Why come people are not comfortable being different?
Why come ET and SR are cool old people? :ROFL::ROFL:
Why come they going to tear me up for that?
Why come people want to get to know somebody, but don't know themselves?
Why come Edw is my white brother from another mother?
Why come Sos is unique in her expression and way of thinking and I love that she doesn't care?
Why come I attract really nice good guys who have religious theology that is so different from mine we would never be equally yoked? S*cks, why come!!??
Why come PJ, SirJames, and MOG like to fuss on the forums EVERYDAY :toomuch:? Yeah, I said it.
Why come some lady in church this morning told me I sing like Randy Travis?:excited:
Why come I thought I sounded more like Robert Palmer?:laugh:
Why come I almost gave her a line from one of Palmer's songs but thought it would be inappropriate?:angeldevil:
Why come my blonde sisterinlaw ask me what "IDK" meant and when I told her I don't know, she got mad and said "I've ask 3 people today and nobody else knows either!":ROFL:
Why come Saved didn't know what fombrotfl meant?
Why come Saved is so 1337?
Why come I miss Saved and BG on here so much?
Why come I know I made some lady on another thread mad but was too hard to care?
Why come sometimes I get the urge to throw skittles at people in Walmart and yell "Taste the rainbow!"
Why come I forgot to tell everyone where Only in America can be found?
Why come you can find my Only in America thread in the Biblcal Discussion section, if PJ hasn't moved it to pade 2, if so I will just satrt another one:dancingp:
Why come the man/woman who invest our money is clled a BROKER...
Why come sheep don't shrink when it rain with all their wool?:excited:
Why come if a child wear a superman outfit, he/she still can't fly?
Why come wehn EDW wears his superman outfit he can fly?:ROFL:
Why come I hope you guys visit the Biblical Discussion and post on Only in America?
Why come Edw and Nyanda are so smart in their studies?:applause:
Why come now EDW can go make some moeny and pay all our way to Cali for our Why come reunion trip?...now he knows he can count:dancingp:
Why come if flying is so safe, why is the airport called the terminal?
Why come they are called apart-ments, when they are stuck together?
Why come a man worshipping in a so-called high class church, feel out under the anointing, and the people called an an ambulance to rush him to the hospital? They said they had never seen such:ROFL:
Why come doctors call what they do practice?:ribbit::excited::Mug:
Why come they don't make air planes out of the same stuff they make the black box?