
Posted : 24 Feb, 2009 11:01 PM

You know, we all think we've got what it takes to be good Christians just because we believe in Jesus Christ, or we're faithful to go to church every Sunday, give our tithes and offering, ...hmmm, or we're on the deacon or usher boards, or we sing in the choir, give to charity, and on and one.

But do you really have a servant's heart as Christ has so required of us? Are we really doing those things that Christ did which proves that we are one of His children who has the mind and heart of Christ as a servant toward others?...

Listen to what Christ has to say: Matthew chapter 25

When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, the He will sit on the throne of His glory... And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left hand.

Then the King will say to those on His right hand, Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.... Because when I was hungry, you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave Me a drink. I was a stranger, and you took Me in off the street. I was sick, and you vsited Me. I was in prison, and you came and prayed for Me.

Then the righteous will answer and say, Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and gave You a drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and gave You clothe to wear? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and came and prayed for You?

And the King will say to them, Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did these things to one of the least of these who are in need, you did it to Me...

Sisters of St. Francis has need of volunteer missionaries, men and women from age 18 and older. The volunteers are provided living quarters in each community.

Volunteers are needed in Tyler, Texas;Okolona, Mississippi, Sioux City, Iowa; San Antonio, Texas; and many other places. Short term and long term volunteer missions trips, two weeks to six months.

If you're interested and would like to serve on the missions field, this summer and/or beyond the summer. Then check out this website. Write or call for more information...

Call or vist their website today! Sign up and be blessed of the Lord... you betcha!:angel:

Sisters of St. Francis

3390 Windsor Avenue

Dubuque, Iowa 52001

(563) 583-9786

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Posted : 30 Jul, 2009 07:12 PM

Hi John,:waving:

Thank you for your reply. I've posted contact information for the organizations. Please know that all your or anyone has to do is go to page 1, of this thread and you will find contact information for these missions that are seeking help.

Visit their website and make contact with them. May God bless you and all those who are seeking the Lord to send them forth into the highways and byway on the mission field with the gospel of Jesus Christ, to the poor and the lost. May God be with you and all whom He sends forth.

Blessings always in Christ:glow::angel:


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Posted : 30 Jul, 2009 07:21 PM


Please check out the Los Angeles Dream Center, its in Los Angeles, California. They offer many wonderful programs and ministries.

Visist thier website. Their website is:

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Posted : 30 Aug, 2009 05:04 PM

I hope to be involved in missionary work in Africa, particularly Nigeria or one of the other areas saturated with cults and a strange focus on child witchcraft, but I have no qualifications and have not yet found an agency which will sponsor me. I guess I should learn to speak a number of languages so I'll have some leverage in the process.

Eh, the whole idea of needing academic qualifications for missionary work bothers me a lot, and not just because it's an inhibiting factor for me...

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Posted : 25 Oct, 2009 01:33 AM

Dear Mam,

Praise God.

I am paul moses rajesh an evangelist from south india, I am now in bangkok, thailand for work, I am seeking for missionary opportunities, I am a cert evangelsi of church of north india, ny, usa.I should have been in ny, usa by this year for this easter, and join in cfc world radio,i was unable to join them, I would like to join you if you are ready to help me.


paul moses rajesh.

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Posted : 26 Oct, 2009 07:53 PM

Hi Paul ,:waving:

Thank you for your comment of interest in missions work here in America. Please review page 1 & 2 of this thread and you will find where I have posted some websites of missions ministries. Visit their websites and see if these are for you.

The Los Angeles Dream Center in Los Angeles California, USA, has a wodnerful website you should visit. I have also posted their missions contact information, this is a wonderful place to start. You may also contact me by PM and I will respond to any of your questions. Thanks.


Dream Mission

Application | What To Bring | FAQ | Testimonies | Schedule

Dream Mission...

...are mission trips for you to come experience and learn the hands-on ministry provided by the Dream Center in downtown Los Angeles. You will have the opportunity to participate in the various programs and outreaches and become a vessel through which the Lord will reach the lost and brokenhearted. Click on any of the links above for more information.


Please feel free to contact the Dream Mission coordinator for any information on planning a trip to the Dream Center. Our STM staff will bring a lot of energy and excitement to help make your stay here memorable and enjoyable.

Bernice Olsson

Dream Missions Director

(213) 273-7107

[email protected]


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2301 Bellevue Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90026

pn: 213.273.7000

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Posted : 26 Oct, 2009 08:19 PM

Hi Theologian,

Sorry, I'm just now responding to you. You know the area f ministry you seek is very difficult and trying on the whole being. It is very sad to see so many children, not only in Africa and aorund the world, BUT RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA hwose parents have them under the control of cults and witchcraft, busing and killing innocent children for profit and personal gain.

Nevertheless, Go reman faithful, and of this is the areas of ministry He is directing your path to undertake, then you have all my many blessings, and more, and prayers in covering.

Please know there are not that many agencies that require anyone to have college level education. A willing mind, and love for ministry, and the answer of the call of God for you to GO... these are God's requirements, and if any agnecy requires more, then, I don't think I would be ith such agency, becasue they are not sending out for God's glory, but for the profits of their own pockets.

