Hmm... I guess I'll go first. I'm gonna try and keep this as short and to the point as I can...
I was raised in a "christian" household. (so, basically, my family went to church every now and then, and I "believed" in God so I wouldn't go to hell). Never big on the whole going to church thing, though. One day, when I was 15, the youth director at the local church invited me to the youth program that night. Free food, games, sounded cool for a kid who didn't have a life. So, I checked it out. It was fun enough that I went back almost every sunday. Finally, I went on a retreat with the group. The last night of the retreat, I was standing up singing, or mumbling lol, the words to one of the songs the worship leader was singing. One of the youth had joined his friend at the front in prayer. Another guy came and put his arms around them and started praying, also. Before too long, most of the group had joined in. I was like, "Kinda weird... whatever." One of the adults came up behind me and invited me to join the circle. Said something about God having something to tell me. The moment I locked arms in the circle... I felt something. Was it just a feeling? Maybe. Had I ever felt it before? HECK NO. There were tears, laughs, and all kinds of experiences there, but my relationship didn't necessarily all start at that one moment. That one moments stirred my curiosity. I slowly began to, over the months, step out on a limb and trust God with something a little harder... and a little harder... slowly moving outside of my comfort zone. This has led me to where I am now... several years down the road. I have seen things and experienced trials in my faith that will NEVER allow me to doubt God again. Now, I'm trying to live the life Christ called all of us to live, and I'm trying to share this amazing life with others.
Nothing life shattering... but it was all I needed to take the first few steps. I thank God that that was all it took. lol.
many years of running from the Lord doing my thing getting into trouble and trying everything at least once...NO fear.
I ran myself into the ground and found myself in a hospital bed clinging to life. I had acute respiratory distress syndrome and the doctors had informed my family that my chances for survival was 25%. They inserted 7 chest tubes into my lungs and then both lungs collapsed. They put me in a medically induced coma for 3 months, some days the doctors threw their hands up because my body wasnt responding to the medication or the procedures. My family wasnt saved they didnt know what to do. anyway...the Lord spared my life and several encounters later, I gave my life to HIM and here I am.
I knew I had to get my butt to church and turn my life around cuz the doctors told me that was my one chance at beating death, I believed them :)