Author Thread: The most awful experience

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The most awful experience
Posted : 2 Jun, 2012 09:51 AM

I met a woman on this site, we became an item, and in late February I booked a cruise for us. She pushed for a cabin upgrade to a balcony which gave me concerns I ignored, but was ultimately OK with what I booked. She also gets a number of tattoos over the last few months, paid for out her disability settlement. Her sister and brother in law also went, and have limited income, so she drove and I took care of the hotel and gas to ease their burden a little. Once on board, she distances herself from me, downgrades us to friends, and hangs out more with them. All week she shows no signs of appreciation at all, and spends lavishly on drinks, gambling, etc. Even late in the cruise she�d suggested I chip in towards her charges I�d thankfully insured she�s have to tie to her own credit card.. The last night of the cruise, a guy who�d hit on her a couple of days before appears out of nowhere, flatters her about the many tattoos she now has, and gets in the photos they were taking. She suggests exchanging info so he can be sent the pics. A short time later I saw the same guy pacing back and forth in the casino. On the far side of the casino, I see her show up and they both head off�..

Until the last, I�d managed to avoid encountering a really awful individual, but now I guess that experience taught me some valuable lessons and to never ignore intuition and warning signs like that. Her own family has admitted she has some issues, so that helped me to see it wasn�t something about me. I find solace in having also encountered far more very good people along the way too. Needless to say, I feel like a sucker and I�m struggling with some less than charitable thoughts.

The fact I met her on this site of all places makes it even harder to accept..

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The most awful experience
Posted : 3 Jun, 2012 10:06 AM

Oh...ouch!! That's a rough one! You're exactly wouldn't expect things like that to happen on a site like this. I know you must be heart broken. I know with things I've been through that the Lord allows us to go through things for a reason. We may not know the reason ,but God does. And it's to make us a stronger person, a stronger Christian for going through it. Lift up your head buddy...better times are comin!


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The most awful experience
Posted : 3 Jun, 2012 12:20 PM

Thanks JC. The good thing is that I'd withdrawn and protected my heart from her, so no heartbreak there. She was extremely difficult, and I learned had very little to offer overall, so I felt no sense of loss that way. I'd considered taking another in her place or just cancelling, but things seemed OK enough, I would've lost a good portion of what I paid, and I didn't want to also make it worse for her sister & brother-in-law. It was just a bad idea on my part, and I regret too, such a large gift to the least deserving I ever encountered..

I'd just been lucky that in 43 years I managed to not get mixed up with one of the predators out there. The good thing I suppose is now I know a little better what to look for, to avoid, and to not ignore my intuition that was perhaps from the Lord...

You apparently can't edit, so for clarification, I paid for her share of the cruise/cabin, the hotel so we'd have parking for the week, and offered to pay for the gas, but wound up paying about 1/2.

Folks just need to keep in mind there may be many on this site who put up a few verses and know the right buzz words, but their hearts are simply not in line with what it means to be a Christian, or even just decent...

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The most awful experience
Posted : 5 Jun, 2012 12:12 AM

You're exactly right. A lot of people have scripture in their profile, but that doesn't mean they are all they claim to be. I never want to judge anyone, but people aren't always what they seem to be, or claim to be.

I know a true scammer...I've encountered many of those. So I know what to watch for. However, there are others who you think you can trust, and find out you can't. Yes, we all definitely need to be careful on the site.

It's all about God's will...and that's sooo hard to wait on sometimes!! I, unfortunately, have encountered a couple of people who weren't right for me. Caused a lot of pain. But God is leading me down the path He wants me to take. I just have to trust Him.

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The most awful experience
Posted : 10 Jun, 2012 04:36 PM

Oh my! You are not alone, l'v gone through some painful moments, but am still here believing and waiting unto God. Be strong and stand for what you believe. Be blessed.

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The most awful experience
Posted : 23 Jun, 2012 07:48 AM

I read your post and I am so sorry to hear that happened to you � that�s horrible!! I am really sorry to hear about what you've been through. You do not deserve that treatment at all -- you are a really good person. I am continuously disappointed at how many people there are 'out there' who are looking for what they can get from others. It is difficult to remain honest, open and giving when so many are ready to take dishonestly. How can this girl put her profile on a Christian dating site? Talk about hypocrisy!

You're not a sucker . . . you're a loving man looking to share your life and heart with someone special and unfortunately the wrong person took advantage of that. She's the loser.

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The most awful experience
Posted : 24 Jun, 2012 11:00 PM

Sounds like this womanjust needed a man to help with all her travel expense on a cruise. Often times, men choose the wrong women on these date sites. Signs are usually there but the man chooses to look a the beauty are whatever else attracts Him most.

Just a good experience what not to look at first; but get to know the whole person.


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The most awful experience
Posted : 7 Jul, 2012 10:13 PM

Be very careful on christian dating sites... their are alooot of god fearing men and women on here as well as very nice men and women. People make accounts in order to use those people. always look for warning signs. if you see something fishy, always ask God for help, ask them, or drop it.

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The most awful experience
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 07:13 AM

God will restore you and allow God to use for his purposes and glory we don't always know how that entire experience will play out. We could draw many conclusions but only God really knows. Your heart was in the right place to be kind and generous and provide a good experience and God knows your heart!! :) Don't allow the enemy to steal your joy or plant seeds of doubt. I have been through a horrific experience with someone I met who was a con artist and very convincing - did , said all the right things - knew scripture, prayed etc... anyways I had to come to a place where with all my heart I could say out loud and to others and mean it


I will never give up hope even if I get knocked down along the way. It did take time to get to that place of letting go of the hurt and disappointment and loss but God has been faithful - Beauty for Ashes!

Hurting people - hurt people sadly

I will always hug hurting hearts even if it hurts

Praying for you my brother in the Lord - God has a fabulous woman of God to compliment you in serving him :)

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