, and often, these things are sinful. At best, they're stupid. And, as I always say, alcohol can make the wisest man stupid, just imagine what it would do to me.

So why would you purposefully intoxicate yourself to the point where you will be influenced to sin? Gluttony and a sinful heart, clearly.

The only rule about alcohol is: Don't get drunk.

Otherwise, drink it. God made beer. It's proof that he loves us and wants us to be happy. It relaxes us., A cold beer tastes great after a long, hard, sweaty workday. A glass of Jack will help you sleep at night.

Drunkenness is a completely different issue. And yeah, it's wrong. There are plenty of verses that assault man's willful inebriation.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 08:01 PM

before I was saved I drank a lot and now one drink would probably make me drunk for years so I dont drink a drop and have no desire to drink any amount. How much is to much? However much it takes to get drunk is to much as long as a person drinks and does not get drunk then its alright, if dirnking one drink makes you want more or makes you want to get drunk then I would say dont drink the one drink.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 30 May, 2011 06:46 AM

I am an alcoholic myself, so I would say when your personality changes you know you've had too much

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 03:00 AM

If we're not supposed to drink, why did Jesus give people wine so that they could drink?

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 08:32 AM


If we're not supposed to drink, why did Jesus give people wine so that they could drink?

We are not saying you are not suppose to drink. we are saying you are not suppose to get drunk big difference.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 10:52 PM


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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 6 Jun, 2011 04:38 PM

I drink.

By that, I mean I have two bottles of alcoholic spirits at home (not wine for communion either) - a bottle of Bailey's Irish cream and a bottle of Malibu. I've had both since I moved into this house about two and half years ago, and I fully expect to get another year out of them before they're empty. In real terms, I may have small shot glass every 5-6 months - usually on my birthday or at Christmas.

Why am I like this? I like their tastes (and that of sweet sherry), but can't stand beer, lager and bitter which is much cheaper. To me, a drink usually marks a special occasion, but I'm hardly addicted to it and could cope if I never had another drop.

Unfortunately, to many of my peers, and even family, drinking - with the aim of getting drunk - seems to be about the highlight of their weekend. And us Brits are well-known for being drunkards! In fact, most people I know are gobsmacked to learn how infrequently I drink - it even earns me respect from the muslim guy at work who isn't allowed to touch a drop.

To others, even that amount is too much.:toomuch::devil:

I can't tell you how much is right for you, only that it's dishonouring to God to get drunk and lose self control. Until that point, you might as well be asking how much chocolate is too much (that'll make some of the girls nervous!)...

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