Author Thread: There is a big problem guys do you feel me on this?

There is a big problem guys do you feel me on this?
Posted : 19 Jun, 2011 08:50 AM

Everyone has a philosophy on how they reckon they are gonna be fullfilled and what they want.. problem is nobody is like the Movies and magazines hey? i look at the forums on here and other places better looking guys than me cop the same thing i hear it everywhere we get our profiles viewed and then they turn their noses up. I dont think im stunning but i dont think im ugly either what do they want us to be? I can only be what God made me and im not getting cosmetic surgery like movie stars or famous people do.. Its just too hard to please women in general too much attention has been given in society and media promoting a womans appearance and that she can get anything anytime. I feel its harder for guys to make a girl happy I have had so many times now where i am getting to know a girl and we have seemingly really clicked then out of nowhere they dont reply anymore now i dunno about you guys but that crushes me man i get my hopes up and then get crushed when that happens. Having said that i feel i know also why that is.. See i know some guys probably do it too but i feel these chicks are talking to several guys at once and still looking for better looking or *so called* more suitable matches while they are talking to you even at the same time that you are chatting with them.. scary huh?... then there the stats on who makes it in relationships thats even more scary.. Again everybody feels relationships are supposed to be like what you see on the Movies , your favorite TV series, Magaizines or the fairytale ending.. Then there are these so called *experts* who write the books giving their advice most of em just want a quick buck.. back 50 years ago there wasnt a terribly high divorce rate noooo where near what it is now.. This is a sad moment of realization for me guys you feel me?

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There is a big problem guys do you feel me on this?
Posted : 19 Jun, 2011 06:03 PM

Well I'm not a guy, but it seems as if you are assuming that the reason girls look but don't contact you is because of your looks? Is that correct?

Actually it could be a number of things. And I can assure you --- women face the same challenges. Looks at our profile but no contacts. It is frustrating all around, to be sure.

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There is a big problem guys do you feel me on this?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2011 01:26 PM

There is so much more then looks that play into catching some ones heart my friend. Countless times I have witnessed people in my life that were not that good looking that could almost have any one they chose. The same goes for attractive people not being successful in love.

Think of it like fishing. First you must attract them to you. So yes looks does play a part but just as much does personality. Once you get a bite you just real them in right? No just like fishing you can get lots of bits but no actual end success. The problem is a lot of people are good at attracting some one but loose them just as quickly. This is where just like fishing you must be careful once you have that bit. Go to fast and you loose them. Go to slow and you can loose there interest.

A lot of men and women will get scared off if the other person gets too aggressive. Give them a bit of attention but back off a bit also. Let them come to you. That's so much more enticing then knowing that the other person has fallen head over heals over you.

Human nature unfortunately makes us want what we cant have. We appreciate some thing so much more if we have to work for it a bit. Also don't get too attached to fast. You really need to take time and get to know them before giving your heart.

Best wishes my friend. Remember that self confidence will take you much further then any cosmetic surgery can.

God bless!

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There is a big problem guys do you feel me on this?
Posted : 23 Jun, 2011 12:22 PM

I agree you you totally, you look good, the question is what is inside this good looks. Often there is always this first expression, it counts only to attract your partner, but unfortunly the good looks do disapper or appear as you get to know the other Person.

As for your case, I assume you are a Christian and do believe in God. Remember there is a reason for everything, be patient and surely you love will come in Time. Like you said about devorces, you may never have to go through one once you wait for the one person ment for you.

As for the Challenges, do not think you are the only one going through them. Just be patient and always keep in it in your mind that you are very special und you deserve someone special as well, hurry hurry has no blessings.

Take care and seek God , he will take you to places you never even dreamed of.:applause:

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There is a big problem guys do you feel me on this?
Posted : 24 Jun, 2011 08:08 PM

online dating is just a tool in the huge world of finding your future spouse in my eyes. I honestly don't expect too much from this site. It's hard to really get to know someone through a computer, but can be a great way to meeting new people to meet in person, and i think that's why i'm on here, is for that chance...and the chance to meet some cool christians as well. i urge you to pray to God all of your desires and wants, and be specific in the type of future wife you would like in your life. Put God first and he will provide ;) hang in there buddy, she's out there.

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