Author Thread: Joe Biden is the president of a bankrupt organization

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Joe Biden is the president of a bankrupt organization
Posted : 2 Sep, 2024 05:57 PM

Joe Biden is the president of a bankrupt organization.

The purpose of me writing this note is simple...I am currently not being allowed to get up and walk out on the horrible movie. I can not exit the movie theater by myself, what needs to happen is a large number of audiance member need to first realize that they have bought a movie ticket to a 'psycho movie' then we can all leave the theater together.

Over the past at least 4 years we have witnessed some strange anomalies. Perhaps if viewed as an isolated event people could shrug off these occurrences (like if you find the occasional cigarette butt at the end of your driveway it could mean any number of things, however if you find a pile of cigarette butts every other day then you can no longer consider the findings a random occurrence.)

So the fact that Joe Biden 'ran' for president largely from his basement...that is like finding one cigarette butt.

(Of course in this note I am only going to highlight a handful of 'cigarette butts. However a person would have little problem finding thousands of 'cigarette butts' at the end of Joe Bidens driveway)

From the start of the 'presidency' the man did not seem legit. He rode a "knock off plane" to the inauguration.

Of course a big clue to me is the media keeps pointing out weird circumstances surrounding Joe Biden and at the end of there statement they say 'but that means nothing!'

If we just look at the evidence that is being presented then a person might come to the conclusion that Joe Biden is acting like he is riding an actual horse when the evidence points to the fact that Joey is sitting on a toy horse. Do you think that it is possible that the financial institution know as Dun & Bradstreet consider Joe Biden as the president of a business

I am not talking about the legitimate government of The United States, rather I am talking about the united states corporation...the corporation has become bankrupt! Why else would a sane person not know how to handle an invading Veniusula gang?

-The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here but nobody is helping the Americans that are trapped in these apartment complexes-

Its simple if gang members are threatening American citizens, the government needs to do there job and remove the bad guys...however the corporate government (the government that Joey and Kamala are part of) does not rally the troops because thoes two do not have any real authority!

Here is what is going to happen by the 13th of September 2024...massive amounts of Americans are going to figure just how worthless the fake corporate government is!

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