Author Thread: I believe God gave another dream the other night

I believe God gave another dream the other night
Posted : 19 Oct, 2020 01:16 PM

I was inside of a store. I found this white coat. It was just my size. I tried it on and decided to buy it. I headed to the back of the store and I was told to take the coat off. I hesitated and slowly took it off. In front of me was this door. It was open and the inside of the room was all red. There was a desk in the room and a man sitting behind it. The smiled after I had taken off the coat. Instead of leaving the coat there, I left the store and took the coat. Outside the store I could see a window into the office. I saw the same man there, still sitting at his desk. He had people looking for me, trying to get me, trying to take the coat back. I ended up running into a nice couple. They offered to help me. They took to this really big truck. We got inside, but in it it was dark and cold. I could hear the couple and saw giving in to sinful desires. I sat there in that truck. Unable to do anything, say anything or go anywhere. I was stuck and I felt ashamed of myself, which was made worse by the couple who offered to help me. The white coat I had was suddenly gone and I felt depressed. I don't know if anyone will get any meaning from this or not, but I did. I believe the white coat in the dream represents joy, the security and the man at the desk represents the devil and his angels wanting to take that joy away from me. The window on the outside of the store represents that my eyes have been open and I must watch what the devil decides to throw at me to steal that joy. The couple that offered me help represents deceivers. And finally the truck I believe represents depression and shame, or it could also represent the world itself. Either way, contrary to what others have told me, I believe God gave me this dream as a message to tell me or possibly warn me that the devil IS fighting as hard as he can to take away the joy that Jesus wants to give me. I pray that the Lord will give me strength not let him take it. The joy from Jesus Christ is the greatest joy that anyone could ever have.

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