I would like to suggest that you as well, visit the Drean Center website, this is really a great place to start and learn what goes on in missions ministry here, working with those who have been taken off the streets, cleaned up, and placed in disciplesshil programs. Wherever area your gifts, talents, and calling lies, at the Dream Cnetr you will be able to use them.

I don't think God would call you to go to Sfrica or any place where demonic works are takingplace if you have not the experience working up close and personal with such cults and deonic activitiy. Working on the streets of Los Angeles, you will indeed encounter cults and many demons, even so, at the Dream Center:excited::yay:.. and if you can control there, as the song says, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere lol...

So don't be discouraged thinking that you need 4 years of college or graduate work under your belt to GO... this is not a command or requirement from or of God.

You have the heart for the poor and needed, and love the word of God, if I were you, I would try going to the Dream Center for your foundational training, and see if you will like missions work from there. Mission work is very hard, its not easy as it may look or sound. One MUST BE CALLED BY GOD to GO!...this is the only way you will be able to endure until the end of the mission.

Please go back to the 1 &2 nd pages of this thread and read those websites and visit them, especailly CAPS and AGRM (Associated Gospel Recuit Missions). There you will find employment at both missions incertain cities across the US, and short and long term missions. CAPS which can be located on the 2nd page of this thread (I think), they are always looking for men and women, and youth groups (summer church groups) to come work with them.

Theses ministries will also pay stipends and provide free room and board, for short and long term mission. Some college deferrment payments are also made at CAPS for any of you who owe a college loan or is going to college.

May God lead you in the drection He so desires of you.



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Posted : 26 Oct, 2009 08:35 PM


In the early 1950s, Fr. Ralph Beiting -CAP�s founder- called on his friends and family to help him provide goods and support to those who were asking for help in eastern Kentucky. It was through the continuing enthusiasm of those first volunteers to help people in Appalachia that CAP came to be. Today, CAP�s volunteers are willing to lend us their talents in long-term, short-term, group or summer camp volunteer opportunities.

Volunteers are the heart of CAP�s many programs and services. Whether offering time for a week or for a year, the impact each of our volunteers has on those they serve is immeasurable and forever remembered. Become one of the countless volunteers whose lives have been touched over the years by calling our office at 606-256-0973 or 1-800-755-5322, E-mailing us at [email protected] or writing to us at 4192 North Wilderness Road, Mt. Vernon, KY 40456.

Volunteer Program


Meet Our Volunteers

Recruitment Events

Volunteer Program Staff

Volunteer Application

Individual Volunteer Opportunities

Long-Term Volunteering

Short-Term Volunteering

Summer Camp

Community Volunteering

Group Volunteer Opportunities

Information and Requirements

Group Service Placements

Group Registration Form

Alternative Spring Break



Volunteer Alumni

Upcoming Events

Alumni Survey

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Help CAP Recruit Volunteers

Christian Partners (Church/Organizational Involvement)

At-home Mission Projects

Mission Trips

Give to CAP

Promote Volunteerism


Contact Christian Partners

EMERGENCY: Elderly Man Needs Shelter!

Summer Camp for Appalachian Children

Back to School in Appalachia

Elderly widow bracing for brutal winter

CAP Responds to Louisville Flooding


Since 1964, CAP�s work has focused on promoting dignity and independence among Appalachian residents struggling against poverty. Family structure is preserved in order to make life better for citizens.

The Appalachian region stretches fron the northeast corner of Mississippi through the southwest corner of New York and in the hardest hit areas of the 13 states, more than 50% of children live in poverty. Through the prayers and generosity of CAP�s supporters, we have the opportunity to live out the Gospel each and every day.

Children and Their Families

Dedicated to serving the people of the Appalachian area by helping them to improve their lives by strengthening the family and the individual�s emotional /psychological /spiritual well being. We believe that through family life education, enrichment and counseling, we can make life better for children as well as adults, and strengthen the family unit.


Our goal is to assist with the needs of the elderly and to establish networks of professional interagency relationships that will sustain or rebuild the support systems necessary for worth while human living.


Regardless of the disability, each person has the right to reach his/her full potential in the least restrictive environment. To support this belief, we will support them to become self-advocates. Center-based and in-home respite services are committed to providing periodic care to families and family members with disabilities for reasons of relief. We will seek to work in collaboration with other agencies and CAP programs in order to offer the most comprehensive services and choices to those we serve, fostering educational and recreational, and spiritual opportunities.

Disaster Relief

Weather is unpredictable and, as a result, storms can paralyze a geographic region in a matter of minutes. CAP�s Disaster Relief program organizes volunteers to respond to the needs of those impacted by a natural disaster. Responses may include everything from home and property clean-up, to providing and distributing emergency disaster supplies.

EMERGENCY: Elderly Man Needs Shelter!

Summer Camp for Appalachian Children

Back to School in Appalachia

Elderly widow bracing for brutal winter

CAP Responds to Louisville Flooding

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Posted : 26 Oct, 2009 09:23 PM


Volunteer Your Time

Helping rescue missions during the holidays is a real blessing! Why not think of ways to help them all year long? The needs are great.

