Author Thread: WWIII

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Posted : 19 Jun, 2024 09:58 AM

Posting world conflicts on the increase

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Posted : 19 Jun, 2024 02:42 PM

It needs to be understood that there are good and bad actors inside of every government. I am not certain if the good or bad actors in the Chinese government rammed the ship of good or bad actors in the Philippians Government.

However I would like to mention some of the issues that I do know. The bad actors that are inside of nearly every government, they are crazy as in criminally put them in a straight jacket inside of a padded cell because they are a threat to everyone!

I will begin the story in the 1800's just to show that we are dealing with the kind of crazy people that keep trying to climb into the Captains chair. The crazy people are the ones that control banking institutions. Sometime in the 1800's president Andrew Jackson finaly was able to break up the crazy bank. (At that time I think that the crazies were calling the banking system something like the second bank of america.) But by maby the 1900's the crazy people wanted back in the control tower. Some very wealthy men stood up and apposed the plan of the crazies, so the crazies invited the opposition on a luxury cruise. The cruise was directed out into the ocean and the ship was sunk. Now that the major opposition was out of the way, the crazies were able to restart their money laundering scheme. The money laundering scheme is know as "the federal reserve" (you know it was named by a crazy person because it aint federal and there is no reserve the...but the phony name is part of the trick) You might be wondering about the boat that the crazies was called the Titanic.

In 1913 (when the crazies created 'the federal reserve') imagine that the dollar had a golden coin attached to it, today the crazy bank still produces the dollar...but they stole the gold coin.

I assume that people understand that when dealing with a con artist, things need to be continually switched up. If everything was left alone or if things moved slowely....then people would catch onto the con, so the crazies moved things fast. I think in 1941, the crazes made some sort of deal concerning the dollar...they called it the brettian-wood agreement. Then in the 1970's they made an agreement called the petro-dollar. The petrodollar agreement basically told Saudiaraibia that the U.S. military would protect the country for free but in return Saudiarabaibia had to make sure that oil was only bought and sold with u.s dollars.

Remember how we were talking about how the con artist needs to be able to be in control of how fast things are moved around? Well The crazy bankers had a plan that went like this... 8 years of there puppet named Obama, and immediately after Obama was supposed to be Hillary Clinton. The crazy people had already set a timeline! Its like the dominoes had already been set up, they had a scheduled that they needed to keep!

I did not like the schedule, and I am proud to announce that I cried foul and nobody would listen to me...except GOD! More proud am I to say that almost as soon as I saw the answer that GOD was sending I switched my support to president Trump. Basicly what I am saying is that Trump messed up the timing of the crazy con men.

I forget the exact date (but many people know the disaster that I speak of) Remember after 20 years of the military doing stuff in the middle east, Joey O-Biden said let stop everything immediately. So a couple of billion dollars worth of equipment was left behind...worse yet...we kind of stabbed people in the back by abandoning people so quickly. In and of itself the situation was bad, but lets look at the message that was being broadcast. I imagine that Saudi-arabia was thinking 'why are we relying on such a feckless administration to help defend us'

The crazy bankers have crazy friends all over the world, and now that the timing of the crazy con artists has been disrupted new alliances are being made. If the crazy people were to have there way then their would be a massive conflict with lots of chaos, so register to vote, vote for MAGA canadates (because elements of the crazy bankers also try to get elected)

Learn to live simply! Learn to grow your food. There are many foods that a person can grow...just make sure the plants are "heirloom seeds" which means that you can regrow the seeds that the plant produces. I would recommend that you grow 'Chinese String eggplant' But there is a lot of heirloom seeds that a person can grow. Also buy a high quality water filtration unit.

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Posted : 19 Jun, 2024 07:03 PM

Wars and rumors of wars,

but WWIII will surely come.

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