Author Thread: Spot in my heart for the X-Files

Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 15 Jul, 2008 01:59 AM

Its probably the filmmaker in me...the show was so groundbreaking in terms of scripts/plots, cinematography, and special effects. How many shows would we not have today had it not paved the way? CSI and Lost and many more. Some of the religious themes wavered between new ageyness and agnosticism at times but it must be given credit for at least posing the religious questions to an audience that had previously been lulled into not having to think at all...and with the ever-present symbolism of the cross, references to prayer, God being the higher power, and miracles exceeding the power of any threat that extra-terrestrials might pose - - smart sci-fi and good thriller entertainment without senseless gore and in the age before the formula for good TV had to include continual references to sex and drugs.

Whether you're a fan or not, it has most certainly woven its way into our pop culture. Come on, name a major magazine cover it wasn't on. And now they're making a new movie. Awesome.

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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 19 Jul, 2008 02:21 PM

Thank you for respecting my request.

Now...I'm not sure if there are any other fans lurking in the shadows but anyway, I was really impressed by the quality of shows they managed to pull off on such a tight production schedule.

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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 19 Jul, 2008 05:05 PM

I agree with you just because we are here not to critizie others but to be a light of His Love and show compassion and Love To All!!! I think sometimes people forget who is The HolySpirit and he does The Work..I mean people do The HolySpirit Job Of whatever He Wants To Do In Your Life!!! " I would never feel The Need To Judge you for you are My Sister In Christ!!!



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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 19 Jul, 2008 05:11 PM


I ment to say people feel The Need To Do The HolySpirit Job and beat things to The Ground In People Mind and think that will bring about HolyGhost Power...It does The Opposite Effective Justcause!!! Beating things to death shouldn't be a option in The Christian Mind!!! It where The Lord is calling us to be His Hands and To Be His Feet and how we demostrate that is important To Others!!!

~Your Sister In Chrsit~


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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 19 Jul, 2008 05:17 PM


I know everyone is intitled to their opionion..The Topic was Television Shows and usally people want other people to respond that has The Same Interest As Them!!! If I see a show that I am not interested in I leave it alone for why make a negative and unecessary comment when it not really going to make a postive conversation and something that wouldn't find me some enjoyment!!! So I would find something that would find me some enjoyment!!!

Stick to your enjoyment Deborah of a T.V Show You Like And Tell Us About It!!!


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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 19 Jul, 2008 05:32 PM


I just want to add we are sopose to be His Hands And His Feet and be a labor of His Love!!!

We are all Sisters In Christ

In His Love

Love One Another


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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 2 Aug, 2008 03:18 PM

Hi peaple,1st time in the forum,it's awesome to be part of a christian internet site.I was a big fan of the x-files although i didn't watch a lot of episodes because of my belief in GOD, I really liked the acters,THANKS FOR ALOWING ME TO BE HERE JON: GOD bless ::peace:

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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 2 Aug, 2008 07:06 PM

Well, I guess I'm going to go out on a limb....and...let the Holy Spirit lead me to the T. V. knob...I happen to like Science Fiction...I happen to like the X-Files because I have a curious, inquisitive nature. I am also fillied with the Holy Ghost and Fire ! If an episode is distasteful, just like a commercial, I have the option of turning the channel. That particular show didn't scare me or keep me up but if something was a little far fetched I just simply watched something else that night. Now soap operas would send me packing! We are all afraid of things in our lives. (I hate to fly...sweaty palms all the way there and back and I have to pray and not live in a state of fear because it is the opposite of faith) We have to turn fear over to God in what ever form it comes to us. We all do things that God wants us to avoid and He will speak to our hearts on a one on one basis. I appreciate the ministry of Joyce Meyers but my first loyalty is to God. I do agree that your mind can be a battlefield and that encompasses many things that are diverse to each individual. God is simply the author and finisher of our faith...may we let Him do his business. He is so much better at it than we are...To God be the glory forever and ever...Justcause....we love Him.


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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 8 Feb, 2010 05:14 PM

Mulder and Scully will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart. Everyone knew not to call me between 9 and 10 when X-Files was on.l I would not answer the phone.

I loved the movies where it showed they had gotten together. They always complemented each other so well. I miss the mystery of shows like this. You were always on the edge of your seat, wondering what was going to happen next and how it fit into the big scheme of things.

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Spot in my heart for the X-Files
Posted : 25 Oct, 2011 06:14 AM

I love the x-files. Its a vary unite show. One show that should be wached by everyone is "the way of the master". If you havet seen it, you should!!!

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