Author Thread: Interesting, to Say the Least...

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 25 Jan, 2010 09:30 PM

So I joined this site not too long ago... almost the moment I join, somebody wants to engage in a messenger conversation with me AND two people send me messages. Now the people who sent me the messages were nice, but let's concentrate on the person who wanted to talk on messenger with me...

So we talk for maybe like thirty seconds. It was an extremely uneventful conversation. Then she says, "I'm going to log off. Can we talk on the phone?" I didn't really want to, considering I didn't know this girl, but I was like, "Well if you REALLY want to...". So I gave her my phone number around 12:00 AM EST.

Nothing, no calls, no more messenger contacts... and then, at 4:00 AM, a phone call...

Now let me describe this girl's voice for a moment. Imagine, if you will, a young girl, no older than eight. Now imagine this girl having a very monotone voice with a hint of a serial-killeresque tone to it. Essentially, if you imagine an eight year old girl with a bloody knife behind her back talking to you, this is PROBABLY what this girl would sound like.

So the number said, "Private caller", so I figured I'd ask who it was, even though I was sure it was the girl from this site. She responds, "Your worst nightmare." "....... Ha.... ha... haha... okay?" There really wasn't a whole lot more I could say at that point. She was probably just trying to be funny, but given the creepy factor of her voice, it really wasn't working out for her. So I tried to keep a conversation going, "So are you that girl from the site?" "Ngh." I couldn't understand her, "... What?" "Ngh." "... .... ... ... ... So are you that girl from the site?" "I said yes already!" "Sorry, I couldn't really hear you." "Then open your ears!" "... ... ... ... So... uh... what kind of things do you like to do?" Then she hangs up on me. Frankly, I should have hung up first, but I'm horrible at ending phone conversations.

She actually tried to call me again the next day. Needless to say, I didn't answer.

Has something like this happened to anybody else on this site? Or am I alone on this one?

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 26 Jan, 2010 07:28 AM

That has not happened to me, but then again I don't give out my phone number until I've had many lengthy conversations with a person via email or IM.

I have had a guy ask if he could meet me for dinner...after about 3 minutes of IM conversation. He lived 5 hours away. I told him no. The next time he IMed me, we talked for about 2 minutes, and he asked for my phone number, and once again mentioned that he'd like to meet me. Again, I told him no, and that it was foolish for either one of us to drive 5 hours (or even meet halfway) to meet for dinner after a total of 5 minutes of conversation. We didn't even have that much in common, for goodness sake! At that point, he got all defensive and said that all girls were alike and that no one ever wanted to meet him and that the distance shouldn't be an issue, and that he might just move to California because people are nicer there. I didn't even respond to that other than to say goodbye. Within a few days, I noticed he had deleted his profile.

I've also, after a lot of communication, given my phone number to someone who never did call. I guess he got cold feet? Don't know...our online friendship never progressed any farther, though we still keep in touch.

The opposite has happened too, though! A few weeks ago, after exchanging many lengthy emails and a few IMs, I gave my number to a guy who promptly set a specific time to call me, and then actually called me at that time. He turned out to be a nice guy.

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 26 Jan, 2010 09:16 AM

Purity Seeker,

That has not happened to me...and I have to say that while I feel for you, I'm glad it hasn't!! That is strange though. If nothing else hopefully your situation will send a message to everyone on here to be more careful. Sorry about the freakish things that happened to you.

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 26 Jan, 2010 06:51 PM

Boy, you really dodged that one, didn't you? God was looking out for you.

I have not had that exact experience, but very similar bad ones. Including a man who, after about a minute of IM'ing back and forth, declared God told him I was to be his wife and wanted to know when I was moving to Florida!

So yeah, every site will have its share of *interesting* people. Just pray about each contact, and don't be afraid to speak up when you know something is not right, or someone asks you to do something you don't want to.

Good luck!

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 28 Jan, 2010 01:07 PM

Yeah dude, someone like that hit me up too. Out of the blue she I.M.s me, and then asks if we can talk. I offer skype, she says she has no access to that. Then she hits me with this number, and you have to call it, then enter in a six digit code, and you can talk with whoever else is in the "room" Well, I'm a sucker for a sob story, and I did it. So far nothing seems out of the ordinary with my computer, phone bill, credit cards, etc. But yeah someone hit me up like that too. The difference is, I actually had a decent conversation with a stranger who sounded pretty much like her profile described her. Age, nationality, etc. I think I got lucky, and won't be doing it again. You my friend seem to have found a genuine psychopath!!! Best of luck!!!!

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 28 Jan, 2010 10:58 PM

Haha, it's freaky at the time, and yet it's humorous in retrospect. I wouldn't have given out my phone number in an ordinary situation, but figured I didn't really have much to lose (I don't think they can do much with just a phone number).

But yeah, I guess that's not the first time I've rushed into something like that. One other time I was messaging people on MySpace to try and make friends and I messaged this one girl while pulling an all-nighter. She immediately IMs me and asks if I want to meet for breakfast. It was... a bit soon, but, me being me, I agreed to it. She was who she said she was (a rather attractive female gamer, two pluses), and we got along pretty well. Although she did get pulled over by a cop within one minute of me getting into the car with her (she ran right through a red while a cop was there :/). So that kind of had me freaked out, lol. Other than that it went well - but then she just kind of stopped talking to me after a couple of days *shrugs*.

But yeah, I'm definitely going to be more weary of giving out my phone number, so as to avoid people like the one who called me.

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 29 Jan, 2010 03:16 PM

Wow thats real spooky. I've had a few IM's. nothin real bad but nothin came of it either. The ones that really raise my eyebrows start with "Hey Baby" or "Hi Sweet Thing"...For one thing I aint your Baby and ima not feelin real Sweet with those, I jus stick to the email at this time...hang in there cuz there are some really nice and special people on this site...Blessins to ya...xo

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 5 Feb, 2010 10:05 AM

haha, funny freaky story. I like it on here, cuz can weed the crazies out, and I don't want someone calling whenever they please..and I only tell phone number after chatting awhile and moving to next phase.

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 8 Feb, 2010 07:09 AM

lol, wow thats scary funny. I dont understand ppl these days and also the rush into it all. Sorry. Are you having to get your number changed now?

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 8 Feb, 2010 09:16 AM

dear angel, welcome to the forums.

ole cattle

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Interesting, to Say the Least...
Posted : 11 Feb, 2010 06:25 AM

Something like that happened to me.On the IM a lady asked if I would meet over christmas. I said yes, she never wrote to me again.Funny the lady ask and I never hear fromher again.

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