Author Thread: Kindle/Kindle 2

Kindle/Kindle 2
Posted : 10 Mar, 2009 07:12 PM

Just wondering if anybody has or is considering buying one , and if so, what they think of them.

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Kindle/Kindle 2
Posted : 11 Mar, 2009 08:46 AM

don't own one, but because it's a gadget, naturally I want one :P however I don't read as much as I should now anyway It'd probably end up in a box after a few months. but the concept is phenomenal. blogs on the fly, newspaper. :dancingp:

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Kindle/Kindle 2
Posted : 11 Mar, 2009 06:40 PM

I bet you'd read a lot more books if you had one. It boasts that you can download from it 'cause it's wireless, and it's got text to speech. I hope the price drops soon.

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Kindle/Kindle 2
Posted : 13 Apr, 2009 02:34 PM

The kindle has both its pros and cons.


Battery- The battery life is measured in days, not hours

Storage- Bring the entire library with you, up to 1,500 books

Wifi- You can purchase and download books wirelessly over any wireless network.

Eink- The display looks very much like a real book, eliminating eye strain common to other devices.


Price- $360 for a book reader? Seriously?

Books- Amazon engages in blatant gouging on the prices of the e-books. They do this banking on a poor understanding of technology on part of the customer.

DRM- After you have paid full price (or higher) on an electronic copy, (it costs them a few cents to copy books electronically) you cannot share it. You cannot sell it, you cannot loan it. It stays with your kindle and dies when it dies.


overpriced, but promising technology for the future.

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Kindle/Kindle 2
Posted : 6 Dec, 2009 12:17 AM

I personally dig the Kindle. I have a fair amount of technical resources on it and find it much easier on the eyes. It's a little pricey, but worth it.

I should also point out that you are not obligated to purchase from the Kindle store. If you have PDF books, for example, you can convert those. (I believe Kindle 2 just had an update making PDF books a native thing. I have the original Kindle, I don't know if that's an update or not or if we still have to use the "experimental" converter.) I like having the option though, and NO... you can make a backup of your stuff. (remember, the Kindle looks like a hard drive to Windows.) And I believe you can redownload stuff should your Kindle meet its untimely demise. :-)

DRM? Yes, I hate unreasonable DRM and the Kindle isn't for everyone. Might be worth looking into some of the competitors (i.e. Sony, B&N, etc.)

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