Author Thread: Clean Why Comes

Clean Why Comes
Posted : 31 Jan, 2011 03:57 PM

Why come?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 06:29 AM

Why come Saved and Edw had been doing a good job of not making me nauseous with their mushy talk, but they are getting dangerously close again?

Why come I look forward to my honeymoon as well?:dancingp:

Why come my married women friends talk/complain about husbands who are shall we say too amourous, and I say what's the problem?:laugh:

Why come I tell them complaining to me who can't get none (yeah, I said it), will get them no sympathy. None.

Why come some of yall are and some are uncomfrotable?

Why come I like talkin bout stuff others are uncomfortable talkin bout?:yay:

Why come somebody don't go to the chat rooms and invite more folks for more why coming?

Why come a prophet at my church told me when my 10 yr old was 2 that I am to pray and ask God for wisdom on raising her because she has boldness and He will use her to preach the Word and I could break her spirit if I'm not careful? Wonder where she got that from? Hmmmm:angel:

Why come I'm gonna make my kids work hard today cleaning then we are going to go do something fun?

Why come they want to go to the skating rink? Booooooo

Why come I want to go to a family friendly movie?

Why come they usually win but I will use my mommy privileges and have my way tonight?

Why come if they complain I will remind them they could stay home and braid my hair and massage my feet?

Why come they are very quick witted and even if they have pajamas on will start putting on their coats and saying yeah lets go, whats playing mom?

Why come I wonder where they got THAT from? Hmmmm

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 07:25 AM

Why come before I start cleaning I'm bout to make all of you my favorites!:dancingp::rocknroll::bouncy::dancingp::peace::eat: Oh I threw him in cause I'm hungry. :excited:

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 09:04 AM

Why come babygirl's really a sweetheart who doesn't like making people feel un-comfortable --she just likes talking about uncomfortable things that do?:ROFL:

Why come honeymoons are for honeys who moon?

Why come I'll be back?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 09:26 AM

Why come tomorrow, BG should send her kids to my house?

Why come I'll take them to see a movie after they get done cleaning!?

Why come socks don't stay up?

Why come I expect them to defy gravity?

Why come Deb is awesome?

Why come I wasn't invited to the wedding? :waving:

Why come I think it'd be awesome if we could all get together sometime?

Why come I'm really going to try to go to BG's party? :yay:

Why come it'd be like country coming to town? :ROFL:

Why come what exactly is krunk? :dancingp:

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 09:38 AM

Why come I am very sweet but I try to keep it hidden so I can be screen mean and believeable?

Why come don't tell nobody cause it will mess with my street cred?:boxing::laugh:

Why come I win! Going to see Tangled 3-D

Why come my 15 yr son doesn't want to go, but my 12 & 10 yr old daughters are hyped?

Why come I enjoy forcing them to watch stuff they don't want to then seeing them relunctantly say they enjoyed it?

Why come I'm going to force them to watch Charlie Chan later but they don't know it yet?:dancingp:

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 11:31 AM

Why come good afternoon everybody?

Why come I should be doing homework instead of why coming?

Why come...?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 12:26 PM

Why come Deb Rocks?:rocknroll:

Why come I wasn't on the list either T but C.J. already invited me?

Why come you and I may elope that week-end anyway?

Why come babygirl can be a sweet little flower girl?

Why come--------The farmer and his wife,

Enjoyed their stress-less life

With 3 kids and pets galore

And who could ask for more?

Why come Kaynine's laptop and my computer are so moody?

Why come don't rile Kyle?

Why come Dennis don't play tennis?

Why come Charlie don't have a dog named Marley?

Why come SA43 needs to give me a shorter name to call him?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 12:59 PM

:devil::nahnah:Why come you ALL are invited to the wedding?

Why come we didn't mean to leave anybody out, except maybe Morris?

Why come even though it snowed hard and all the roads were iced over we still had school when nothing else was open?

Why come I'm glad I have 4 more days to study for my APII tests?

Why come I'm so glad my AP professor has a soft heart for ignorant students after all?:laugh:

Why come Browneyes don't know what a :dancingp: is?

Why come she don't google krunk like GL had to?

Why come I'll happily give you'll krunk lessons if you come to our wedding?

Why come I want to chunk a big yellow snow ball at Al Gore right now?

Why come its not warm on my part of the globe?

Why come I love snow globes?

Why come I like to shake them and watch the snow swirl around as long as it stays in the stinkin, flipping, freaking globe and not all over my yard and down my back?:angeldevil:

Why come some globes are nice but others aren't?

Why come I only like the nice globes?

Why come :ribbit: ?

Why come they finally fixed my phone service 10 minutes ago but said if mught go back out if the weather gets worse?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 01:19 PM

Why come there is a devil and a nanana emoticon in front of my first statement?

Why come I didn't put those there?

Why come really?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 03:52 PM

Why come my new pet monkey is named Chevy 74?

Why come Baby Girl doesn't play in the snow with her kids?

Why come I am a clean cut guy and the other guys here are monkeys?

Why come chocolate is for guys only?

Why come NCIS rocks?

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