Memories of My Mother
Posted : 1 May, 2010 06:32 PM
Memories of Mother are ever present in my thoughts during this time of year. One of the memories revolves around food because my mother was a great cook as many people have attested. One of the most relaxing and enjoyable times for me was when I placed my feet under my parents table to partake of a good home cooked meal prepared by my mother.
When I was a child, she always prepared a big breakfast every morning before my brothers and I left for school and a larger evening meal when we ate as a family with my father who was a pastor. I remember even as a child my mother always seemed to have something boiling or cooking on the stove. It wasn�t for me or my four brothers, but it was for the hungry. In a secluded little community at the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, a stopping off place for hobos, or the homeless as we call them today, riding the rails north and south, east and west, the parsonage was near the railroad yard and my mother fed many hungry, homeless men. ��Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.� (Mt. 25:40)
Another memory that I have of my mother is one revolving around music because my mother was a wonderful pianist. During the time I was young, there were no church orchestras or ensembles, just the pianist. My mother provided the music for singing and praise through many years of my father�s ministry. Some think that a pastor�s wife is very easy and a glamorous job but that is far from reality. Yet in the midst of all the tireless work providing a home to a busy pastor and five rambunctious boys, feeding the hungry, assisting my father in a daily radio program, directing the ladies ministries, teaching in Sunday School, my mother found time to teach approximately 30 students piano lessons on a weekly basis. Even in her senior years she continued to teach and play the piano.
Although gone now for many years, my mother still has a great, positive influence on my life. She recently came to me in a dream which I find very appropriate as we approach Mother�s Day. In the dream, I was in a house speaking with a man when I saw my mother walk out of a room into an adjoining kitchen area. I said to the man, �Do you see her? Do you see her?�
He answered, �Yes I see her, who is she?�
I replied, �It�s my mother.�
He asked, �Isn�t your mother dead?�
I said, �Yes, she is �����. or was.�
My mother then walked back into the other room and I followed asking, �Mother �..mother �.where have you been?�
She replied looking at me as if where do you think I�ve been, �I have been in heaven.�
I asked, �Is it real?�
She looked at me as if I were crazy to even ask the question and answered, �Yes.�
And then whether she or someone else I know not, but a voice said, �It is more than real����.it cannot be described.�
The scripture immediately came to my mind, �And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.� (Mt. 27:52-53) Also, the scripture saying, �For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:� (I Thes. 4:16)
Although in this post-modern age in which we live where the doctrines of universalism and preterism are prevalent, I wish no offense to your theology. And although I have no Biblical witness and I certainly would not want to insinuate a falsehood, could it be in the same manner before the rapture or coming of the Lord: Your loved ones in Christ will arise and you who remain will see them alive before being �caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.� (I Thes. 4:17)
I now have another memory of mother and she is reminding me and I am reminding you of the great and glorious day: the appearing of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, �the blessed hope.� (Titus 2:13)
What an appropriate message for Mother�s Day: the promise of a great gathering when we will all be together. Maybe your mother is as mine, no longer with you. However, God has placed spiritual mothers in your life although they can never take the place of your mother can still have a positive, Godly influence in your life. Why not celebrate them in memory of your mother? Why not visit mothers who have been forgotten and celebrate them in memory of your mother?
If your mother is living make a memory this Mother�s Day and be reminded of the promise: the great reunion day.
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