Author Thread: Totally Random and Totally Fun

Totally Random and Totally Fun
Posted : 24 May, 2012 05:18 AM

We had no idea what to do. We were just bored. Having been single for eons I said "Can we just go for a Sunday afternoon drive?" I never got to be the rider, having always been the soccer mom and chauffeur to three daughters, now grown and gone. He loved to drive so he said okay. Off we took with no destination in mind. He said "Which way?'' I pointed north. I hadn't been that way in a long time. It was hot and we cranked up the a/c and radio (he's a Beatles nut) and I just watched the country side. As we put the miles behind us there they were were. At first there was one, then two, then maybe three. What the heck were they? They weren't down in my neck of the woods. My guy wasn't from here so he was looking and shrugging his shoulders "You're from here. You tell me!" Then it occurred to me. They were wind turbines! Now to those of you with them every few yards this means nothing but to someone who grew up with only the 20 foot high ones that pumped water for the farms we lived on they were majestic! I was almost in tears from their beauty. I had seen them before but never this many. I made him stop on a gravel road next to one and stop the car. He opened the window and shut off the motor. You could hear the gentle yet powerful whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. He had a Nikon camera in the back seat and started shooting pictures.

That was my favorite "date" with him. We had many others and went to fancier places. but I will never forget that one quiet hot afternoon when we found the new and strange (to me) discovery in Midwest Iowa. It wasn't our last trip up that way. I have been there by myself since and it will not be my last.

Thanks to this complex man. Though we aren't together anymore I will always have this memory.

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Totally Random and Totally Fun
Posted : 26 May, 2012 07:31 PM

That's a nice memory!

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Totally Random and Totally Fun
Posted : 28 Jun, 2012 03:52 PM

Great Memories are nice! However, A Wonderful man is much better. :laugh:

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