Please consider contacting your local mission and offering to help. Most rescue missions have a volunteer coordinator; you can ask for that individual when you call.These are just some of the many areas in which you may be able to serve:

Plan and assist with fund-raising efforts

Tutor and/or teach



Serve meals

Do housekeeping

Take care of children

Speak or play music during chapel services

Lead Bible studies and groups

Do medical or dental work

Perform administrative tasks

Collect and sort donations

Counsel and pray with individuals

Your local mission will look forward to hearing how you can share your time and talents with the ministry




Just a few volunteer opportunities that ae posted on this Chrstian Volunteering site. there are many more that might be of interest.

Volunteer in Ethiopia global volunteer network Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Orphanage


2 Teach conversational English in Vietnam during summer Viet Nam Teaching


3 Tribe 49: Siberian Expedition! InterAct Ministries Boring, Oregon Children and Youth


4 Smoke Signals (First Nations Canada) InterAct Ministries Boring, Oregon Children and Youth


5 Camp Lifeguard South Side Mission's Camp Kearney Canton, Illinois Community Development


6 Camp Counselor (groups) Camp Reveal Evansville, Indiana Community Development


7 Head Lifeguard Camp Reveal Evansville, Indiana Community Development


8 Summer Camp Worker Camp Reveal Evansville, Indiana Community Development


9 Summer Staff City Union Mission Kansas City, Missouri Camp Counselor


10 Camp Food Service City Union Mission Kansas City, Missouri Children and Youth


11 Camp Counselor City Union Mission Kansas City, Missouri Camp Counselor


12 Housekeeping Staff City Union Mission Kansas City, Missouri Children and Youth


13 Camp Chapel Staff City Union Mission Kansas City, Missouri Children and Youth


14 Camp Recreations Staff City Union Mission Kansas City, Missouri Children and Youth


15 Camp Craft Staff City Union Mission Kansas City, Missouri Children and Youth


16 Summer Staff The Pittsburgh Project Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Children and Youth


17 Summer Staff Union Mission Ministries Virginia Beach, Virginia Community Development


18 Summer Camp Worker Union Mission Ministries Virginia Beach, Virginia Community Development


19 Camp Counselor Riverwoods Christian Center St. Charles, Illinois Community Development


20 Lifeguard Central Union Mission's Camp Bennett Brookeville, Maryland Community Development


21 Camp Nurse Central Union Mission's Camp Bennett Brookeville, Maryland Community Development


22 Camp Counselor Cross Bar X Youth Ranch Durango, Colorado Community Development


23 Summer Intern John 3:16 Mission Tulsa, Oklahoma Community Development


24 Evangelism Volunteer The Potter's House of the Atlanta Union Mission Jefferson, Georgia Community Development


25 Summer Staff Wheeler Mission Ministries Indianapolis, Indiana Community Development


26 Summer Mission Worker Lighthouse Youth Center York, Pennsylvania Community Development


27 Summer Staff Milwaukee Rescue Mission Milwaukee, Wisconsin Community Development


28 Camp Counselor/Activity Worker City Team Camp MayMac Felton, California Community Development


29 Leadership Staff City Team Camp MayMac Felton, California Community Development


30 Activity Specialists City Team Camp MayMac Felton, California Community Development


31 Summer Day Camp Team Leader Buffalo City Mission Inc. Buffalo, New York Community Development


32 Team Leader/Jr. Leader Buffalo City Mission Inc. Buffalo, New York Community Development


33 Summer In The City - Chicago Here's Life Inner City Chicago, Illinois Children and Youth


34 Summer Intern - Mexico YUGO Ministries San Dimas, California Community Development


35 Summer Youth Missionary Great Falls Rescue Mission Great Falls, Montana Community Development


36 Summer of Service Staff YWAM San Francisco San Francisco, California Community Development


37 City Host (Chicago) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


38 City Host (Washington DC) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


39 City Host (Los Angeles) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


40 City Host (Houston) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


41 City Host (Nashville) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


42 City Host (New York City) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


43 City Host (Philadelphia) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


44 City Host (San Francisco) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


45 City Host (Toronto) Center for Student Missions Dana Point, California Children and Youth


46 Program Team Member Grand Valley Christian Camp Rock Creek, Ohio Community Development


47 Dining Hall Server Grand Valley Christian Camp Rock Creek, Ohio Community Development


48 Drop-In Host Regina Rescue Mission Regina, Canada Community Development


49 Director's Assistant Family Services Denver, Colorado Community Development


50 Summer Missionary Team Internship The City Mission Cleveland, Ohio Camp Counselor


51 Various Interns Miami Rescue Mission Miami, Florida Community Development


52 Camp Counselor Earthen Vessels Outreach Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Community Development


53 Counselor/staff Camp New Dawn Chickamauga, Georgia Community Development


54 Volunteer Teachers massaba rural development organisation nairobi, Kenya Education and Literacy


55 Volunteer Teachers massaba rural development organisation nairobi, Kenya Education and Literacy


56 Volunteer Teachers massaba rural development organisation nairobi, Kenya Education and Literacy


57 Volunteer Teachers massaba rural development organisation nairobi, Kenya Education and Literacy


58 Volunteer Teachers massaba rural development organisation nairobi, Kenya Education and Literacy


59 Summer In The City - Milwaukee Here's Life Inner City Milwaukee, Wisconsin Addiction and Recovery


60 Counselor - Children's Camp Camp His Way Zavalla, Texas Camp Counselor


61 Camp Worker Camp His Way Zavalla, Texas Camp Counselor


62 Service Adventure 2008 Orphanos Foundation Cordova, Tennessee Children and Youth


63 Summer Service Ministry Intern Latreia St Paul, Minnesota Camp Counselor


64 Summer Internship - Dominican Republic Orphanage Outreach Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic Children and Youth


