Author Thread: goverment over-reach

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goverment over-reach
Posted : 28 Jun, 2024 04:08 PM

When small businesses are allowed to prosper...then things start improving. A large percentage of Americans are employed by small businesses. (For example say that a guy works in the construction industry, that guys boss has placed a bid on a job and the boss pays his employes out of the money. So the boss might make $400,000 per year on paper but after the boss pays for equipment rentals, permitt fees, and his 3 employes that boss might only take home $90,000.) The 'plan' of the democrats is to look at the $400,000 and tax the snot out of that guy. Common scence tells us that somethings got to give and the permitt fees might not go the question becomes 'who is going to loose money?'

On top of that under most circumstances small businesses are the 'life blood' of a small town. Normally small business owners are the type of people that care about the when the democrats want to place more of a burden on small businesses...well the democrats want to put our communities in a 'death spirial'!

So when maga canidates talk about cutting taxes (which will reduce red tape) and it will incentiveise small business to expand, which will mean that suddenly the grocery store is seeing $10,000 more per month being spent there. When the decision is made to reduce taxes/red tape then an upward spirial is created.

I do not know if some people realize it but communism, marxism, socialism, democratic soilcism

All political philosophies are arguing how big of a hole should be drilled in the boat. This political philosophy might claim that a 5/8 inch drill bit should be used to punch a hole in the boat, while some other radical philosophy might want to use a drill bit that is a foot acrost (I guess if I was forced to choose then I would prefer that an ultra small hole was drilled into the boat)

Drilling a hole in the boat, or a policy that creats red tape, or the idea of raising taxes and hiring a goverment official to create an aid program...its all the same. Its a race to the bottom (thats what a death spiral is). If a certain political party creats more red tape then the other political party, the public might get tricked into supporting the idea of 'more red tape' but the only monitary policy that does not lead to a death spiral is "free market"

-The following article talks about the difference between a free market (a market that the government is not allowed to control) and the regulated market-

The guys that wrote the following article, they approached the subject in there own way.

But the simple truth is that the last 6 of the "Ten Commandments" teach people how to properly deal with other peoples stuff. Ecconomics also teaches people how to properly deal with other peoples stuff.

It is sort of easy connection to understand why some of our founding fathers said things like:

John Adams, observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

James Madison wrote that our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government,” otherwise, “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.”

To briefly recap a individual with moral values generaly holds the ten commandments with a bit of respect. The main bulk of the Ten Commandments are designed to teach people how to respect other peoples stuff. If a person can not follow a bit more than half of the ten commandments, then that person is a few fries short of a happy meal or as Allen Dershwich recently stated 'we are a few bananas shy of being a banana republic'

If you want this country to become a banna republic or dont care then vote for a democrat, all others vote for make America great again cannidates. Here is the list that President Trum lists

But you guys are on the ground and are needing to determine the quality of people that live somewhat near you, so your list of good guys to elect might be diffrent than the list that President Trump put out.

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