Author Thread: Bitter experience

Bitter experience
Posted : 12 May, 2012 08:31 PM

I had been on this sight before, but stopped coming here when I met my last bf. he seemed like such a wonderful man, and he was a Christian too. He worked in the oil fields. I find out, after I had been falling more for him, that he is actually married. I was heart broken. Not only was everything a lie, but I was the other woman. I never wanted to be the other woman, because I had been cheated on before. But I also felt so bad for his wife, tha he would do this to her. Needless to say I was took me time to come to terms with it...but I know God has a better and honest man out there for me...I may not be skinny or gorgeous, but I know that one day a Christian man will look past outer beauty and see what's real...God bless and thanks for reading...

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Bitter experience
Posted : 16 May, 2012 09:41 AM

{I may not be skinny or gorgeous, but I know that one day a Christian man will look past outer beauty and see what's real} Thats the Spirit! Your sexy and Gorgeous in your own way and your still young keep hanging out there.Continue to Trust Our Lord:glow:

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Bitter experience
Posted : 24 May, 2012 06:53 AM

You can talk to people for years online and on the phone, but you get to know them a lot better and quicker when you meet them in person and make a real effort to get to know them.

Another thing to keep in mind is people can label themselves whatever they want and label something whatever they want. It takes studying and research, asking the right questions and prayer for answers and for the truth to be revealed. Let Jesus guide you, trust, rely and cleave to him, have patience and do not lose heart.

2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

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Bitter experience
Posted : 26 May, 2012 10:41 AM

I definitely agree with the posts above.It does take faith the,the right questions and patience to find that one god intended.

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Bitter experience
Posted : 2 Jun, 2012 09:43 AM

Sorry to hear about your awful experience, and I'll be posting my own string to share mine here:

I met a woman on this site, we became an item, and in late February I booked a cruise for us. She pushed for a cabin upgrade to a balcony which gave me concerns I ignored, but was ultimately OK with what I booked. Her sister and brother in law also went, and have limited income, so she drove and I took care of the hotel and gas to ease their burden a little. Once on board, she distances herself from me, downgrades us to friends, and hangs out more with them. All week she shows no signs of appreciation at all, and spends lavishly on drinks, gambling, etc. Even late in the cruise she�d suggested I chip in towards her charges I�d thankfully insured she�s have to tie to her own credit card.. The last night of the cruise, a guy who�d hit on her a couple of days before appears out of nowhere, and gets in the photos they were taking. She suggests exchanging info so he can be sent the pics. A short time later I saw the same guy pacing back and forth in the casino. On the far side of the casino, I see her show up and they both head off�..

Until the last, I�d managed to avoid encountering a really awful individual, but now I guess that experience taught me some valuable lessons and to never ignore intuition and warning signs like that. Her own family has admitted she has some issues, so that helped me to see it wasn�t something about me. So, we�ve all been burned my friend, but I find solace in having also encountered far more very good people along the way too. Needless to say, I feel like a sucker and I�m struggling with some less than charitable thoughts.

The fact I met her on this site of all places makes it even harder to accept..

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Bitter experience
Posted : 10 Jun, 2012 11:04 AM

Oh man, so many bitter experiences, just like mine! (sighs)... I guess most "punishes" new people they meet because of their bitter expereinces in their past, not thinking that the new people are NOT the ones that had hurt them in the past, it is the ones in their pasts who had done this to them, so it is well they would realised that if they wants to clear their issues they'd go back and confront whoever it is that hurts them in the past and clear the air.

Not everyone is the same. Just certain types who refused to quit their games, or use, or whatever. Just get in there, fast, find out their intentions, whether they are of the "wolves in sheep's clothing" or the real deal.

Better to be WISE as serpents, and harmless as doves. Who said this? C'mon, c'mon, tell us, eh!

And that's what taught me to understand everything can I can possibly understand.

Never ignores one's intuitions, gut feelings, hunches!

I had ignored mine too many times when I'd meet my ex, who was just a friend, over the years, before I decided to settle on her, which was a big mistake. (sighs).

Now I'm hoping for a strong Jesus-follower biblical woman. I save myself for her, and no one else. I prefers it this way.

Since my ex I find it very hard to trust anyone, especially women, though I met a few online, but as they was from UK, US, etc there was no way for me too meet them, and most of them was way too older than me, if I can put that delicately and my chances to make a family with them would be a miracle, indeed. So I must look for a good woman who is younger than me, which I never met one before and hopefully that she DOES walks with Jesus and loves Him 100%. I trust in Jesus and have faith that He will leads me to the right woman. I cannot bare to meet the wrong woman, hence my being here on this site, so I can be SURE and check her out, and I hopes she'll checks me out, too. Always be discerning and be SURE.

Well, that's about it, okay. Forgive, let go, grow, be happy, enjoy life, and so on. And always, Jesus is there, no matter what!


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Bitter experience
Posted : 10 Jun, 2012 11:52 AM

Sounds like some good insight there defman, and sorry to hear about your awful experience. I guess I needed to encounter one of the kind you hear are out there:devil::devil: - but never had before.. That's where those those never before seen by me warning signs lead to ignored intuition.

In my case, I've maintained or grew to be good friends with my ex wife and a few ex GF's. It seems insecure and otherwise troubled people have an issue with that, but better suited more accept that - within reason. That, turned out to be what lead me back to a far better woman :angel::angel:where we both failed to see what we had until we both got mixed up with far worse. It also seems that only in friendship after a relationship can some clues be seen that you'd found the real deal. In this case the far better one wears her faith far less on her sleeve - figuratively and literally since the troubled one has Christian tattoos, yet the other harbors the spirit of Christ and good far more in her heart.

It can be a long and winding road, but if we remain good hearted, I believe we will be rewarded.

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