Why come people are not comfortable being different?
Why come ET and SR are cool old people? :ROFL::ROFL:
Why come they going to tear me up for that?
Why come people want to get to know somebody, but don't know themselves?
Why come Edw is my white brother from another mother?
Why come Sos is unique in her expression and way of thinking and I love that she doesn't care?
Why come I attract really nice good guys who have religious theology that is so different from mine we would never be equally yoked? S*cks, why come!!??
Why come PJ, SirJames, and MOG like to fuss on the forums EVERYDAY :toomuch:? Yeah, I said it.
PS--Why come I pitty the fool Drigmeater catches throwing poor kitties over the fence?:MrT::boxing:
Why come GL is right and might I add those be some mighty low down, dirty, no account, heartless scoundrels who need to be put in a fanless pen with 20 dogs that got ahold of Exlax?
Why come my great-nephew is learning new words and is the most cutest 2 1/2 year old you ever saw??
Why come I may have a picture to post of me in an actual skirt. Can't remember how long its been since I wore a skirt or dress. I might break my laptop loading it.
Why come EDW didn't know that Pixy stop crushing on IHH when she found out she would make him fall over his walker:ROFL:...
Why come Pixy promised to bake IHH a cake, and feed it to him, but he refuse after he found out she can't cook?:ROFL:
Why come I know this lastest breaking news? because Pixy and IHH posted it their flirting in the Biblcal discussion section so you guys wouldn't see it...:dancingp: