Thank You for talking about this subject. Poverty/Homelessness/Food insecurity is a subject that is near to my heart. Its true that Joey Biden's economy did not help to fix the problem, however allow me to point out that Joey is just the one of the faces of the problem (its like saying that Joey is just the tip of the iceberg) A person is only able to see about 1/3 of the iceberg. The majority of the ice burg is floating below the surface.
The words poverty and inflation are made up words, when people say that inflation is crazy high...what is actually being said is "someone is stealing the money!" Trust me when I say that 100 years ago the cow had to work just as hard as a cow does today. In 1924 a gallon of milk cost 54 cents...100 years later a gallon of milk cost about $3.85! Someone devised a plan to steal $3.31 from every person that bought a gallon of milk and Joey O-Biden helped thoes thieves steal your money. But who are the thieves?
The dollar is just a receipt. When you go to the store and buy a shirt, the dollar is like the attached price tag. If you have a a whole shoe box full of ticket-stubs and price tags/receipts (well congratulations but the stash is nearly worthless).
By looking at the last chart (on the following webpage) we can see that the federal reserve was created in 1913
In 1913 the federal reserve opened a store. Ordinary people went into that store and bought a gold coin. The gold coins had a price tag attached to them (the tag that was attached to the gold coin was the dollar that we know today). So people bought the gold coins with the money that they had.
When the federal reserve first started selling the gold coins, a person was able to trade a treasury note that was worth 1 dollar and they would receive a federal reserve recipe that they could exchange for a bit of gold.
As the chart shows, in 1913 the receipts that the federal reserve was handing out could be redeemed for 1 dollar worth of gold. But over the next 10 years "inflation eroded the integrity of the receipts". By about 1923 a person could still exchange the federal reserve receipts for gold, except the amount of gold that the ticket-stub was worth had been cut in half. In the ten years that followed 1923, the federal reserve store was still issuing receipts but there was a change in someones attitude because the fed store decided that they were going to stop lying to people and stealing half of the value of the receipt.
In the first 100 years of operation, the federal reserve store cheated people out of 95% of there purchase. As of 2024, the big steal went to almost 97%. That means that the federal reserve store was still passing out the same receipts but the owners of the federal reserve store are only allowing people to exchange there receipts for a small fraction worth of gold. (Owning an amount of gold is a nice idea, but the major takeaway is that the federal reserve is selling air.) Instead of selling a nice shirt or something of value...the fed store are passing out containers of air! However the reason why gold is esteemed so highly is largely a social construct.
At any rate the federal reserve is basically a group of con. artists that designed 'the federal reserve economy. Politicians and other policy makers often do things to make inflation go up. The federal reserve system was designed to cheat people out of all of there money. Eventually instead of handing out a small container of air that is wrapped in golden colored tin foil, maby the fed store will start passing out big barrels of air.
You might think 'Wont the federal reserve get injured when the ponzy scheme goes to zero?' In theory no...the plan has always been for the federal reserve to steal as much value as possible then they will cause a war. Unfortunatly war is a big money maker.
However, the crazy people in the fed will only be able to continue to enslave a percentage of the people. I am going to talk a bit about an alternative economy that I am designing. I sometimes call the alternative economy "The Snap Economy". The economy is named for what I am going to do to the backbone of the federal reserves system of control. Currently many people do not have an opportunity to escape the control economy of the federal reserve. When snap economies are established I believe that life will become more manageable for many people. However until snap economies are established a person can easily use the barter system.
An example of a barter arrangement is a carpenter who builds a fence for a farmer. Instead of the farmer paying the builder $1,000 in cash, the farmer could instead recompense the carpenter with $1,000 worth of crops or foodstuffs. My dad has done carpentry work and as a payment he an accountant filled out the tax form, my family has bartered with a gardener in exchange for some meat. A couple times I bartered with a lady that owned a thrift store I would give her some items that I no longer needed and in exchange I would receive some in store credit
Although bartering/trading is useful in a number of situations using the barter system sometimes has its limitations. Even though the barter economy is not able to be used in every situation, it sure beats using a controlled economic system that is obviously designed to rob people.