Author Thread: Mean people

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Mean people
Posted : 6 Mar, 2024 11:12 PM

Anyone else getting random hate mail, messages from people you never wrote to trying to discourage insult you? They feel the need to be ugly and mean. Don't let it ruin your walk with God or focus on God. Remember we are in a spiritual battle. Praying for our families our loved ones and ourselves that we do not lose the peace and joy of Jesus

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Mean people
Posted : 27 Jun, 2024 07:29 AM

Mean people deep down inside hate themselves. They hate happy people. Misery loves company. Some of that is pride, or arrogance and narcissism. The teachings of today's modern psychology makes it all about yourself rather than the greater good for everyone. Anything but God. Do what feels good to you. Many an evil person thought/thinks this way. Little wonder society is heading down a dark hole.

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