65 Field Ministry Internship Course Directors UofN Student Mobilization Centre of Youth With A Mission Madison, Wisconsin


66 Program Summer staff Inner City Impact Chicago, Illinois Camp Counselor


67 5 week summer program staff Inner City Impact Chicago, Illinois Camp Counselor


68 DR-ESL Teacher Island Impact Ministries Coram, New York Children and Youth


69 DR-Health Care Professional Island Impact Ministries Coram, New York Children and Youth


70 Summer Intern World Impact St. Louis St Louis, Missouri Children and Youth


71 Summer In The City Missionary Here's Life Inner City Chicago, Illinois Children and Youth


72 Summer Of Service (SOS) Youth With A Mission McAllen, Texas Community Development


73 Full-time Volunteer Positions St. Vincent Pallotti Center Washington, District of Columbia Education and Literacy


74 Summer Intern UrbanPromise Ministries Camden, New Jersey Camp Counselor


75 Teach conversational English in China during summer Beijing, China Teaching


76 Summer In The City - Seattle Here's Life Inner City Renton, Washington Children and Youth


77 Summer Intern Prodigal Gatherings Aurora, Colorado Community Development


78 Summer Internship Hanson Place Campaign Against Hunger Brooklyn, New York Disabilities Outreach


79 Cambodia Volunteer Program global volunteer network Lower Hutt, New Zealand Children and Youth


80 Thailand Volunteer Program global volunteer network Petchaburi province, Thailand Community Development


81 Physician Baptist Medical Center Nalerigu, Ghana Health and Medicine


82 Urban Hope Camp Counselor Urban Hope Durham, North Carolina Camp Counselor


83 Live-in Assistant L'Arche Noah Sealth of Seattle Seattle, Washington Community Development


84 Wilderness Guide Adventure Greenland Hazelton, Canada Children and Youth


85 Volunteer for Escuela Pedrogoso in Costa Rica Basecamp International Centers San Isidro, Costa Rica Education and Literacy


86 Volunteer for Patronato Nacional de Rehabilitacion in Costa Rica Basecamp International Centers Santa Ana, Costa Rica Disabilities Outreach


87 Volunteer for Hospital Oscar Jand in Ecuador Basecamp International Centers San Cristobal, Galapagos, Ecuador Health and Medicine


88 Volunteer for Colegio Nacional Galapagos Highschool in Ecuador Basecamp International Centers Puerto Ayora



Short-term volunteers make a commitment of three weeks to eight months. Often potential long-term volunteers commit as short-term volunteers first to see if CAP is a good fit.

Benefits of Short-term volunteering

Room and board in a CAP volunteer community


Minimum age of 18 years old

Commitment to community life, prayer life and service work

Willing to serve for a minimum of 3 weeks

Completed volunteer application, including three personal references and a criminal records check

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about short-term volunteering.

Pillars of CAP Volunteer Life

Volunteers at CAP make a commitment to service, community and spirituality. Follow the links below to learn how each element contribute to the volunteer experience.


CAP volunteers serve in various CAP and local programs that benefit children, the elderly and persons with disabilities.


Whether a volunteer lives in one of CAP�s volunteer houses or independently, each volunteer makes a commitment to community life by sharing in the joys, challenges and growth that comes with being a short-term or long-term CAP volunteer.


CAP is an interdenominational organization that encourages people to share their faith and express it through their actions. Personal spiritual growth is an integral part of the CAP volunteer experience, and to foster a spiritual environment, volunteers gather for prayer and reflection after weekday dinner.

By Margaret Gabriel

When Debi Moore arrived in Kentucky after applying to become a Christian Appalachian Project volunteer, she had many experiences behind her. Her work experiences and education combined to make her a fine volunteer candidate, but it was life experience that convinced her to follow up on investigating the mission work �that I said [...]

More articles �News �

Short-term group makes a long-term impact on future campers

Fox Valley Mission, a group of nearly 50 skilled construction workers and their spouses from the Fox Valley region of Wisconsin, have become accustomed to taking on CAP projects that needed to get done�fast. Last year, the group built a house from the ground up for a family in McCreary County during their short week�s [...]

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Upcoming Events

October 27, 2009:

Boston College Post-graduate Service Fair (4:00 pm)

November 3, 2009:

St. Mary's University Post-graduate Service Fair (11:30 am)

Winona State University Post-graduate Service Fair (3:00 pm)

November 4, 2009:

College of St. Benedict/St. John's University Post-graduate Service Fair (11:00 am)

November 5, 2009:

College of St. Scholastica Post-graduate Service Fair (11:00 am)


volunteers who make a commitment of 9 months or longer. Most of our long-term volunteers are either recent high school or college graduates engaged in post-graduate volunteering, or retirees who want to continue to make a difference in retirement. Because of the greater time commitment they are making, long-term volunteers are able to take on more involved service positions that require someone willing to give the time and energy needed to address Appalachia�s most persistent challenges.

Benefits of Long-term Volunteering

Making a long-term commitment can be a significant financial sacrifice, and CAP offers the following benefits to long-term volunteers to help make volunteering more affordable and to ease the concerns that your family may have.

