Author Thread: Clean Why Comes

Clean Why Comes
Posted : 31 Jan, 2011 03:57 PM

Why come?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 25 Feb, 2011 11:25 PM

Why comes where is everyone?:angel:

Why comes THE NIGHT OWL is back!?:yay:

Why comes?:excited:

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 26 Feb, 2011 07:04 AM

Why come God's presence with us is one of His greatest presents to us? ______________ ____________________________ Why come God's unseen presence comforts me, I know he's always near: And when life's storms besiege my soul, He says, " My child, don't fear"? ___________________________ Why come I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth is Jeremiah 9:24 ?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 26 Feb, 2011 03:57 PM

Why comes where is everybody mom?

Why comes the why comes are so silent?

Why comes I start training Monday morning?

Why comes pray for me?

Why comes?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 26 Feb, 2011 04:50 PM

Why come I'm praying for ya, little brother?______________ __________________________ Why come the firefly flew into the fire 'cause he had the flu and was too sicka to fly high?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 26 Feb, 2011 05:00 PM

Why come we need to have the anme of chevy's pet monkey?

Why come this post may be very hard to top?

Why come we are at page 43?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 26 Feb, 2011 07:04 PM

Why come we are almost about to be pushed to page 2?

Why come we will have to beat this record number of pages, whatever the number might be?

Why come to talk about why comes when there are so few things to why come about right now?

Why come?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 26 Feb, 2011 11:42 PM

why come the forum can't bump threads that have recent posts made to them up front in the list?

why come it would keep the why comes from moving to the second page

why come my brain feels fried from all the studying I've done today

why come I still have a quiz and an exam both to take tomorrow before midnight and I don't want to even think about it anymore tonight?

Why come I will be soooooooo glad when winter quarter is over and I drop down to part time in school?

Why come I look forward to having a little bit of extra time to get back to doing things like exercise daily, that I've not been able to do with the current schedule I keep?

Why come I haven't seen pix around and I miss her so?

Why come I really should get to bed since I'll need to get up for church in about 5 hours?

Why come I'm forcing myself to close my laptop now.

Why come I wish you all a good day/eve/night (whichever the case may be for you).

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 27 Feb, 2011 03:35 PM

Why come nobody posted today?

Why come I'll be glad when Spring gets here?

Why come the groundhogs pick my SUV to hide under when it rains?

Why come gas is getting so high?

Why come BG is gonna wish she would have hooked up with Amish dude before the summer is over?

Why come I'm still not in the why coming mood yet?:goofball:

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 27 Feb, 2011 04:37 PM

Why come none of us have been in a why come mood lately?__ ___________________________ Why come it's good to see edw? _________ ____________________________ Why come Kyle and Kaynine are loyal why comers? __________________________ Why come I been thru the desert on a horse with no name with a no name monkey? ____________________________ Why come I'm still sicka false doctrine pushers? _____________________________ Why come glad paschen's a why comer now? _____________________________ Why come where's T?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 27 Feb, 2011 08:03 PM

Why come it's lightning and thundering like crazy out...

why come it's messin up the tv signal...

why come I don't like lightning yet at the same time I do...

why come my husky is acting erratic cuz she don't like storms...

why come it's so foggy out that driving home tonight I couldn't see but a foot past the edge of my hood

why come I'm glad this week of homework is done and I've only 2 more weeks to go

why come I'm glad that Chevy is glad that I'm a why comer now :)

why come I like chevy simply because he's a chevy and not a ford *grin*

why come I don't wanna plug my cellphone in even though the battery is almost dead and I use it as an alarmclock...

why come I'm sure people are wondering why I'm on a computer if the lightning is that bad...

why come I would tell them it's cuz I'm currently wireless (unlessl the lightning takes my modem out)...

why come I hope my lightning rods catch any stray bolts before they can hit my phone line...

why come I am going to end this rather lengthy why come post now...

why come?

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