Author Thread: It only takes one

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It only takes one
Posted : 27 Jun, 2012 11:24 AM

After being on this site for several years I became very discouraged because I was sending out a lot of mails, but getting very few responses. I was close to giving up on the site, but one day I was bored so I sent out a few more mails, and guess what, somebody replied!!!!! :applause: Lucia and I have known each other for several months now, and entered into an official relationship a month ago and it has been fantastic :hearts: God has used our relationship to encourage both of us even though we have been going through some very difficult times recently. I wrote this to encourage you all to keep looking, and to rely on God and his timing. His timing for this relationship was perfect, and I am so thankful to him and for this site for making it all possible!

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It only takes one
Posted : 28 Jun, 2012 09:55 AM

to add to what Evan said... well, I'm the gal he's talking about and I can definitely agree with him on God's timing. It was perfect.. I can honestly thank God now with all my heart for every time He removed someone I cared about in my past, even tho at the moment it was painful and I didn't understand it, I had to trust God that by letting go of what I thought was "good, He was gonna bring into my life HIS BEST in HIS timing, and boy was this true.. now I can see it, and I wanted to encourage anybody who might be reading this, perhaps you are still healing from past experiences, well.. if you want God's perfect will to come into your life, you need to let go completely, and that takes a bold decision on your part followed by taking the right steps to let go and erase contact from the people or things that keep your heart attached to them/it. and just surrender to the loving arms of your Father, make Him first in your heart and He will, as a love bonus bring that person into your life. as I've shared on my profile, "a woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man would have to search HIM in order to find her... and I am pleased to say this became true with Evan, because in the process of pursuing me He's been pursuing God and His word in and has had to learn to trust Him more than he probably has before, and it's made us both get closer to God and each other.. just make sure you make Jesus the foundation of you relationship ALL the time, from the very beginning and if anything, that the person you're pursuing may be just ANOTHER reason to seek God and His guidance more, but not just the only one... remember that "equal yoke" means at a similar growing spiritual and intellectual level, and compatibility on your respective callings...not just same beliefs, don't make emotional decisions... be patient!! we have to say this daily lol, because we need to be patient daily, distance makes it harder for the relationship but not impossible. it has allowed us to build great communication and patience, character, maturity and trust in God, and it's such an amazing feeling when you know God is blessing the relationship and opening doors for it to grow. we don't wanna screw it up so we're staying obedient on guarding our hearts and bodies to glorify God while we are not married so He can bless our relationship when we are, if it's His will and our final decision :) we hope this encourages you and feel free to send either of us a message if you have any questions. Don't give up! Stay blessed!:waving:


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It only takes one
Posted : 29 Jun, 2012 08:59 AM

I wanted to go ahead and share a bit about our story and how it started.. but I'll start by sharing myt side of it :)

Last year, I had also also met someone on e-harmony actually and he was supposed to be "a perfect match" yet the way he broke my heart brought me to a depression and low self esteem I've never experienced before (both being Christians and all) I knew it would take a miracle to even fall in love again and trust both, men and God himself, but I was able to heal and trust again and I gave it another shot here. prayed that I'd be found by the right person and I'd I'd be still, letting him prove his love and his heart before I started taking steps like I did before (he and his family convinced me to move to their city and when all my arrangements were done he called the relationship off overnight... now he's engaged to someone else, but I'm glad even tho it was painful, that God removed him from my life . and gave him the courage to break up, even though I didn't understand, he saw what I didn't that it was not God's will for us to be together despite of how we felt and how perfect everything seemed to be, I know it was hard for him too at first but he was obedient and I'm thankful for that, now God is blessing both of us after healing us, for his obedience and I wish him well, I truly do, both to him and his future wife and family. I thought he was what I was looking for, but God had even better plans and now I can see why...

but before that, I made another mistake of getting involved with some one before I was completely healed from my previous relationship. well we both msde thst mistake, he wasn't completely after, and we though that perhaps getting into a relationship would help our healing process but it was a disaster, on the contrary we ended up getting more hurt and disapointed, and this happened for trying to take matters into our own hands and making emotional decisions who simply set us back even in our relationship with God. Now I was as responsible as he was for this and I learned mt lesson. rebound relationships don't work. either they are Godly or not. now, I'm not saying these were bad people, not at all, they were both beautiful people with great qualities and a big heart. we were just not right or ready for each other, that's all.

letting go wasn't easy, but it was worth it, and I thank God and CDFF for bringing Evan and I together..