Room and board

Monthly stipend

Health insurance

Potential student loan deferment

Potential AmeriCorps Education Award


To become a long-term CAP volunteer, you must meet the following requirements:

Minimum age of 18 years old

Be dependable and flexible

Have the willingness to share in community life

Have a sense of humor

Desire to serve others

Complete a volunteer application, including a complete driving records check, three personal references and a national background check

Be personally interviewed by CAP Volunteer Program staff

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information about long-term volunteering.

Pillars of CAP Volunteer Life

Volunteers at CAP make an equal commitment to service, community and spirituality. Follow the links below to learn how each element contributes to the volunteer experience.


CAP volunteers serve in various CAP and local programs that benefit children, the elderly and persons with disabilities.


Whether a volunteer lives in one of CAP�s volunteer houses or independently, each volunteer makes a commitment to community life by sharing in the joys, challenges and growth that comes with being a short-term or long-term CAP volunteer.


CAP is an interdenominational organization that encourages people to share their faith and express it through their actions. Personal spiritual growth is an integral part of the CAP volunteer experience, and to foster a spiritual environment, volunteers gather for prayer and reflection after weekday dinners.

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Blog �

Birthday and Beyond

By Kate Stefanowicz

This week started off pretty amazing for me. You may ask why? Well because Monday was my birthday and those are always pretty fun for me. I work in the home repair program at CAP so we still had to work but it was a very low key day that included coffee and [...]

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More articles �Featured volunteers �

Debi Moore

By Margaret Gabriel

When Debi Moore arrived in Kentucky after applying to become a Christian Appalachian Project volunteer, she had many experiences behind her. Her work experiences and education combined to make her a fine volunteer candidate, but it was life experience that convinced her to follow up on investigating the mission work �that I said [...]

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More articles �News �

Short-term group makes a long-term impact on future campers

Fox Valley Mission, a group of nearly 50 skilled construction workers and their spouses from the Fox Valley region of Wisconsin, have become accustomed to taking on CAP projects that needed to get done�fast. Last year, the group built a house from the ground up for a family in McCreary County during their short week�s [...]

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Upcoming Events

October 27, 2009:

Boston College Post-graduate Service Fair (4:00 pm)

November 3, 2009:

St. Mary's University Post-graduate Service Fair (11:30 am)

Winona State University Post-graduate Service Fair (3:00 pm)

November 4, 2009:

College of St. Benedict/St. John's University Post-graduate Service Fair (11:00 am)

November 5, 2009:

College of St. Scholastica Post-graduate Service Fair (11:00 am)

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Posted : 27 Oct, 2009 10:45 AM

Christian Mission O pportunities

The teaching, administration, library, special ed., (etc.) skills you have learned can be applied in a mission school, either to teach children of missionaries, or to teach children of the local country. Experience the double joy of teaching and ministry. Some or most all of these positions offer paid or stipend, room and board. Makr contact with them and find out, visit their websites.

Opportunities for Education

Urgent Needs

Yunnan Life Academy (email) Volunteer teachers are needed for a small school for MK's in Kunming, S. W. China. All subjects, all levels appreciated. Teachers must be born again Christians. We are flexible regarding qualifications and age as we can move other teachers around to find a suitable position. Minimum time requirement - one academic year.

ReachAcross has an urgent need for two teachers in a Middle East location, Grades 1-6 and 4-8, for two small schools for missionaries' children. A stipend sufficient to cover housing, cost of living, and airfare from/to home country is available. From September 2009.

Advent Group Ministries

Christian social service agency uses full-time, paid resident counselors in the care and treatment of addicted and alcoholic teenagers in Santa Clara county, California. These teens need your unconditional love, message of hope, and professional services.

Colombia Street Kids (Proyecto Restauraci�n, Bogot�, Colombia)

Work with the families of the children. Must be qualified, flexible, patient, prayer warrior, think generationally, not just here and now, perseverance. Minimum conversational Spanish required.

Goal Ministries

Global Outreach for Addiction Leadership develops trains and supports international indigenous Christian leadership in alcohol and other drug addiction treatment, encouraging community based prevention and 12-step recovery. Current work in Romania, Honduras and Russia. Short term trainers needed.

Isibani Community Centre

We work to address the growing needs of the Zulu population living in the Champagne valley of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. We need volunteers to provide many services including health care, education, welfare, councelling counseling.

Restore International

We rescue and rehabilitate children forced into prostitution in India, and seek prosecution of the perpetrators. See our web site to learn of the positions we have available to assist in our efforts. These include Counselors, Rehabilitation Managers, and Social Workers.

Servant Opportunities

Up-to-date listing of many openings for mental health specialists: Counselors, Psychiatrists, Psychologists. Youth counselors, Social workers.



Not necessarily Christian

Catholic Network of Volunteers

Short to long term volunteer possibilities in over 80 countries (not all disaster relief).

Catholic Relief Services

(No volunteers, but some employment)

CORD - Christian Outreach Relief and Development (UK)

Aids children, refugees and other vulnerable people in some of the poorest and most war-torn areas of the world.

