Author Thread: Sharing Person information

Sharing Person information
Posted : 7 Oct, 2012 03:42 PM

This is Past information about yourself, that you yourself find to be bad character. Should you not keep it too yourself?

I had a man I met recently share information with me that Most women would pro bably find, not good.

Yet he says he wants to have nothing hidden because he is seeking a serious relationship with a woman and hopes one day soon maybe to even get married.

I told him I didnt appreciate hearing all about his past relationships and how he was in them and they turned out to be a Mess and they both moved on.:excited:

True stories like this, makes a man look terrible as for a future mate for the woman he is talking with; even though he states he is a changed man.

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Posted : 7 Oct, 2012 05:59 PM

You know what's hilarious? I confessed something personal about myself to a young lady on here, and she sent me back a message saying that she would encourage what I had been doing. :excited:


I'm not kidding! I'm not going to mention her username though...I don't think it would be very nice considering the fact that I can't go into the details openly. She actually helped me by what she told me though, because it eventually led me to ask questions that resulted in me being freed from a lot of guilt. In fact, if someone had told me sooner (like about a year ago) then I wouldn't be in serious trouble with God right now. But now I've done something that will probably result in me spending eternity outside the presence of God...and all of this due to a simple misunderstanding that could've been cleared up a long time ago if some young lady had simply treated me in such a way that I could've felt safe enough to confess some of my problems to her.

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Posted : 8 Oct, 2012 10:23 AM

Call me idealistic, but if it was the right man it wouldn't matter that much to me. Yes, there are some things that aren't pretty to look at or hear, but if the Lord has seen all I've done in my every waking hour, every time I thought I had been alone and I wasn't, every thought that ever crossed my mind and every thought that ever will cross my mind... and he can love me after that, how truly incomprehensible is that, to wipe my slate clean as if it truly never happened. I don't know, I aspire to be like that.

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Posted : 8 Oct, 2012 01:13 PM

Ms Marvel

Christ forgives us all for everything Sinful when we come to him and give our lives to him. And, then walk according to his Word.

I do not think this man was the right man, he had not give his life to Christ, Yet he was seeking a Christian wife. I just continued to talk to witness to him, about Jesus and living a life of Christian. He did not understand we were on different Pages so to speak. I met in person Once and had a nice 2 days visit. He was from miles away and we met on a PAID

Christian site.

What is really strange to me is how many people seek Christian mates; Yet they are not really walking with Jesus.

You can not trust a man who does not follow in Christ footsteps.

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Posted : 8 Oct, 2012 01:22 PM


That is great if a woman helped you in some ways by her conversation in you talking with her.

However, Only Christ can direct a Man in the Right way.

Seek Jesus for direction not others.

God Bless

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Posted : 8 Oct, 2012 02:07 PM

Solid words and advice, DoveUpAbove. I agree with a lot of what you had to say. That makes all the difference, are we following Christ? As long as I can see change in a man's heart because of God's plan for him, the coming alive of his spirit..I'm pretty sure he can spill his every feeling or thought out to me. The heart of a Christian man is greatly transformed from that of a worldly man and I wouldn't want him to feel ashamed around me.

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Posted : 21 Oct, 2012 06:40 PM

I agree with you Ms Marvel. I prefer to know everything about a man's past so I can understand him more because most of the times, what happened in our past relationships affect how we think, feel, or view things and handle relationships. I would rather love a man with both his strengths and weaknesses. And you are right, as long as you see the transformation... CHRIST working in him. It is the same way that I would prefer to be accepted and loved for all that I am and not just the good things about me.(^_^)

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Posted : 23 Oct, 2012 04:55 AM

Unfortunately whilst God forgives freely, people, even Christians, very rarely do - they might if it was something they consider minor and happened way back, but people still insist on grading sins - forgiving some but not others.

Would you marry a murderer? rapist? politician? (I don't use the prefix ex- as all of them are, until the next time). In an ideal world we would "confess our sins to one another", confident that we wouldn't be judged because of them, gossiped about or treated differently, and that we'd have trustworthy friends watching out for us so we don't fall into temptation. Sadly that isn't the way the world works so those people are left to deal with their temptations alone. As the bible says, if a man walks alone and falls into a pit, who will pull him out?...

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Posted : 23 Oct, 2012 03:48 PM

Not knowing what was revealed I'd have to say that any man or woman who doesn't believe in being 100% open and honest has some serious issues.

It would appear that those who hold a reformed person to their past is very judgmental and doing the exact opposite all have asked God to do. I think that makes a person a hypocrite and very immature at that.

I had an experience of chatting with someone on this site who claimed to be a devout Christian 44yo woman in MO. Yet her profile also says she is separated. When pressed she confessed that she was still living with her husband. She then went on to claim abuse but said that she had cheated on him for most of their marriage and felt sorry not to him but God. Still, she made very negative anti Christian judgments against anyone who would vote for president Obama.This "woman" who not only committed adultery but is on this site still seeking people. She contacted ME. I'd place no judgment on her character for what she did IF she was truly reformed and DEMONSTRATED it but her actions show that currently she is not very sorry for her adultery and the mess that goes with it. She has helped destroy her family for herself and children yet blames her husband and president Obama. :laugh:

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Posted : 5 Nov, 2012 10:21 PM

If a man is talking too much about his past relationships he is using you for a shrink. He will not respect you if only thing he is doing is living in the past.

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Posted : 18 Nov, 2012 05:24 AM

My opinion is this! get to know who that person is now first! if they shine the light of god in their character, actions and words naturally without thought but constantly living it where you see their fruits are good, then get to know them if there is an attraction and if god is happy for you to be together it will just happen naturally without forcefulness from either person!!, then if you do want to talk about how you were in the past it should be generalized about not imparted in minute detail...."example if someone explains they were in gang and had violent confrontations before they found the Lord that is enough to know! if they then start telling you details of what they did then that is not needed".....realize what wrong they did brought them to who they are now and that it is the sin we dislike, not them, all have sinned, sin is sin.

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