Of course, this time, since I had trusted our love was meant to be last time and then I was practically abandoned in the midst of our long-term plans, It was gonna take a lot more for the next guy to really prove his love to me and let me see how sincere he was and that he was God-led.. poor guy! But God knew exactly what was going to happen, and in the middle of a tragedy our true love was born. We met on CDFF around early April and after he found me here we continue to get to know each other through phone and skype calls, sice he�s from NY and I from FL� right there Evan was able to see past obstacle number 1 and 2: : distance..and my broken past and I�m so glad for it!! So after about a month we already knew for sure we wanted to meet so he booked a flight to Miami.. but in that process before he got here, on ay 12th I suffered a brain stroke on my right side, thus affecting all my left side motor skills.. and here I was facing the trauma of a near-death experience, heart surgery (it was a heart defect that caused it), and the uncertainty of how functional if any, I was going to be right before I met someone who I saw the possibility of sharing a future with.. so yeah I was very scared cuz I already had feelings for him, and even though I knew they were mutual, c�mon guys, let�s face it, how many of you would really venture into getting involved with someone who could potentially stay disabled for life? So I wasn�t very encouraged about the situation, yet he decided he still wanted to come and our first week together we spent it getting to know each other personally, talking and cuddling in a hospital room where he stayed with me and contributed to my physical therapies.. me my family and I couldn�t believe how loving, caring and understanding he was and how he really just wanted to be a blessing and support to me, which he was in more ways I can describe, not only it helped me do much better on my therapies that week (great motivation) but it allowed me to see his true heart and intention, that it was really my heart he was going after, no matter the price, every time he combed my hair, or cut my meats, and took me to the lake for walks after pushing my wheelchair for a while, and then he would help me feed the ducks, taking me to church for the first time after the incident, worshiping God together, praying together and just being with me right there and then when I needed him the most, him seeing past the circumstances and into my heart and loving me that way is what instantly made me fall in love with him. He�s currently trying to make arrangements to move down to Miami to be with me and continue to support and encourage me through the healing process, I am today a lot stronger, I can walk and speak and take a bit more care of myself without that much help and getting stronger already, just waiting on the miracle of getting 100% of my sight back and strength, but I was able to even go back to work part time this week and the doctors say I�ve advanced sooner than they expected, and all glory be to God for that, also, this situation has allowed Evan and I to get to know each other to the core even in our weaknesses and vulnerability or insecurities, only to encourage each other in God with His love and our characters are definitely being molded and so is our faith because of it.. so teah, keep in mind that God has a special love story for each of us and is way better than anything you could write or make of it, you just have to surrender, and trust Him, make Him your first love and devotion.. the rest will come in His beautiful time� fix your eyes on Jesus, and whenever He sends the one for you to manifest His love for you as a partner, you WILL identify it. Don�t ever settle for �good enough� but always go for His BEST, true love sees beyond your past, your weaknesses and their fears, true love waits

Ladies! PLEASE! Don�t settle for less than a gentleman, for some one that sees you and treats you like the princess of God you are.. BUT you also have to act like it, uf you want a prince, keep in mind you are the daughter of a King and you must live as one ;) let Jesus show you how you should be loved and treated.. He�s the perfwct gentleman, and the perfect lover!

and plese! be careful with who you interact online, the fact that this is a Christian website doesn't mean jack! looks can be deceitful and intentions too! so be responsible and careful, seek also God's guidance and be accountable to friends or leaders that know who you are with and where tou go... involve them in some of your decisions, just be safe, no matter your age! people are never too old to harm others... keep that in mind, just like you're never too old to fall in love ;)

the best way to see God's support for your relationship, try to look for ways in which your relationship can be a blessing for others, together and individually, it's a good filter :) I can already see the fruits on my side when I've talked to other girls about relationships and how important is knowing God's love first.. it's been a blessing!

well, that's all on my side for now.. feel free to share your story or questions with us!! God bless!

Email me if you have any questions!

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It only takes one
Posted : 4 Jul, 2012 05:29 AM

what a lovely and inspiring story:)

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It only takes one
Posted : 9 Jul, 2012 12:37 AM

Wow! What a good guy you have one, are blessed indeed! And Evan is a wonderful, generous, and loving guy who loved you still despite your hospitalization. Can most of the guys do this to their future mate (not yet married) that would not turn their back because the woman he will about to marry got sick badly?

I was totally amazed such a beautiful heart of Evan was and he was not disappointed to your situation. Praise the Lord!

He was truly a Christian, indeed!

Right! We need to have complete faith in the Lord! He knows our hearts and He will give us the best for us. We are His children and we don't settle for less. Be patient though and wait for God's time.

As Proverbs 3:5-6 says: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct your path."

As of this time, I am praying and still patiently waiting for my "soul mate"...may he come and meet me soon. only takes one.

Stay faithful and what an aspiring love story, that you have shared with us here at CDFF. Thank you for sharing this to us.

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It only takes one
Posted : 9 Jul, 2012 08:59 AM

What a "Awesome" story of true Love!

God willl give us the best for us, if we just trust Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 One of my favorite Scriptures.


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It only takes one
Posted : 24 Jul, 2012 07:52 PM

Thanks for blessing us with such an encouraging testimony and sharing how God worked in your lives!

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It only takes one
Posted : 29 Jul, 2012 06:04 PM

You are very welcome! It's exactly what we hoped our testimony would do :) Be blessed and stay encouraged!

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It only takes one
Posted : 3 Aug, 2012 06:18 AM

Evan and Lucy,

Thank you for sharing your story. It's completely inspiring and a beautiful, encouraging testimony to those of us who are waitng patiently as we trust God's timing~

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It only takes one
Posted : 4 Aug, 2012 01:04 PM

That is awesome for you two!:applause:

I have been on and off this site for 3 years and monthly read the testimonials. They are very inspiring and they are truly blessed individuals. I currently don't believe it is possible for me to find "the one" here or anywhere for that matter. But I am greatly glad for the folks who have found "true love".:yay:

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It only takes one
Posted : 26 Aug, 2012 10:09 PM

that's the thing! we felt a bit like u did beforre we found each other, but we didn't give up and kept on praying until God orchestrated it all. That's the key of it all. NOT giving up! I'm sure there is someone out there for each of you within God's plan, you just need to continue to fix your eyes on Jesus and let Him surprise you in His time.

It's been 3 months now since we're together, I went to NY for 2 weeks to be with Evan and meet his family who was just wonderful and gave us their blessings for our relationship. Evan will be moving to Miami around early October and we are very excite about this new season in our lives...

Keep the hope up, the promise can arrive any time now!

We feel blessed our story has been inspiring!May God bless you all! And girls, feel free to contact me if you ever need to talk or something to open your heart to, I'd love to hear from you! my email is [email protected]

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