Crisis Relief Services & Training

Based in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, CREST trained team members have, both on their own as well as by networking with other NGOs, contributed to the relief of crises caused by natural disasters and Complex Humanitarian Emergencies. Training emphasizes: Biblical Perspective on Disasters; Disaster Response in Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes and Famines; God's Heart for the Poor and Needy.

Family Care Foundation

This international relief and development network spans 50 countries on 5 continents.

Food for the Hungry - Hunger Corps

A unique service program for people who feel called by God to serve the world's poorest people by helping to feed their physical and spiritual hungers. Positions are for 3 to 4 year terms, generally require no previous overseas experience, and are available in over 30 countries. Volunteers must be US citizens or have green cards.

Friend Ships

Operates several ships, offering humanitarian and medical relief world wide. Serve onboard, at land bases, or for disaster relief. Licensed maritime people needed too. Missionary opportunities for all ages, singles and families. For professionals, lay people (skilled or non-skilled), health care personnel. Room and board provided.


Opportunities in Muslim countries in the aftermath of disaster and war. Join a team to bring relief and to plant churches among unreached Muslim peoples. Afghanistan opportunities.

International Aid

International Aid is a Christian relief and development agency that responds to Biblical mandates by providing and supporting solutions in healthcare.


Medair is looking for professionals for relief programs in Africa and Asia, in the health, WatSan and shelter sectors, offering a first year monthly allowance of $100 plus expenses and $1000-$3500 for experienced/2nd year relief workers. Minimum 1 year commitment, ages 25 - 55.

Medical Teams International

Our mission: to demonstrate the love of Christ to people affected by disaster, conflict and poverty around the world. Medical and other forms of disaster relief (photo)

Mercy Airlift International

A Christian lead humanitarian and disaster relief organization which has operated worldwide since 1968, serving disaster victims and impoverished people. Mercy Force teams provide disaster relief services.

Mercy Corps

Relief services in Europe, Asia. Some paid positions.

Mercy Ships

Bringing high quality relief and medical care to the poorest in Africa. Africa Hope ship, with 6 operating rooms and more than 100 beds provides up-to-date surgical services, all through volunteers.


We provide physical and spiritual support to people in times of war, famine or natural disaster and to assist with community development projects promoting long-term change. Inquire about our "Mercy Reserves" program: a network of volunteers ready to deploy where and when needed.

Mission Harvest Ministries

Relief to hurricane victims, military personnel, missionaries. We need warehouse workers, administration and accounting help, truck drivers (long haul and van trucks), to help us meet humanitarian needs world wide, starting in the USA from our HQ in Jacksonville, Florida. English, Spanish, French are helpful.

Operation Mercy

Swedish-based organization operates in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan.

ORA International

A non-denominational Christian relief and development organization that serves people in need around the world. We run development aid projects and is active in disaster response. We are looking for staff mainly in Central Asia, with appropriate training and experience. For vacancies see our website.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Work Teams (PC-USA)

The Mission Recruitment Service offers opportunities to form Disaster Response trips in the USA. Visit the web site for full information, or call toll free (888) 728-7228, x5805.

Refugee Relief International

Only for medical personnel with combat experience. Not necessarily Christian. Aid to victims of armed conflict.

Samaritan's Purse

Responds to disasters worldwide.

Shelter Now, Shelter for Life

Provides much-needed shelter, hospitals, schools, in areas of desperate need such as Western Sahara, Serbia, Central Asia, Sri Lanka, India, Mozambique, Macedonia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, more. Create self help improvement programs by teaching building techniques and similar skills.

Target Earth

Belize, Honduras hurricane relief, environmental studies, evangelism.

Tear Fund's Disaster Response Teams (United Kingdom)

Many urgent needs: Water and sanitation engineers, administrator, public health educator, more.


A Rocha

A UK-based organization working to show God's love for all creation. Has helped to protect rare Portuguese wetland, woodland and limestone habitats. Ongoing work in Lebanon, France and the United Kingdom, soon in Kenya.

Target Earth

Environmental programs provide opportunities in many countries for students and others who have a desire to share the love of Jesus while caring for the earth and its people. Programs include the Eden Conservancy, the Global Stewardship Study Program GSSP (a full credit bearing academic semester program in Belize), and Jaguar Creek, a child-oriented program in Belize.


A Brighter Future Ministries

Church planting in the USA where no churches exist. Independent Baptist. Tyro Baptist Church, Tyro NC

All Nations CPx Program

Our mission is to equip passionate followers of Jesus committed to spreading the glory of God through church planting movements among the neglected peoples of the earth. Six month school in Kansas City includes instruction from godly teachers, classroom discussion, cell participation, book reviews, overseas short-term experience and practical church planting ministry.

Alongside Ministries International

We serve as partners with individuals, churches, and ministries across cultures to strengthen the Church and advance the Gospel in Estonia, France, Scotland and Albania. We focus on equipping youth, developing leaders, sending cross-cultural workers, training short-term mission teams, promoting world mission vision, and supporting the development of strategic ministries such as camps.

Asian Access

Church planting in Japan: Partner with a Japanese pastor and congregation to help that church multiply! Use a proven model, developed by Asian Access and now being embraced by other mission agencies and denominations all over Japan. Summer (2-6 weeks) and short-term (1-3 years) options also available.

Avant Ministries

Our vision: to rapidly plant and develop churches where none exist.

