Author Thread: Change by the Unchangeable (750 words)

Change by the Unchangeable (750 words)
Posted : 9 Apr, 2010 08:08 PM

We describe change by elements of time. We have seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and etc. Time is a description of things in transition. So, we have the expression, �a change in time.� We note a change in seasons at respective times of the year. Also, we often change our minds. This is a description of an act of faith. A person begins to believe in God when they have changed their mind. The Greek word used in the original New Testament writings for belief is �pistis.� The word means persuasion as to the truthfulness of God and it is demonstrated through reliance upon Christ for salvation. So, when one is persuaded to the truth of God there is a change in their thinking. In some cases, it is almost a 180 degree turn truly magnifying the idea of a change of mind.

Too often people�s approach to God is to change God or change God�s mind. However, most often any approach to God results always in the change of the one coming to God rather than God being changed. The worshipper is always changed not the One worshipped, as demonstrated by the many examples in scripture. For we know that God does not change. He will be the same today as He was yesterday. He will be the same tomorrow as He was today. This is the one consistency in life especially when all other things are in transition and changing, we can trust that God never changes. Some things of God that do not change yet cause change in those that approach them:

1) His Way

Jesus said, �..I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.� (John 14:6) No matter what Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist, Jews, and others promote about their religions, their way is not the way or is not even a way. But if one is to come to God they must come by Christ�s Way. His way was Calvary. We all come the same way no matter what religions have influenced our lives. We must go by the way of Calvary and have the precious drops of the blood from the Son of God applied to our lives. They were shed to provide the way for all �whosoever will� to come to Him. As we do, we are changed into new creatures. Old things pass away and all things become new to the blood-wrought believer who knells at Calvary.

2) His Word

In John 17:17 the scripture says, �Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.� This is one of the greatest aspects of change. As we get more and more of God�s Word, we are changed more and more and set apart more and more. So, God�s Word does not change but we who appropriate God�s Word are changed by its timeless truths and enormous benefits of knowledge and wisdom.

3) His Worship

�O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness�.� (Psalms 96:9). More than once in scripture God says through the inspired writer that �He is holy.� This is one of the most basic non-changeable attributes of God, He is holy. He will never be anything else. Maybe one of your basic attributes is blue eyes. That will not change over your lifetime more than likely, and in similar manner, God in his holy nature will never change. Therefore, when we approach God in true worship we do not change God but we are changed and transformed by Him into more and more of His holy nature.

Therefore, change is not in the unchangeable God for the unchangeable God does not change. But change takes place when human kind approach God. Would it not be awesome if people would approach God�s Word with the anticipation of change in themselves rather than what they can learn. Or in worship, coming that God might change them, rather than hope of seeing some great event of signs and wonders. Or in consideration of God�s way, as the stupendous changing of men and women forever, never to be the same again, rather than some tally on a report form. Yes, there is change by the unchangeable through changing of the ones that approach an unchanging God. The promise is sure, �And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.� (Rev. 22:17) When one does, their residence will be changed from an earthly address to a heavenly residence and citizenship of the Holy City, New Jerusalem. And that is quite a change.

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