Author Thread: My recent adventure

My recent adventure
Posted : 29 Nov, 2009 02:15 AM

Don't know how this will go over but wanted to share something very recent in my life, an adventure of sorts. Hope y'all don't mind...

here's part one

Once upon a time there was a handsome old prince from the land

Since the beginning of my divorce I've had to move a few times because work had declined dramatically in the last 4 - 5 years and after the first year of separation beginning in early 01/07 I hadn't been able to manage to afford a place of my own having driven myself past my means into debt trying to live and keep up C-support. So I've bounced around from staying with my younger brother(41) in early '08, who also was divorcing around the same time as me, for a month or so. Then came here (where I am now again) near Sacramento staying with my friend in early '08 for a few months. He was also going through a nasty divorce involving his 6 month old triplets and their scornful mother, it was/is a bad bad scene for him, really makes ya wonder about our justice system in a case like his. He had work at the time but work got super slow for him too so we had to part ways and I went back to brothers in Sept '08 to try and squeak out a living back home again 'till he decided to move in with his GF in mid July '09 (I was saved by this time), then after that stayed at my older sis's about 4 hrs south of Redding for around 2 weeks to help remodel their master bath put in new bedroom carpet and install some tile in their new shower and earned a few bucks there. I didn't ask for it but they paid me well in spite of it.

~There's way more that happened during this almost 3 year span in time above and much is left out, that will have to be a story for another day... ~

It was then when I really didn't have many more options for where to go but had been getting along with the ex (bitter feelings of the past having been somewhat resolved) being on friendly terms, and was welcomed to stay there for a while on the couch both of us thinking it might be good for the kids. This started out okay, I kept up the house and fixed all that had been neglected since I'd left, picked up some jobs here and there, was getting involved with some of the guys from church (this I miss badly right now), also with much free time I was here on CDFF chatting and had met this one woman from a certain northern mid west state. Living there (at the ex's) also included dodging her attempts to hit me up for Sxx, she thinking it would be okay, being familiar with each other, and as long as the kids didn't know. That was awkward but I held my ground declining offers! She rarely wanted that in the 18 prior years??? Well it wasn't long before the younger 2 kids grew resentful toward me and any attempt to talk or just go do something fun was unsuccessful. Came to find out later they had been complaining to their mom that I wasn't wanted there, though my ex did because I helped out a lot and helped enforce rules of the house and such. It was awkward for them seeing me not working much and thinking I wasn't providing much C-Support and to them I was doing more church stuff and reading the bible than looking for employment. I already was dealing with much guilt but this really piled it on knowing they didn't respect me even knowing jobs are scarce these days.

So early October one evening my having a couple of cocktails in her, ex told me of these things so I made plans to get out but needed 4 days to finish a job I was on so I'd have some money. She agreed but the first thing the next morning she said I needed to get packed and go, so I did. She knew I'd been talking with someone and this may have played a part in her asking me to go so quickly I'm sure. I gave my brother what he wanted of mine, left some useful stuff for her to keep or sell, it didn't matter to me. Took till evening to get out so the kids witnessed this (me leaving) for the second time in 3 years. great huh? I said goodbyes and received not a word or even a look. Talk about feeling crushed! I was hurtin for certain! I was loaded and left without a word of my plans for my trip. My youngest brother 38 has a travel trailer that I was able to stay in for a few days while finishing my work. Sooo...

I met this woman from a certain north mid west state and had chatted and spoke verizon to verizon with her for almost a month during my stay at the ex's. We got along good and had many similar things happen in our lives and common beliefs. She was a mother of 11 kids, twin boys 14 and a 19 yr old girl still at home. She is a tall woman, same height as me and from what I could tell from her photos looked attractive to me. I'd always preferred shorter women so this was odd but what the heck. I learned later in this story that this woman has a heart of gold, I love her and who she is but not in a way to make a go of it long term as a couple. Between some house cleaning and other sources she was reasonably stable in income and able to stay afloat barely. She is a Messianic believer and studies with a group in her town of 10 to 15 folks on any given Friday study, and Saturday of course being the Sabbath, I think that is neat. I really enjoyed this group of people while I was there. During the time I met her, me still being in Redding, her ex had been staying in a spare room similar to my situation, only he was steadily employed but not her kid's father being from her second marriage. In the time we were chatting we were much support for each other and she knowing I was to be leaving my ex's and kids home, invited me to come out and see her and stay there, even till spring if necessary since my van is 2 wheel drive and doesn't like chains. Her ex was to be out within a few days, also having talked with her kids got the thumbs up from them concerning my visit, so we prayed, talked and made plans.

