Author Thread: How to spread the Gospel

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How to spread the Gospel
Posted : 7 Oct, 2020 08:31 AM

I heard many asking his do I spread the Gospel? And many were trying to give an answer, and many failed, when the answer is too simple, to spread the gospel you need 2 things , the first one is the Holy spirit and the second a good knowledge of the word of God, that is all you need to spread the Gospel.

You do not need a program that you follow or a philosophy or any book to tell you how to spread the Gospel, if you let the Holly spirit lead you and you used your knowledge, you can spread the Gospel, and remember do not expect or try to convince people it is not your job, your job is to share the Gospel and the job of the Holly spirit to lead people to the truth, so if none accept Christ while you were spreading the Gospel remember it is not your fault , it is their fault they didn't make the right decision.

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How to spread the Gospel
Posted : 16 Oct, 2020 04:52 AM

Hi 32,

That is correct, too many people do not have the power of the Holy Spirit in order to proclaim the Gospel.

Then how are they able to proclaim the Gospel if the do not know who He is, or what He is like.

Yashua says in Acts 1 verses 7 - 8

7 Jesus replied, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority.

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

The Scriptures proclaim who the Messiah is, what He would be like, what He would be doing, there are over 300 prophesies about the Messiah that Yashua had fulfilled to reveal to the people who He is.

Most people are only able to say that GOD did something in their life, yet they never proclaim the Gospel.

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How to spread the Gospel
Posted : 9 Feb, 2021 10:18 AM

I agree. Any time you share the gospel or attempt to do so, or give a tract to anyone, the Lord is pleased. It is something we can work into a lifestyle of fun and adventure and romance. I also go out in teams. How are you?

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How to spread the Gospel
Posted : 9 Feb, 2021 10:19 AM

I agree. Any time you share the gospel or attempt to do so, or give a tract to anyone, the Lord is pleased. It is something we can work into a lifestyle of fun and adventure and romance. I also go out in teams. How are you?

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How to spread the Gospel
Posted : 10 Nov, 2021 02:02 PM

I totally agree with what you’re saying in this paragraph - I was very involved with Children’s Missions and Children’s Sunday School, and only eternity will reveal what we as workers have sown down the years.

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