Author Thread: I think it's nice to let people know where I have come from.

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I think it's nice to let people know where I have come from.
Posted : 27 Mar, 2009 10:54 AM

Ok, this is going to be incredibly cliche, but I am just trying to save someone from asking me about my previous relationship history and it's a song. lol. So, I'm sorry I'm cliche. . . and I have only been in one relationship so it makes it all the more easier.

no title. . . which literally means I don't have the title. This isn't just a really long title. lol


I want back my smile from summer a blinded heart a cheap band-aide lover

And if you were to ask me then I'd be smiling. I was glowing. I was. . .

But, you tangled me in your lover's bliss. A goofy smile spread on my lips from ear to ear.

I was so naive


You wore me like a cheap band-aide and let first impressions burn me at the stakes.

I should have know 'cause you'd say things sometimes and leave the bitter taste of rhubarb pie.

I'm burning

So, much for you so called "honor."

Where was your shield? Your lover's armor?

I'm burning.


I want back that goofy smile

kind of stuck there like a hanger in my mouth

I'd prefer a Don Quihote over shining chain mail.

A chivilrous heart chasing windmills.

Picnics on starry nights

No more bitter taste of rhubarb pie

long car rides and play in the rain

I don't need a fairy tale

I want love and worthy pain

Because quite frankly sir you didn't deserve me tears


As if my ashes weren't enough you dug up a hole and you covered me up

but, I guess I should thank you

because who wants a postman who delivers nothing more than empty promises

and what they say about first loves just isn't true.

they say it's eternal but not even the smallest part of me could possibly still be in love with you


excuse the grammar please. . . I'm in a rush

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I think it's nice to let people know where I have come from.
Posted : 1 Apr, 2009 07:53 AM

i Don't think it is cliche lol I think it's cool music is a form of expression I love it and the fact your going into youth ministry is rock solid girl me too....and evangelism!!!!

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I think it's nice to let people know where I have come from.
Posted : 3 Apr, 2009 10:37 PM

So...what're the chords to the tune? =)

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I think it's nice to let people know where I have come from.
Posted : 8 Apr, 2009 08:07 AM

the chords are simple. . . I don't quite know how to describe the tune though. . . haha.

verse chords

C Em G D Cadd2

The first line of the first verse you switch the G and D

and the final line of each verse is C


G D Em C

pretty much. . . it swtiches up a little. . .

but yeah

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I think it's nice to let people know where I have come from.
Posted : 8 Apr, 2009 08:08 AM

really? that's awesome! where are you studying? I'm at eastern university.

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