Author Thread: When God showed me a good lesson or teaching

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When God showed me a good lesson or teaching
Posted : 4 Jun, 2009 01:32 PM

I knew my time was soon ended to be in USA and to find a man in USA so I could live in USA without going back to Sweden.

I must have been kind of desperate when I had not find any man to live with.....

the only man I had was a real praying project as he wasbeen addicted to both wine and drugs for25 years.:toomuch: I loved him in the deepest of my heart and we had been together in 2 years

but now did I see that he should never be sober and I had to move away from that relationship and find another man very quick.

I pray to God and said that I accepted any man as long as he love you more than I do ...I prayed humbled.

And after 3 days I had a very Godly man in my inbox in a datingsite.

He said he loved God so much so he wanted to be so close to God so he sat in God's lap and he was also a minister in a church so I was crazy in love in that Godly man.

He was 6 years older than me but I wa thinking that some older man can look very handsome so it didn't worried me.

We should meet in the fastfood resturang close to where I lived in the evening.

I understood it was he that come at the parking lot in a new Mercury car so that looked really nice...I was thinking

but out come the most disgusting man I ever had seen in my whole life !

I could deal with that he was walking like a duck with a stick in his hand.

But his hair was the most red I had seen with hair that wasn't cut for years , it was flying in thin hairstraw in the wind and down in tangled nest for birds.

His teeth was real yellow and small like a child teeths and his skin was very white with blood vessle full seen in his face in many places on his little short nose

His eyes was nice blue but it was almost like they was close to fall out on him.....

He touched me with his small short chubby fingers and I tried to talk the whole time to make him busy so he didn't touched me.

I tried to see any spot to love but couldn't.

He took me to a nicer place to eat and when we should drive the strange thing happen that all the traffic light was on red in the 4 road cross we stand at......

Like God was screaming " NO NO NO..I just kidding with you " :nahnah:

It was red in so long time so he had to driver over the parking lot to come to another road to drive on with no red lights on.

Then I learned that we should pray for a desent partner even if we shouldn't limit it to be so hard for God to give us a partner.

Nowdays I pray for a partner that am pleasant in God's and my sight.

The most value is the inside but it have to be so we can love that person God choose for us.

Now am I back in Sweden but hope to find a man in USA so I can move back where I have lived in 6 years and where I have my church.

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When God showed me a good lesson or teaching
Posted : 4 Jun, 2009 07:56 PM

Not trolling, but beware. The discernment bell is going off loud and clear here

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When God showed me a good lesson or teaching
Posted : 5 Jun, 2009 11:01 AM

Hi Everyone,

This user Eva's profile has been suspended. Thanks to the administrators for their prompt response to our concerns.

Blessings, Lydia

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