Author Thread: Work of Life

Work of Life
Posted : 30 Oct, 2011 05:32 AM

There was a minister who went to pastor a church in a certain city. He had a dream to see a great soul-winning church built for God. Every week he would challenge his congregation to go out and bring the lost to church, and he would preach and give an altar call. As the people saw their loved ones saved, their faith grew and they continued to bring even more unsaved people. During special services as many as one hundred would accept Christ, and the church was growing. Then one day the pastor read a survey that stated eighty percent of the unconverted will not go to church under any circumstance. Therefore he concluded, if they refuse to come to the church, the church must go get them! So, he began a program of going to the lost and that church became a great soul-winning church just as he dreamed.

When we apply this same principle to our lives and church, then we see a very important concept develop. Our opportunities are unlimited when we go to the lost because our audience is limited only to the number of people living in our generation. When we stay in the church our audience is limited to the number of people that come to church. But when we go outside the walls of the church, our audience is limited only to the number of people in the world which for all practical purposes means that our opportunities are unlimited.

Jesus said �the harvest is truly plenteous�..� He must have been referring to the harvest outside the walls of the church because the harvest inside the walls of the church is very limited and few in numbers. Personal evangelism is truly the work of the harvest since it allows great opportunities in the fields of humanity. According to statistics, there are more people that are won by personal evangelism than by any other means. We must revive this effective evangelism of the world. The church must be revived to this means of evangelism, so our world will be awakened and enlightened to the Lord Jesus Christ - which is truly a great work of life.

��.but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.� (Matthew 9.37-38)

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Work of Life
Posted : 28 Nov, 2011 12:32 PM

laborers are it not amazing how many will dedicate their lives to careers,church functions,bible studies,outreaches,charitable works,prayer groups,educations,hobbies,fitness,spouse's,Family?


How could We ever prepare for a harvest until we get down to the true work of life,and till up the fallow ground,over treaded pathways,and rocky areas of Our own hearts,We have no fertile soil for the word of GOD to grow in?

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