Author Thread: You're single now. What are your views on marriage?

You're single now. What are your views on marriage?
Posted : 22 Nov, 2010 03:22 AM

I recenty read a post on another site that was originated by a 20 something y/o young lady. She was asking what is marriage? Why do people get married? Why does it have to be a spiritual thing? Well, you get the idea. The responses she received were mostly from girls and guys in her age group. What astounded me about this was that these young people have such a distorted and cynical view on the sanctity of marriage. I had to ask myself what ARE we teaching our children about the marriage of two lives between a man and woman?

Some on CDFF have never been married, some are widows/widowers, some are separated, some are divorced. So I ask you, based on your experiences and your beliefs, what are your views on marriage? Has your past hurts and disappointments made you become "allergic" to the concept of ever marrying again? Do you think it's just a piece of paper that is viewed as a binding contract that you'd rather not venture into? Or do you believe in the union of two forgivers who can dedicate their love and their lives to becoming one flesh? A mutual understanding that you're both in it together, re-dedicating your life and your love for one another each and every day. Are you hoping to remarry someday or are you going to be satisfied with skirting the fringes with relationships that consist of weak commmittments?

Lots of questions, I know. But you get the general idea!

I'm just curious because I fear that my hopes and dreams of meeting, befriending, falling in love and ultimately marrying the right man may be an effort in futility.

Thanking you in advance foryour input.


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You're single now. What are your views on marriage?
Posted : 24 Nov, 2010 06:13 PM

Six views thus far and no one wants to respond. Hmmmm. Wonder what that says for the overall opinions on marriage.

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