Canadian House Church Resource Network

Resources, articles and networking opportunities for Great Commission minded Christians interested or involved in planting house churches locally or overseas.

CrossWorld (formerly Unevangelized Fields Mission)

Church planting by mobilizing teams to make disciples and train leaders, since 1931. Currently working in Quebec, Haiti, Ecuador, Brazil, Europe (including Bosnia, Kosovo, Slovakia, and Monte Carlo), Asia and Africa. Short term, internships, and long term.

Calvary International Focused training for missions. From two week basic schools, to a ten-month apprenticeship program designed to mentor new missionaries during their first year of field service. Veteran missionaries help the new missionary to fully integrate into the team, the culture, and the ministry. Guatemala, Africa, more. We have long-term missionaries in over 50 nations. Non-denominational.

Ends Of The Earth Missions

As an independent Baptist organization, we enable workers and their supporting churches to establish and sustain effective missionary outreaches for neglected people groups in "closed" countries and remote regions of the world.


Plant churches among unreached Muslim peoples as part of a Frontiers team. Teams in 38 countries of Asia, the Arab world, and Africa. Contact us for information on skills needed, training requirements, openings. You may be able to start a new team!

European Christian Mission International

ECMI teams in Albania, Austria, Bosnia, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Ukraine use a wide range of ministries to plant and develop Christian churches, evangelise, disciple, conduct Bible studies, etc. Short term and college placements available.

Focus Team Leadership Training

Only for those willing to lay down their lives and dreams for the sake of expanding His kingdom, this training is appropriate for the task of church planting amongst some of the Least Reached People Groups of the world. The harsh realities of pioneering missions require a different and more holistic approach to training.

Frontier Ministries

A non-denominational, charismatic church-planting mission focused on reaching Spain for Christ. Our long-term vision is to plant church-planting churches and university groups in Spain's seven principal cities: Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Seville, Bilbao, Malaga and Zaragoza.

Global Outreach Missions

Church Planting projects in a variety of countries. Non-charismatic.

Hakka Church Planting Ministries

Work with Hakka Chinese in Taiwan. "

Opportunities: Long and Short Term

The Lincoln School in Guadalajara, Mexico, often needs teachers for US-based curriculum. Free housing and utilities. Small salary, paid vacation, holidays, sick days, medical insurance. ACSI school. State and/or ACSI certificate required.

If you have teaching abilities, you can impact disadvantaged children in Belize by spending one or more trimesters alongside a local teacher in a small village, or by providing teacher training for a shorter term. Ages: College and older. Contact PathLight International at [email protected] or 925-426-PATH (7284). Interdenominational.

The Network of International Christian Schools - NICS operates American-style English speaking, schools around the world. We are searching for committed Christian educators to partner with us to fill teacher, staff, and administrator positions, to reach children in the world's major cities. Most positions are salaried. See our website for current openings (normally two-year contracts) and school information.

Ovidio Decroly Christian School

Come and have the great experience of winning children to Christ through our use of a Christian K-12 curriculum, in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Do not miss this opportunity that the Lord is giving you to reach the lost through Christian education. You do not have to speak Spanish; all the classes are given in English.

Mission Aviation Fellowship

We overcome barriers to the Gospel, and support transformational ministry through the use of aviation and other strategic technologies. We need teachers, learning technology specialists, information technology specialists, as well as pilots, A&P mechanics, and more. Age 21 and over.

Teach A Child!

Belize Mission Project Join us in our work in teaching a Bible school in the Corozol (northern) district of English-speaking Belize. We welcome teachers and Bible teachers. We're an evangelical mission involved in several projects.

Searchable data base

Hundreds of positions for teachers and educators in Christian schools around the world (Mission: Teach, Association of Christian Schools Int'l).

Abang Ashu Academy of Cameroon

Our mission is to advance the Kingdom of God through theological education, mission training, national evangelization, and pastoral care programs. We need mission teachers, computer operators, librarians, theology lecturers, radio and television broadcasters.

Action Child Mobilization

Help us reach the children of English-speaking Ghana (West Africa) with the Gospel through creative initiatives. All year round we receive volunteer school teachers, Sunday School teachers, and others, to help in Christian schools and evangelism programs. Also help us train Children's workers.

Africa Inland Missions - USA

Needs a variety of educators and teachers for academies for missionary children.

African Bible College Christian Academy (email) Try here for website

International Christian American style school in Malawi, Africa ministering to children of missionaries, diplomats, aid workers, and locals from 28 countries including Malawi. We provide quality education at low cost to help those who are spreading God's love and care in Malawi. Interdenominational.

All Nations Christian Academy

K-9 school near Seoul in South Korea, uses Evangelical native English speakers who have a bachelor's degree to teach English and/or regular school subjects in English. One or 2-year contract, pay Korean Won 1,500,000 p.m. and severance pay, plus private housing and 6 meals a week. We serve MKs and evangelize neighbors. More here.

Alpha and Omega Ministries of Pakistan

Amongst other efforts, this ministry in Lahore, Pakistan, is running two academies and a small school to equip students with both secular and religious education, imparted free of cost to all students. We also provide free books and uniform to needy students. Teachers in several disciplines are needed.

