There is a guy I work with and at first, he used to be kind of rude to me. When he would talk to me and my group, he would talk to all of my coworkers but me. I noticed it one time and decided it was best to just start ignoring him, not to get a rise, but so that I could just move on with my life. He got affected by my behavior because as soon as I started to ignore, he started talking to me and I mentioned something that to this day I think he thought I was mad about, when in reality, I was ticked off about the ignoring part.
After that moment, I just decided to kill the whole situation with kindness. Fast forward to today, we talk a bit, smile, and make eye contact. I can tell there is an emotional investment with him and he does show classic signs like staring, he has made physical contact with me before, etc. I can tell he likes me. Something strange though happened recently, and I can’t quite understand it. I notice he is wearing a gold band ring on his left hand which is new. At first, I thought he got married but as far as I know he is single. It got me thinking but I know one of my guy friends also wears a gold ring on his wedding finger, but he is not married (I know because he has told me multiple times he is single). They are both different cultures (guy friend and guy I like) so I am not sure if this is a cultural thing so I didn’t jump to conclusions.
A week ago, I got really sick and when I got back to work, he was the only person that really, really cared and went out of his way to help me with returning back to work duties. He told me to please stay safe and healthy and I said thank you and that I truly appreciated it and he was acting in a caring way that I’ve never seen before. He then asked me recently “are you feeling better?” genuinely concerned and said I’ll come to you to help me with a task. He has just been acting really nice to me lately which I appreciate, but I don’t want to be too friendly if he is actually married. What should I do?
Just be friendly in the same way you would be friendly with any other coworker. You have no reason to proceed into a deeper relationship.
First, You don’t know if he’s married. But more importantly, you don’t know if he has a relationship with Jesus or even if he wants such a relationship. Many people, (even those claiming to be “Christian”), don’t know what a relationship with Jesus means!
You’ll take note that I mention Jesus and knowing him often in my conversations with you. This is because Jesus, the Son of God, the 2nd member of the Trinity, is our Creator and in him we move about and have our being. He is intimately involved with who we are and our entire being and our existence. He made us for his purposes and he desires for us to seek him earnestly and to know him and to obey him as our foremost objective. Our relationships with others will always remain subject to that foremost objective