Author Thread: My latest blog

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My latest blog
Posted : 24 Sep, 2009 01:31 PM

I've had a rather difficult romance with my girl friend these past months and over the course of the past few weeks I have been in jail, and came within seconds of bleeding to death, been learning alot.

So she broke up with me and we were able to get to the bottom of things... like why things have been so difficult lately, much to my suprise... it all makes sense now and we are finally on the right path. God has done some really amazing things. So this is what I just wrote for her, there is a picture of her in my profile. I am only staying on here to talk to my freinds and be encouraged and encourage others.

So let me share this with you. (And please do not construe any part of this as indicating that we are sexually active, we have only kissed and held hands, ever.)

An Angel landed on my shoulder last night. I can feel her soft wings caressing my cheek and her little arms wrapped around my kneck as she holds on for dear life.

I'm gonna take this one for a wild ride. I'm gonna teach her how to love and how not to hate. Ahh baby thing of all the sunsets, moonlight and dancing we can do now.

Commitment is sweet, and peaceful, challenging and takes alot of work, but dam girl, it sure beats the hell out of fighting against love. Sweet thing, You know I love you.

Let's live and love and laugh, cry, hope, argue, hold each other under the stars and count shadows, race the wind, chase the last light of the sun every night, and smile at the dawn as we lay in each others arms.

You can rest now, I'm not going anywhere. You can have peace now, real peace. Smile darling, My angel, my demon, my crazy little woman, I love you dawn.

Here's to life, And to the love God Gives.

J'taime Mon Cherie!

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My latest blog
Posted : 24 Sep, 2009 05:33 PM

If I'd had any way of knowing that the bottomless grief I felt when my first love quit on me, was going to be the best experience ever to learn how to endure an emotional smash, stop being despondent about it, and take God as a refuge. I would have never prayed or wanted anything else but HIS will.

During such storms, we feel the wind coming from all directions, rough !! but all turbulences eventually end, and everything as u said brother, just make sense!

We still can breathe, survive, sleep, and enjoy things in life, be able to move on, and amazingly learn to trust God more.

What u wrote for her is beautiful. Also, its great news u survived your injury. For that I praise the Lord, He answers prayers.

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