American Christian Academy (K-12 day school)

Serving the expatriate community in Ibadan, Nigeria. Dynamic teachers with a heart for missions, evangelism, and children are needed for preschool, computer science, and English (must uses good written and spoken English - preferably American English). You must be a born again Christian.

Bangkok Christian International School (Thailand)

BIS seeks tent-maker/pioneer teachers or those with home mission support to help us teach missionary kids and reach out with the gospel to the local community. Qualified teachers desiring to serve the Lord and with the ability to reach out to the hearts as well as the minds of children and youth, should inquire.

Baptist Missionary Society

Long list of openings often includes teaching positions. Some are paid.

Bethel International School (Tacloban, Philippine Islands)

This is the best elementary school in the Waray area of the Philippines. Students come from the families of government, business, and professional leaders. Students in our school may well become leaders of Waray society. Think of the privilege of teaching the future leaders and helping them learn to trust in God!

Bethel Training Center for the Blind (Beijing, China)

We care for and educate blind orphans, ranging in age from infants to young adults. We need a volunteer nurse or other health care professional to oversee their health care. We also need teachers for special ed, music, physical ed, plus counselors, OT/PT and speech therapist, etc. Video

Bethany Christian School (Eastern Kentucky, USA)

We are looking for certified teachers who have a desire to give those less fortunate an exemplary education while sharing the love of God through their lives.

Black Forest Academy (Germany)

This boarding school enrolls over 300 missionary kids, grades 1-12, in a strong academic program. BFA serves missionary families in over 35 countries. We need teachers (Grades 1-12, All subjects) Computers, Dorm Parents, and Residence Assistants. Join the staff for an opportunity to impact the world for Jesus Christ...and have fun with incredible kids and friendly colleagues in a beautiful location.

Brethren Volunteer Service Listings of current job openings for teachers. Affiliated with The Church of the Brethren.

Bucharest Christian Academy (Romania)

A private non-denominational school founded to educate missionary's children, and serves business and diplomatic families. The American curriculum is taught in English. Quality, Christ-centered academic instruction and extra-curricular activities. Current openings.

Buenos Aires International Christian Academy

BAICA, as it's familiarly known, serves the international community of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the North Zone. It is US accredited and seeks missionary teachers with loving hearts to serve its students and families. We especially need those with expertise in subject, preferably Master's degrees and/or experience with ESL.

Channel Islands Bible College & Seminary (Oxnard, California)

A Bible College and Seminary providing training and degrees with no registration or tuition charge to students. We welcome inquiries from qualified people, who can provide their own support, with experience in Administration, Office operation, and Teaching.

CHED Wycliffe Bible Translators

Wycliffe has opportunities for teachers, administrators, librarians, resource teachers, and dorm parents in over 90 locations worldwide. When educators are not found to fill these positions, our missionary families are often forced to leave the field. By serving in one of these positions, you can further Bible translation. K-12 personnel need certification from a state, a province or the ACSI.

Chengelo School (Zambia)

This co-educational boarding school offers an international curriculum to nearly 400 students from pre-school to A-level. We are looking for committed Christian teachers from Zambia or overseas who are prepared to work in a rural school to carry on the vision of the school given by God in 1985. Email.

China Outreach Ministries (University Campuses in the USA and Canada)

We're seeking full-time and part-time staff members (mature, hospitable adults with college education) to begin campus ministry at strategic locations. You will initiate service projects and investigative Bible studies among Mainland Chinese graduate students and research scholars, and their family members.

Children's International Lifeline (La Digue, Haiti)

A well-established ministry with feeding program, schools, and church/pastoral training ministries. We are currently building some new classrooms and a medical clinic. We have a vision for a vocational school. We desperately need a mature, responsible, Christian couple to work with us full time in the mission.

Children's Welfare Mission (Uganda)

We work to help Orphans by means of Education. We have a children's village with a primary and Secondary Vocational school where we try to get volunteers involved in helping these children. If you're an educator and wish to help these children, please contact us.

Christ Care Ministries International

Primary, elementary, and vocational teachers and social workers needed to assist our ministry to the people of Kenya and to Children at Risk,


Medical Ministries

Fishers of Men offers two-week trips to Mongolia and Trinidad & Tobago. We provide evangelical outreach and medical and surgical services. We need teachers for children and other teachers, and any with a passion for seeking and saving the lost, medical and nursing students, and all kinds of health service providers and helpers. Sightseeing weekends. Individuals, families.

Solid Rock Missions

FGI ACYP Families Our desire is to share God's love with those in need in the Dominican Republic. We do that with short-term teams that provide medical, surgical, dental, construction and training service (and youth teams) to the Dominican clinics, schools and churches we work with. We operate a guest house to serve our teams.

FeetToFaith Construction and well drilling, no experience necessary. We provide fresh clean drinking water to extremely poor tribal communities and build simple homes for needy widows in Guatemala. Come and help bring shelter, clean drinking water and eternal Living Water to people who are in desperate need. VIDEO

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Posted : 13 Dec, 2009 10:52 PM

Thanks Madam for your implicit reply I will check and keep you posted if time permits will call you and tell that there are evangelists who are always prepared for His will.

with God's grace I am seeking to be an evangelist of His heart and mind, I follow evangelists like Sir Billy Graham, Sir T.D.Jakes, Sir DGS, Toni Morrison, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Steve Munsey.

God bless you in all your works towards Him.


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