At that point felt like I had no reason not to go and figured that I would need approximately $1,500 bucks to get there and back if necessary and have a few bucks extra cash so this is the amount I prayed for, if it was something God was a part of then provision would be made. The job I'd been working on put in my pocket $500 then 2 more jobs came through my long time pal popped up bringing $1,300. more for 4 days of work. Minus expenses incurred I had the amount asked about.

I went and visited my Mom and older sis and bro-in-law (also had already told my 2 brothers in Redding, talked with my Pastor and a couple other Christian friends from bible study) and told them of all that had been going on with my ex and kids and of my plans to meet this woman and was expecting much negative feedback. Surprising no one Christian or non had a negative opinion, only support and well wishes thinking an adventure might be a good thing at this point. Must add that my intention was not to leave for good, just to give some space and get away for a while and see what's out there outside my little comfort zone. Thinking back and remembering as a younger man I had no idea what a comfort zone backyard was the setting sun, the horizon was the limit. Maybe this was just what I needed to do is get away. So... to infinity and beyond! lol

Bro-in-law plotted my course and sister provided enough snacks for a small army. I left my teary eyed sis and Mom standing in the driveway and bro-in-law heckling them as I drove off.

Now, I have one more brother living in Bozeman Montana, he has been an outcast of the family, in and out of jail pretty regularly through the years, being one of those who blamed our parents rigid upbringing for all his problems in life, ripping them off a few times and playing on Mom's feelings to get inheritance money while she still lives walks and breathes. I hadn't seen him in 10 years or so and before that it had been maybe 15 yrs more. I did want to see him though and Mom asked that I would too since it was on my way. So I got there late afternoon on the 2nd day of my trip and about 900+ or so miles under my belt, only 1,000+ more to go. He was a little shorter and heavier than I remembered, still has all his hair though, but still the same ole " cocky he's a tough guy attitude" but must admit he actually seemed okay and to be doing well enough for himself. His daughter 16 was with him (a sweetheart) but maybe a little too streetwise for her age, and his son 14 was off hunting so I didn't get to see him. We visited for a while then he needed to return my niece home to her mom, make a pit stop at the pawn shop for a cash trade then afterward he wanted to show me a couple of his favorite local hangouts(bars).

After dropping her off It was then that I told him that I had given my life to Christ and I had quit drinking a few months ago. Truthfully as a side note: I did quit, but on a couple occasions I have had 2-3 beers with an old friend while visiting, or even now might have one now and then if the mood strikes me. He replied he talks with God daily and respected my belief and so ended that conversation as we pulled up to the first hangout. We talked some, caught him up on some of the recent events of our family since he hadn't heard much about the rest of our family except what Mom's told him in her short phone conversations, these days you're lucky to get her to talk much more than 2 minutes no matter who it is. We finished our beers and left to the next stop, I wasn't thrilled about it but it was nice seeing him and hanging out again. There were more people at this joint and he knew most of them, we ordered 2 more beers and couple shots of Yeager, I was getting in deeper than I wanted... we tapped glasses and downed the shots then I nursed my beer for the duration while he drank and ordered twice more of the same. We left after that, him saying he's okay to drive (and seemed so) and both us agreeing food should be our next stop being dinner time, then on home since he had work the next day.

In the truck we were talking about some old issues concerning his actions and he not understanding why the whole family is still mad at him, why can't we just get past it and move on? He'd forgotten what he'd done! Things like pawning off some of my Mom's fine silverware handed down from her Great Gramma, some of my Dad's collector guns dating back to I forget when, my younger brothers really grudging over that, and Lord knows what else along with 'afore mentioned things he'd done. So I began reminding him until... well as luck or design might have it we got about 2 blocks and there's lights flashing behind us! Go figure!

I was instantly reminded of the last adventure me and this same brother had when I was 23-24. We took a trip to Pueblo Colorado, him having lived there a while had friends there and thought it would be fun to go together. We didn't have much money by the time we got there and were looking for jobs right away, sleeping and bathing down by the river, surviving on some meals at his friends or on those free Mc nugget and french fries coupons Mickey D's was giving out at the time. One night we drank and in the wee hours ended up in an argument over I forget what and traded punches ending with him getting a bloody lip and gap between his teeth. In anger we unloaded his bags out of the trunk of my car and parted ways. Next day found out from one of his friends he'd been hauled off to jail on prior warrants and wouldn't be out for a while. Feeling no reason to stay and still mad at him I called an old boss I'd been working for in Houston previously (there are some gaps in this story) who sent me money to come back and work, so I did... didn't see brother again for maybe 15 or more years as previously mentioned.

back to the story now...

