Author Thread: isn't it oh so funny..

isn't it oh so funny..
Posted : 27 Oct, 2010 07:33 AM

Funny how guys on here sound so sermon-like, and maybe some are, but in reality, people generally don't talk like that. Wouldn't it be funny if instead of a guy saying "no" he doesn't smoke, he'd really just say 'trying to quit" or instead of '1 or 2 on occasion' he'd really just say I was an alcoholic and now I pretty much just drink 5 or 6, but only on occasion.

Sure we have all been guilty of being hypocritical I think. Going out of your way to sound like what you aren't is distinctly non-Christian-the word is duplicitous.

I've just made some observations based on my experiences. It's a sad commentary that the guys I've dated that weren't specifically Christian sometimes had more morals and respect than those actively Christian.

Maybe it's misuse or misunderstanding of grace. I certainly have failed in being the best Christian, I suppose I say I'm different because I don't try to hide who I am or what's on my mind. Saying things to get something from someone, even if you think it is a good thing, is still using someone. Words spoken should never be for what you can get-not even when you pray- but from a sincere honest heart for what you can give.

That's ill will or malice of course..Like the 11th commandment of politics ladies-think about this for the last crazy guy you met- Never attribute to malice what is from stupidity, and never to stupidity what is due to ignorance.

Love and Shalom!:waving:

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isn't it oh so funny..
Posted : 29 Oct, 2010 03:08 PM

Well you are on an internet dating website, and because of that, you can't expect every guy you meet to be completely honest on his profile, even here. I know that not all of the girls here are what they say. I would hope that the majority are Christians, but I have no way to guarantee that. Bottom line: careful what you search for.

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isn't it oh so funny..
Posted : 29 Oct, 2010 04:32 PM

yes, very true!

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isn't it oh so funny..
Posted : 4 Nov, 2010 10:01 AM

to the original poster..... you are absoultly correct that there are people who are not christians that have far better morrals and don't judge people nearly as much as some self proclaimed christian. That is why you have to look at the actuall person by what he/she is on the inside and by his/her actions. Actions always speak louder than words(-:

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isn't it oh so funny..
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 01:40 AM

Maybe there should be a special dating website for Christian guys who sound sermon-like, where each has their own little pulpit painted beneath their script for the day, where they can lecture everyone into obedience to their doctrine and opinions! And the kind of women suited for them should not have a mind of their own, but rather obey without asking questions, perhaps even mute?

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isn't it oh so funny..
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 08:23 AM

Joker-you are so funny, that would be awesome to see that site! Ben- yes, I've realized that. Since that post I've found someone who isn't exactly a Christian, but honestly he is treating me with so much respect, it's amazing. (Oh and I'm not still on here to 'flirt' with guys, but to talk to those already my friends!):applause:

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isn't it oh so funny..
Posted : 2 Dec, 2010 01:10 AM

Being an online dating sight we are bound to come across those who say one thing and do another. There are some who will hide behind an online persona they have built up around themselves whether it's a man or a women. Not everyone you meet is a fraud.

That said I would say it's not necessarily fair to generalize about men or women or assume everyone we meet is a liar till proven otherwise. the example of someone saying "no" I don't smoke and making the assumption that they are lying and are really just trying to quit, or drinking 1 or 2 on occasion but assuming the person is in reality an alcoholic. To me sounds like a syndical way of looking at things. Not to say we should be naive and trust anything people say but as was pointed out in one of the replies need to be cautious and pay attention to what people say over a period of time keep an eye out for red flags, inconsistencies. Never be afraid to ask if something doesn't seem right. An honest person has nothing to hide. There is a difference between cynicism and caution.

I have met both real genuine people and outright frauds, sometimes the the same rule applies to a deal, if it looks too good to be true it just might be. We are all flawed people "no one is righteous, not one" An honest Christian will be open about his/her flaws we all have them. I will say that I've encountered many more genuine Christians on this site than I have frauds. I know that our personal experiences can taint and/or jade our perception of people we meet on here.

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isn't it oh so funny..
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 12:24 PM

But where would the fun be in having a mute partner? It's the friendly arguments that bring the spice! However, I do like the personal pulpit idea... LOL. However I think that too many people actually have one already and take it very seriously!

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