Here we are, about 7pm it's gotten dark and kinda cold out side, brother reciting his ABC's forward and backward, walking the line... you might know the routine the cops put a DUI suspect through, like a cat getting every ounce of fun playing with a captured mouse before it's exhausted then dies. Then there's me, sitting in the truck praying and wondering why I would let myself be put in this position? I know better than this! Here I am a born again baptized saved by Grace believer and who would believe that? Brother was again hauled in arrested on a third strike DUI, the cops let him toss me his keys for his house and truck with his apologies but they wouldn't let me drive it as I blew just over the safe limit, think it was .06. I was allowed to park the truck for him though to avoid it being impounded, I came back the next am to get it back to his place. Well I didn't know where I was in relation to where my brother lived but knew it was near the mall in town, of course none of us thinking to get the address from brothers drivers license. So one of the officers offered me a ride because he said he basically knew where the neighborhood was from my description and could drop me off.

We got to where he thought the house was but I didn't recognize the neighborhood or street at all! The cop got edgy and said this would have to due and had me get out. I thanked him kindly with much sarcasm and started walking. It was cold and I only had a tee and sweatshirt for cover but as it turns out it was fairly close...his place was within a couple miles from where I was. I walked toward the back of a strip mall with a large building that was a movie theater I recalled seeing earlier that day on my way to brother's house, but still not sure exactly which way to head from there. Got to the front of the theater to be greeted by some Christian guys all the way from Oregon witnessing to folks going in and out of the theater. I walked up to them and they asked if I was lost, little did they know... I told them of what had happened that evening being honest about it being that they were brothers in Christ and when finished I was asked if I was really saved having been out drinking and smoke on my breath, nothing like grindng more salt on the wound! Yes I was wrong, yes I am convicted and guilty as charged, yes I am cold and hungry, could you help me out please! One began to giving me his testimony, when I recalled I had talked to my niece on her cell phone that afternoon as I was coming into town so I politely broke away and called her and she knew where I was and talked while I walked to brothers place explaining to her what had happened. She'd been through this with him before, she's a tough cookie at 16 but I still felt like a creep for letting this happen! Lord how is it I do such stupid things?

Found the house finally and had gotten the phone number a to close friend of brother's to call that could help in finding out his status. I talked with him a while and he said he'd call me with an update when he got it and to get some food and rest. A couple hours go by and he calls to let me know he got through and there is no bail so I may as well sleep and call in the morning to try again. Called next day and was told he'd have court by video at 11am and it was likely he would be staying for a few months. Not really knowing what to do, all I could think of to help was get his truck home and get his keys to his friend, so that's what we did and I went on ahead with my journey, his friend assuring me he'd do what he could for my brother as they'd been down that road together before. As it turns out, I left but they released him for a few days with an ankle bracelet and he was able to set things in order before going to serve his time in county. We spoke for some time, exchanged apologies, promises to keep in touch and promised next time our visit will be different. I know it will be on my end, I hope it will be so on his.

to be continued... well... if I'm not kicked outta here :winksmile:

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My recent adventure
Posted : 6 Dec, 2009 09:14 AM

It takes courage to reveal ones past. Thank you for sharing. :applause:We all have things in our past that we seldom want to face or share with others. By sharing yours it gives the rest of us hope and encouragement because we can all identify with you in some way or the other. Especially with the feelings of hopelessness that we all sometimes feel. God has a way of taking our darkest hours and turning them to light when we seek His wisdom and strength. I am so glad that you have given it all to the Lord. May God bless you and give you the strength you need to continue on your road to success. Remember we are all sinners and Jesus paid for our sins with His blood. This gives us hope and courage as we fight the temptations of satan. Please post the rest of your story when you can. We love Ya !

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My recent adventure
Posted : 9 Dec, 2009 08:15 PM


Hang in there and remember God remembers your troubles not to hold them against you but to get you to where you need to crawl before you walk hope this helps.

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My recent adventure
Posted : 15 Dec, 2009 03:03 PM

We all error and need to make right are mistakes.The thing is not to crucify that flesh friend.We all need to control the man and line our selves up with God.Learn from our mistakes is part of life.Denis

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My recent adventure
Posted : 15 Dec, 2009 05:49 PM

jjarr61 ,

I finally came back to this post today to read. Thank you for sharing your story. It gives us a reminder that we are not perfect beings. As we walk it out (our walk as new creatures in Christ), working out our own salvation with fear and trembling... well, we don't know how or what God is going to allow us to go through to do that. And the amazing thing about you is that you recognize that God is doing something, and you seem to be willing to walk, even stumble through it. Keep going!

I look forward to the rest of "your" story as you continue. Keep posting. We are to encourage, motivate and uplift one another in "every" aspect of our walk. The joy, but even the pain and sometimes sorrow of our mistakes and gains too!

Continue to bless us!

* GraceMae

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